So, what I like to do is find a webcomic that has been running for a couple of years, and thus have a great big archive, and then I read the entire archive.
So Something Positive have updated just about daily since since the middle of 2001 I think. And I just finished the archive.
I have been reading it for a couple of months now.
It starts out really dark and depressing, because the artist-writer was in a real bad life situation, but it get a lot better about a year in, and now he lives off of the comic.
What I really like about it, is that one shot-characters and some of the really unlikeable characters get lasting parts in series, and become human.
Like Mike, or Kharisma, both of which were really nasty characters in the beginning now are really great characters. Mike has even joined the main cast=D
And you get really sad when characters die or get written out, because you really care about them.
One of the things I really like, is that the characters age. Their timeline follows the actual year, and if you go back and look at old strips you can see the characters have gotten visibly older, which I guess must be a hard thing to do, since just about no one else does this.
So you should really go read it!
Something Positive can be found here
Tinkerbell's blog for all things pink and fluffy. And some things that aren't...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The super short post about nothing
Just a super-short quick update using a school computer before I go home.
Wikipedia rules! I have had problems with some of the things in Philosofy, like a prioro and Kant and such. And then I got the magnificient idea to look it up on wikipedia. And what do you know, there was an explantion I actullay understood. Ha! I love the interwebs!
About the nailpolish. On a normal day there would have been chippage by now. There's not. It's only been around 8-10 hours, but it is already showing signs of promise=D Yay!
If I manage to locate it I might embed the video where I got the tip. If I can be bothered.
And also, I really want SugarPill make-up. It's sooooo purdy.
(Am I slightly turning into a bimbo lately, or is it just me?XP)
Wikipedia rules! I have had problems with some of the things in Philosofy, like a prioro and Kant and such. And then I got the magnificient idea to look it up on wikipedia. And what do you know, there was an explantion I actullay understood. Ha! I love the interwebs!
About the nailpolish. On a normal day there would have been chippage by now. There's not. It's only been around 8-10 hours, but it is already showing signs of promise=D Yay!
If I manage to locate it I might embed the video where I got the tip. If I can be bothered.
And also, I really want SugarPill make-up. It's sooooo purdy.
(Am I slightly turning into a bimbo lately, or is it just me?XP)
Lazy mornings
So I start school and I am spending the morning putting polish on my nails to see if nail polish really do last longer on buffed nails.
(Random Oh my gosh! moment before I write further: Spotify censors songs!!!!O.o I was very in the mood for angry bopping music, so I put on F*ck You by Lily Allen. There's a freakin' horse whinny in stead of the f-word. And a kitty mewing!O.o And toy like sounds! O.o Holy spoing!)
So, about the nails.
I saw this video on youtube last week (I think) about how nail polish can easily last for up to a week if you buff your nails before you put it on, no base or top coat or anything.
I love wearing nail polish, it's just about the only beauty I ever bother to do, but when my nails start chipping before I've even had it on for a day, that kind of takes the fun out of it. Let's face it, nail polish is a hassle to apply. And any base or top coats that are actually worth having are placed very firmly out of my price range. But if this works as well as the youtube blogger said it does, then I will definitely start painting my nails at a regular basis again.
Her claim is that the nail polish lasts for around 7 days with out major chippage (there will always be a little on the edges), no base or top coat necessary.
I am gonna try to remember to post an update next week to tell you if it worked.
But in the mean time I can tell you how it works. You take a nail buffer, I bought mine for 20 NOK (arund 3.50 USD) at my local super market. She had a 10 or 20 dollar Revlon, but I honestly think she would have traded it for mine any dayXP the reason for this that hers was basically an oversized nail file, with the buffers on the side. Which basically means that if you slip you get deep hashes in you nails from the file (I have had one of these earlier), which is just fugly beyond belief.
Now, my buffer is a sort of long foam cube sort of. (Bad explanation I know. Sorry=/ ) It has a file on one side and the three buffer steps (buff, smooth and shine) on the other three sides. And you basically runs them back and forth over your nail, and this makes them smooth and purdy.
