Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fake your beauty

For some reason society want girls to look natural, but not be natural.
We should dye or bleach our hair. Dye our eyebrows and eyelashes. Curl and straighten. Wearing self-tan and bronzer is for some reason nicer than actually being tan. Make up is very important, but you need to look as if you aren't actually wearing any.
Breast implants and botox and lipo-suction are made to look as natural as possible. These days flattening out your wrinkles is frowned upon, because the thing to do is inject fat under your skin to make it look plumper, smoother and, you guessed it, more natural.
In this day and age anorexia and bulimia are looked upon as something awful, but we plaster larger-than-life posters of H&M models, whose thighs don't actually meet when they stand straight on every relatively flat surface. Mothers are hated on, because it is their need to feel beautiful that are befouling the minds of their daughters, making them think they aren't good enough. I say people wrong, it's not the mothers, it's the society. It's media hating on the girl with a half a kilo extra, the girl with bags under her eyes, the girl with large pores, or bumps or blemishes, with limp hair, or hair with the wrong colour or length, or texture or shape.
Everyone always hates on the skinny girls in the commercials. But what about the hair fixer-upper commercials? Or skin-miracle commercials? Or the make-your-self-beautiful commercials, who proclaims that their product contains 35% more beauty with every stroke? Or the shows about how to make yourself look 10 years younger? Have anyone but me noticed that the way to look 10 years younger takes at least 2 operations and brand new porcelain teeth?
Because we will never be good enough the way we are. We will always weigh 3 pounds too much and have the wrong hair and wrong skin tone and wrong face. So lay down on the table dahling, let me nip and tuck you. Let me fix your hair and your body and your face. And when you are done there will always be one more thing.
Ladies. Get ready. Let's fake our beauty!

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