Monday, June 28, 2010

Mr. T and a REALLY cool shield

Have anyone ever noticed that Mr. T looks like a Buffy-vampire with it's teeth out?

We played D&D yesterday, and Frain got new attacks and abilities. We got pre-made characters, so yesterday me and V got to pick some new attacks that we liked better. It's cool to be a tank, but it always means that I have to stand right next to the monsters to be able to attack, so I needed some ranged attack, which I got. Which was cool^^,
We went on a quest behind or maybe in an enchanted cabin. We killed some icky desert thingies, and two dragons. And we leveled up the team, so we are all lvl 2 now, people.^^.

The DM got us some cool new gear (which we hoarded for ourselves of course, finder's-winner, right?XP)
So I got a REALLY cool shield. Which was named a REALLY cool shield for quite some time, until the DM could figure out what it was, and it was really cool. It makes me able to move full-speed over water, and not sink or drown,^^,
I love my really cool shield<3<3

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