Actually if you want to you can just do the three buffer steps, and leave it at that. It's gonna make your nails look like you have a coat of clear polish on the, all smooth and shiny.
And then you simply apply your polish on top, and this is supposed last you about a week. So check back in a week and I will tell you if it works. (For me that is, unless she was lying it obviously worked for her.)
In the mean time I have given on miss Lily and is now listening to all of the most aggressively bopping surreal songs of Bertine Zetlitz=D
Have I mentioned I love Spotify? I hate that they put two to three commercials about every five to ten minutes. No, I don't want to lose all my money at an online casino, no matter how much Spotify premium this buys me. *grumble grumble*
I am currently in the process of building E&L's drunk singalong playlist=D (Entitled "Songs for misunderstood happy crazy evil people".) If I feel like it maybe I'll share. MaybeXP
It's got such wonders as "The curse of Milhaven" and "Death death devil devil evil evil song"=D
Great fun for cute crazy evil drunk girlsXP
I am an amazing drunk singerXP Or rather, when I get drunk I don't care that I suck. Yes minsin, I know I suck at singing, but we should go drunken karaoke once, you, me, L and M=D And I can embarrass you all with my singing skillsXP Doesn't that sound like fun?XP
And then she had written away her morningXP
Well well, I better get dressed and go to school. All happy fun learning time=D
Love y'all=D
(Random Oh my gosh! moment before I write further: Spotify censors songs!!!!O.o I was very in the mood for angry bopping music, so I put on F*ck You by Lily Allen. There's a freakin' horse whinny in stead of the f-word. And a kitty mewing!O.o And toy like sounds! O.o Holy spoing!)
So, about the nails.
I saw this video on youtube last week (I think) about how nail polish can easily last for up to a week if you buff your nails before you put it on, no base or top coat or anything.
I love wearing nail polish, it's just about the only beauty I ever bother to do, but when my nails start chipping before I've even had it on for a day, that kind of takes the fun out of it. Let's face it, nail polish is a hassle to apply. And any base or top coats that are actually worth having are placed very firmly out of my price range. But if this works as well as the youtube blogger said it does, then I will definitely start painting my nails at a regular basis again.
Her claim is that the nail polish lasts for around 7 days with out major chippage (there will always be a little on the edges), no base or top coat necessary.
I am gonna try to remember to post an update next week to tell you if it worked.
But in the mean time I can tell you how it works. You take a nail buffer, I bought mine for 20 NOK (arund 3.50 USD) at my local super market. She had a 10 or 20 dollar Revlon, but I honestly think she would have traded it for mine any dayXP the reason for this that hers was basically an oversized nail file, with the buffers on the side. Which basically means that if you slip you get deep hashes in you nails from the file (I have had one of these earlier), which is just fugly beyond belief.
Now, my buffer is a sort of long foam cube sort of. (Bad explanation I know. Sorry=/ ) It has a file on one side and the three buffer steps (buff, smooth and shine) on the other three sides. And you basically runs them back and forth over your nail, and this makes them smooth and purdy.
Actually if you want to you can just do the three buffer steps, and leave it at that. It's gonna make your nails look like you have a coat of clear polish on the, all smooth and shiny.
And then you simply apply your polish on top, and this is supposed last you about a week. So check back in a week and I will tell you if it works. (For me that is, unless she was lying it obviously worked for her.)
