Friday, April 9, 2010

Why South Korea ROCKS MY PANTS!!!!

Forget about super groups. You can take any fifteen guys and have them dance any day, I will never be impressed by anything less than a couple hundred inmates dancing at once EVER AGAIN.
South Korea just plain ROCKS!!!!

Okey, so I am so scared of zombies I am sometimes afraid to go out when it's dark, so the intro to this one freaked me out. I am seriously cold-sweating and shaking right now, and I skipped it once I saw the twitching walking men. Yeah, just laugh, I am used to it. God, my heart is beating right out of my chest O.o
But: It's Michael Jackson!

Took the video down. You can find it yourself if you need to see it. It was Thriller performed by the same inmates that did the video above.

And in case you wonder, I skip every Weregeek story line with zombies, if recurring zombie characters appear in anything, I stop reading or watching whatever it is.
Reapers can make my scream, and I have recurring nightmares about them.
I have to cover my eyes if I walk past Sense and sensebilities and Zombies in a bookstore.
My chest hurts right now, because I was stupid enough to not switch the thriller video off and I accidentally switched over to it. Luckily I have flashblock thou, so even thou you can enjoy the inmates being zombies I can just not load it.
I wil probably take it doen when I get home thou.

And yes, I know damned well that Reapers are not Zombies, but they are alike enough that I freak out if I am a little fragile that day.

Seriously, the cover of Shawn of the Dead scare the heck out of me.

Aaaaaand, I am babling, that si how freaked I am right now.

And M, I am so grateful that you are taking the zombies out of the D&D, you have no idea. I got scared just talking about them that night. I am not exagerating here.
Just the idea of zombies freak me out. So thank you.

And whoever shows up to any Halloween party I might hold as a zombie won't even be let in until they go home and change.

Seriouly... My hands are shaking.

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