In the mean time I have given on miss Lily and is now listening to all of the most aggressively bopping surreal songs of Bertine Zetlitz=D
Have I mentioned I love Spotify? I hate that they put two to three commercials about every five to ten minutes. No, I don't want to lose all my money at an online casino, no matter how much Spotify premium this buys me. *grumble grumble*
I am currently in the process of building E&L's drunk singalong playlist=D (Entitled "Songs for misunderstood happy crazy evil people".) If I feel like it maybe I'll share. MaybeXP
It's got such wonders as "The curse of Milhaven" and "Death death devil devil evil evil song"=D
Great fun for cute crazy evil drunk girlsXP
I am an amazing drunk singerXP Or rather, when I get drunk I don't care that I suck. Yes minsin, I know I suck at singing, but we should go drunken karaoke once, you, me, L and M=D And I can embarrass you all with my singing skillsXP Doesn't that sound like fun?XP
And then she had written away her morningXP
Well well, I better get dressed and go to school. All happy fun learning time=D
Love y'all=D
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tinkerbell writesO.o
So I had this idea when I was walking to my class yesterday, (and this is the reason why I LOVE my huge memory on my cellphone,) so I wrote it down, and I would lie to share.
I am gonna apologize to my international readers thou, I have not translated it. I am not sure that I am going to, but if I do I will post that as well. If anyone wanna give it a shot (and I like your translation) I will post it, and give you credit and whatever. But I want post it by default, I am gonna need to like your translation and feel that it has translated the feeling of the text.
So here goes:
flokken min
studenter er flokkdyr
vi flokker mot forelesningene
gjetet dit av løftet om kunnskap
løftet om lærdom
vi er en flokk og lærdom er vår gjeterhund
om ettermiddagen blir vi gjetet
til kaféene og spisesalene med et løfte om mat
og i helgene blir vi gjetet
til utestedene og festene med et løfte om gøy
vi bælmer øl og nikker til musikken
neste i unison
vi er en saueflokk
som higer etter kunnskapen
som skal gi oss grunnlaget
til å skape en bedre imorgen
kanskje for hele verden
kanskje bare for oss selv
men vet dere én ting
kjære medsauer
kjære studentflokken min?
hele våre liv vil vi lengte tilbake til våre glade studentdager
hvorfor kjempe for en bedre imorgen
når våre beste dager skjer akkurat nå?
la oss nyte idag
og bekymre oss for imorgen
ja nettopp
Yeah, so it's not supposed to be anti-study or anything, it's just that a lot of students get so hung up on getting good grades and being well prepared for the life that comes after that they forget to enjoy what is happening right now.
These are supposed to be the best years of our lives, and we need to enjoy them as such I think, or we will regret it painfully when they are over.
Good grades are still alpha and omega thou. You'll need them for later. Multitasking people! Have fun AND get good grades! Getting good grades is fun! WoooXD
I am gonna apologize to my international readers thou, I have not translated it. I am not sure that I am going to, but if I do I will post that as well. If anyone wanna give it a shot (and I like your translation) I will post it, and give you credit and whatever. But I want post it by default, I am gonna need to like your translation and feel that it has translated the feeling of the text.
So here goes:
flokken min
studenter er flokkdyr
vi flokker mot forelesningene
gjetet dit av løftet om kunnskap
løftet om lærdom
vi er en flokk og lærdom er vår gjeterhund
om ettermiddagen blir vi gjetet
til kaféene og spisesalene med et løfte om mat
og i helgene blir vi gjetet
til utestedene og festene med et løfte om gøy
vi bælmer øl og nikker til musikken
neste i unison
vi er en saueflokk
som higer etter kunnskapen
som skal gi oss grunnlaget
til å skape en bedre imorgen
kanskje for hele verden
kanskje bare for oss selv
men vet dere én ting
kjære medsauer
kjære studentflokken min?
hele våre liv vil vi lengte tilbake til våre glade studentdager
hvorfor kjempe for en bedre imorgen
når våre beste dager skjer akkurat nå?
la oss nyte idag
og bekymre oss for imorgen
ja nettopp
Yeah, so it's not supposed to be anti-study or anything, it's just that a lot of students get so hung up on getting good grades and being well prepared for the life that comes after that they forget to enjoy what is happening right now.
These are supposed to be the best years of our lives, and we need to enjoy them as such I think, or we will regret it painfully when they are over.
Good grades are still alpha and omega thou. You'll need them for later. Multitasking people! Have fun AND get good grades! Getting good grades is fun! WoooXD
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I HATE technology!
So I have cats, right? And cats have absolutely NO respect for the personal space of computers. This is common knowledge, this is why we have anti cat-typing software. But I you should think an effing laptop would be able to handle a little bump.
So one of my kitties takes a stroll over the laptop and now the darned thing has convinced itself I HAVE NO HARD-DISC!
So now I have essentially, a month old, 7000NOK, sticker covered paperweight!
So Acer is crap! My Dell took much harder use than this and she NEVER did this. Boyfriend is frantically trying to fix her, but there's only so much he can do without voiding the warranty.
And on top of that I have not gotten around to back-up yet, which means that all of my notes, a lot of unpublished poetry, the entire first chapter of a book I want to write, basically everything I have written since I got her, just poof... Gone!
Yeah, I know, you should back everything up every day, but I just never get around to it. Which is stupid of me and my own fault, but you should think a laptop would last longer then a freakin' month!
I will update when I know more.
I hate my cats right now=(
So one of my kitties takes a stroll over the laptop and now the darned thing has convinced itself I HAVE NO HARD-DISC!
So now I have essentially, a month old, 7000NOK, sticker covered paperweight!
So Acer is crap! My Dell took much harder use than this and she NEVER did this. Boyfriend is frantically trying to fix her, but there's only so much he can do without voiding the warranty.
And on top of that I have not gotten around to back-up yet, which means that all of my notes, a lot of unpublished poetry, the entire first chapter of a book I want to write, basically everything I have written since I got her, just poof... Gone!
Yeah, I know, you should back everything up every day, but I just never get around to it. Which is stupid of me and my own fault, but you should think a laptop would last longer then a freakin' month!
I will update when I know more.
I hate my cats right now=(
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Money won't make you happy
But it sure ain't easy being happy without it...
Yeah, so I had to choose between buying a hamper and a book that I have been waiting for for a year. Big effing deal right?
I just wish I didn't have to consider for an eternity every time I wanted something.
And these days I don't want much. I can think of one thing I want for my birthday. One!
I want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the sky. And that's kind of it. And I can't really wish for that either 'cos it cost a minimum of 399 NOK (about 70 USD), and that's a lot of money.
And this book I will buy when I get money next week. Or maybe not. It's not like I have time to read anyway.
I am so behind on my classes right now, I am constantly stressed out. Not that studying help anyway apparently. I flunked my Japanese exam. By 15 freakin' points. 15! Out of 400.
I did the math. A passing test required 60% right answers. I was 3,75% off. Whopdeeffin'do!
No! Bad Tinkerbell! Happy blog!
Aaaaaand, Tinkerbell is all out of happy...=(
I am just tired, that's all, I am sure=j
Yeah, so I had to choose between buying a hamper and a book that I have been waiting for for a year. Big effing deal right?
I just wish I didn't have to consider for an eternity every time I wanted something.
And these days I don't want much. I can think of one thing I want for my birthday. One!
I want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the sky. And that's kind of it. And I can't really wish for that either 'cos it cost a minimum of 399 NOK (about 70 USD), and that's a lot of money.
And this book I will buy when I get money next week. Or maybe not. It's not like I have time to read anyway.
I am so behind on my classes right now, I am constantly stressed out. Not that studying help anyway apparently. I flunked my Japanese exam. By 15 freakin' points. 15! Out of 400.
I did the math. A passing test required 60% right answers. I was 3,75% off. Whopdeeffin'do!
No! Bad Tinkerbell! Happy blog!
Aaaaaand, Tinkerbell is all out of happy...=(
I am just tired, that's all, I am sure=j
Monday, February 15, 2010
Facebook is Evol (or rather Facebook apps are)
You want the complete list of Facebook apps that I play every single day? No? I don't think I care, you're gettin' it anyway
I play:
Restaurant city (where I have completed 30% of all my dishes and rank level 52)
Pet Society (where I collect upwards of 5000 Paw Points a day and in this writing moment rank level 28)
Country Story (where I have eleven 100% complete trophies and rank level 31)
Farm Ville
Fish Ville
Café World
Castle Age
Vampire Wars
Some days I also play:
Pet Ville
Island Paradise
Walk for the Cure (great game. You buy real life cancer research time by playing. Go play now!!!)
Pirates Rule the Caribbean
And people wonder why I never seem to get anything done?
I can spend several hours a day on these games. It's almost horrendous. I have to grab myself by the neck and go sit somewhere far away from my laptop if I am ever gonna get any studying done.
But I have gotten better at that thou. I studied until I literally was so tired the book made absolutely no sense to me. Yay me=D
Oh well, I better go somewhere else and study a bit more. I have thirty pages of linguistics to read for tomorrows lecture... Woooo....
I play:
Restaurant city (where I have completed 30% of all my dishes and rank level 52)
Pet Society (where I collect upwards of 5000 Paw Points a day and in this writing moment rank level 28)
Country Story (where I have eleven 100% complete trophies and rank level 31)
Farm Ville
Fish Ville
Café World
Castle Age
Vampire Wars
Some days I also play:
Pet Ville
Island Paradise
Walk for the Cure (great game. You buy real life cancer research time by playing. Go play now!!!)
Pirates Rule the Caribbean
And people wonder why I never seem to get anything done?
I can spend several hours a day on these games. It's almost horrendous. I have to grab myself by the neck and go sit somewhere far away from my laptop if I am ever gonna get any studying done.
But I have gotten better at that thou. I studied until I literally was so tired the book made absolutely no sense to me. Yay me=D
Oh well, I better go somewhere else and study a bit more. I have thirty pages of linguistics to read for tomorrows lecture... Woooo....
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Death Death Devil Devil Evil Evil Song
Yeah, when me and L gets drunk we're gonna sing this as loud as we can, terribly off-key XD Bring on the Rum! Let's get drunk pirate style XD
Friday, February 12, 2010
Why do they insist on ruining their country?
Okey, I generally make a rule of not commenting about politics in this blog. Rather not stick my head in a beehive so to speak. But watch this:
Unfortunately the embedding link was broken. Please click this link instead. Or else you won't get the rest of the blogpost. Sorry.
So, they do have a working universal health care system in the USA? Apparently they do.
They do have a place in the US where they want to take care of all their citizens and make sure they have a happy healthy life without having to ruin themselves to get it.
You saw that woman talking about how poor they were for not knowing the benefits of a privately run health care system. Well, a couple of days ago Anthem Blue Cross upped their Premiums by 39%. That is of course on top of their upping last year of 68%.
Just take a look:
Why, Americans, are you so insistent that your country need to be run in to a financial ruin? The Second Great Depression isn't far away if you keep this up.
And to be quite honest I would not give a s***, were it not that you insist on dragging the entire rest of the world down with you. If you were ruin just your own, already poor excuse of a country, it would not matter to ANYONE, you are allowed to ruin you own damn country. Just stop ruining everything for everyone else!
You need to stop. You need to take a long good look at what works, and what obviously doesn't. I know that the stupid American stereotype that gets projected to us Europeans doesn't portray a real picture. I know most of you are intelligent, thinking people. Then please think. Please. For your own sake and for the sake of an entire world.
If you really do want to be a superpower, you need to take the responsibility that comes with that title. Please
Unfortunately the embedding link was broken. Please click this link instead. Or else you won't get the rest of the blogpost. Sorry.
So, they do have a working universal health care system in the USA? Apparently they do.
They do have a place in the US where they want to take care of all their citizens and make sure they have a happy healthy life without having to ruin themselves to get it.
You saw that woman talking about how poor they were for not knowing the benefits of a privately run health care system. Well, a couple of days ago Anthem Blue Cross upped their Premiums by 39%. That is of course on top of their upping last year of 68%.
Just take a look:
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Why, Americans, are you so insistent that your country need to be run in to a financial ruin? The Second Great Depression isn't far away if you keep this up.
And to be quite honest I would not give a s***, were it not that you insist on dragging the entire rest of the world down with you. If you were ruin just your own, already poor excuse of a country, it would not matter to ANYONE, you are allowed to ruin you own damn country. Just stop ruining everything for everyone else!
You need to stop. You need to take a long good look at what works, and what obviously doesn't. I know that the stupid American stereotype that gets projected to us Europeans doesn't portray a real picture. I know most of you are intelligent, thinking people. Then please think. Please. For your own sake and for the sake of an entire world.
If you really do want to be a superpower, you need to take the responsibility that comes with that title. Please
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
M is for? Are you old enough to know?
You know how you judge if you're starting to get old these days?
Ask yourself one simple question: Do you remember when MTV played music videos?
Yes, you say. Face it, you are old.
Lately the M have been non-existent over at MTV. CRTV would have been much more descriptive, as in Crappy Reality TV.
But lately MTV have realized the general crappyness of this apparently. So between 2 and 2:30PM they show music videos again, and apparently they have taken the critique to heart, because they have called this new segment "M is for Music".
Way to be self-ironic.
But then again I guess there would be a real need to clear that up, seeing as the young people would really have no idea what the M stands for. Seeing as there have been no actual music viedeos (expect at 2 in the morning) on MTV for almost a decade.
Hmmm... Go MTV? =/
Ask yourself one simple question: Do you remember when MTV played music videos?
Yes, you say. Face it, you are old.
Lately the M have been non-existent over at MTV. CRTV would have been much more descriptive, as in Crappy Reality TV.
But lately MTV have realized the general crappyness of this apparently. So between 2 and 2:30PM they show music videos again, and apparently they have taken the critique to heart, because they have called this new segment "M is for Music".
Way to be self-ironic.
But then again I guess there would be a real need to clear that up, seeing as the young people would really have no idea what the M stands for. Seeing as there have been no actual music viedeos (expect at 2 in the morning) on MTV for almost a decade.
Hmmm... Go MTV? =/
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Crap on toast!
This has been the worst week in the history of bad weeks. Or weekends rather. Started on Thursday. Long weekend.
This is not a sympathy rally. I don't want your freakin' sympathy. If you send me sympathy mail I will delete them without reading them. Just so you know. I just wanna bitch. I just wanna be allowed to by mad just one freakin' time in my freakin' life.
Yeah, and there might be bad language. You have been warned. And lots of caps, there will be lots of caps.
First, I get told my grandmother is dead. And then I get told my aunt has a 50% or less chance of surviving an operation she's having in two weeks. And all the other crap surrounding this horsepile of shit is none of your fucking business, so I'm not gonna elaborate.
And if half my family keeling over isn't enough some fucker STOLE MY WALLET today!
I had my bus-pass, my student pass, my bank card, and about 400kr in that thing! That was all the money I have!
So now I had to borrow money for the bus home, and I have to borrow money to get a new bus-pass. Also my customer card at my local bookstore was in there, not life threatening I admit, but FUCKING ANNOYING!!!
Also I was going to Emilie Autumn today, and do you think all the little Norwegian BRATS who like her have any decent concert manners?! Oh fucking NO, they fucking DON'T!
On our way in there's cutting in line and pushing and all the usual crap! And then we get in and get some decent places, and GET PUSHED IN TO A FUCKING CORNER! And we stand there for almost two fucking hours waiting for the concert to start, steadily being more more squished. And I get steadily more and more dizzy, and there's tall people pushing in front of us so we can't see a damned shit and there's people on chairs behind us kneeing me in the back, and there's a fucking cunt of a photographer who pushed herself in front of us and started banging everyone on the head with her freaking brick of a camera to get a good shot. She DID ask in if was okey, and I said no, it was not. But people at concerts obviously don't care.
And then the concert starts and get to see two songs before the world tips over and I have to sit down, or else I would surely have fainted. So one of my friends take me out of the crowd and gets me some water and I feel a little better for a while, but then I start to feel nauseous. And this only gets worse, and then my head starts pounding, and in the end I just had to leave.
So no I am home, and my entire body hurts like fucking hell. I hope I feel better in the morning...
To my wonderful friends:
I hope you enjoyed the rest of the show. Sorry you had to leave your places for me. Thank you for coming with me to the police station and for generally being there for me. I love you with a passion, all of you. Sorry for being such a nuisance. Thank you *hugles*
This is not a sympathy rally. I don't want your freakin' sympathy. If you send me sympathy mail I will delete them without reading them. Just so you know. I just wanna bitch. I just wanna be allowed to by mad just one freakin' time in my freakin' life.
Yeah, and there might be bad language. You have been warned. And lots of caps, there will be lots of caps.
First, I get told my grandmother is dead. And then I get told my aunt has a 50% or less chance of surviving an operation she's having in two weeks. And all the other crap surrounding this horsepile of shit is none of your fucking business, so I'm not gonna elaborate.
And if half my family keeling over isn't enough some fucker STOLE MY WALLET today!
I had my bus-pass, my student pass, my bank card, and about 400kr in that thing! That was all the money I have!
So now I had to borrow money for the bus home, and I have to borrow money to get a new bus-pass. Also my customer card at my local bookstore was in there, not life threatening I admit, but FUCKING ANNOYING!!!
Also I was going to Emilie Autumn today, and do you think all the little Norwegian BRATS who like her have any decent concert manners?! Oh fucking NO, they fucking DON'T!
On our way in there's cutting in line and pushing and all the usual crap! And then we get in and get some decent places, and GET PUSHED IN TO A FUCKING CORNER! And we stand there for almost two fucking hours waiting for the concert to start, steadily being more more squished. And I get steadily more and more dizzy, and there's tall people pushing in front of us so we can't see a damned shit and there's people on chairs behind us kneeing me in the back, and there's a fucking cunt of a photographer who pushed herself in front of us and started banging everyone on the head with her freaking brick of a camera to get a good shot. She DID ask in if was okey, and I said no, it was not. But people at concerts obviously don't care.
And then the concert starts and get to see two songs before the world tips over and I have to sit down, or else I would surely have fainted. So one of my friends take me out of the crowd and gets me some water and I feel a little better for a while, but then I start to feel nauseous. And this only gets worse, and then my head starts pounding, and in the end I just had to leave.
So no I am home, and my entire body hurts like fucking hell. I hope I feel better in the morning...
To my wonderful friends:
I hope you enjoyed the rest of the show. Sorry you had to leave your places for me. Thank you for coming with me to the police station and for generally being there for me. I love you with a passion, all of you. Sorry for being such a nuisance. Thank you *hugles*
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Uninspiration. The mother of facebook addiction
Yeah, I have to read around 200-250 pages by Tuesday. And I am so uninspired. I keep opening my textbooks and just staring blankly at the open pages, and then going to check if my chicken grass has grown yet.
Facebook is bad for my study habits.
I think this has something to do with the fact that I feel asleep at 5 am this morning. I had forgotten to take my meds apparently and thus I could not sleep.
I lieu of actually reading I am doing some flashcards thou, so that I at least learn something. I am trying anyway. I am not tired or sleepy or anything. Just majorly uninspired.
And Hume is boring. He really is.
And abstract syntactic construction is... I don't know what it is, I have read the first 5 sentences about 10 times today and I have idea what they say.
One thing thou, I thought my philosophy book was heavy reading, it's like a piece of perfectly baked, still warm blueberry pie with a mound of whipped cream and a cherry on top compared to the linguistics book. I do grasp the fact that scientific literature looks better if it's full of long words and complicated formulations (so as to not be unspecific you see), but mostly it just makes the whole thing hard to read.
Oh well. I guess I will have to try and read some more. Tomasello! I choose you!
Facebook is bad for my study habits.
I think this has something to do with the fact that I feel asleep at 5 am this morning. I had forgotten to take my meds apparently and thus I could not sleep.
I lieu of actually reading I am doing some flashcards thou, so that I at least learn something. I am trying anyway. I am not tired or sleepy or anything. Just majorly uninspired.
And Hume is boring. He really is.
And abstract syntactic construction is... I don't know what it is, I have read the first 5 sentences about 10 times today and I have idea what they say.
One thing thou, I thought my philosophy book was heavy reading, it's like a piece of perfectly baked, still warm blueberry pie with a mound of whipped cream and a cherry on top compared to the linguistics book. I do grasp the fact that scientific literature looks better if it's full of long words and complicated formulations (so as to not be unspecific you see), but mostly it just makes the whole thing hard to read.
Oh well. I guess I will have to try and read some more. Tomasello! I choose you!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Native = Primitive?
Yeah, so I use Anki. Which is a very good, very gratis flashcard program. You can download it here if you feel like. /advertising
With this flashcard program you can download decks that other people have made, most often from textbooks or lists of required vocabulary for different tests. Like all the Kanji for which ever JLPT level you are studying for. I think the program was designed specifically for learning Japanese vocab. Not the point.
The point of this post is that I downloaded the deck for the required vocabulary for the SAT. At least that's what I think it is. It's called "5000 Collegiate Words (SAT vocabulary)", and it's got all kinds of big words and their definition and stuff. Real fun really.
Only thing is that the definition for "aboriginal" is "primitive, sophisticated", and thou I have no doubt that this definition is valid, it seems kind of... racist.
I looked it up on Merriam Webster and the definition there was (paraphrased by me) "something original to an area" and "the native people in Australia". The last of these being what I associate with this word.
So, the native people of Australia, and possibly all native people everywhere, are by definition primitive?
I must admit I have known some rather odd Sami people in my day (Scandinavian natives, lives far north, ride snow scooters, farm reindeer and makes beautiful clothing and music), but I would not call them neither primitive or unsophisticated.
I don't really know why this bothers me, I myself do not have any native genes to my knowledge, but I find this kind of over generalization offensive anyway.
It's like say that, "just because you have been here longer than us, we are the superior race" or something.
I realize that this has been the generally accepted view throughout history, that natives where primitive and should be supressed. There were special Sami schools in Norway as well as anywhere else, where they were supposed to learn to be Norwegian. They were refused the right to practice their own religion, only Christianity was allowed. They were not allowed to speak their own language, wear their own clothes, or in any way learn about or practice their own culture. These schools were often far away from their homes and families, and were just about indoctrination camps.
And then we sit on our high chairs and call them primitive. I find this offensive.
But then again the Jante Law, and we-are-better-you-just-because have always seemed wrong to me. Maybe because it has been applied to me one time too many.
I realize that it's just a word and all that, but it gives me an iffy feeling anyway. Words have power. Meh
With this flashcard program you can download decks that other people have made, most often from textbooks or lists of required vocabulary for different tests. Like all the Kanji for which ever JLPT level you are studying for. I think the program was designed specifically for learning Japanese vocab. Not the point.
The point of this post is that I downloaded the deck for the required vocabulary for the SAT. At least that's what I think it is. It's called "5000 Collegiate Words (SAT vocabulary)", and it's got all kinds of big words and their definition and stuff. Real fun really.
Only thing is that the definition for "aboriginal" is "primitive, sophisticated", and thou I have no doubt that this definition is valid, it seems kind of... racist.
I looked it up on Merriam Webster and the definition there was (paraphrased by me) "something original to an area" and "the native people in Australia". The last of these being what I associate with this word.
So, the native people of Australia, and possibly all native people everywhere, are by definition primitive?
I must admit I have known some rather odd Sami people in my day (Scandinavian natives, lives far north, ride snow scooters, farm reindeer and makes beautiful clothing and music), but I would not call them neither primitive or unsophisticated.
I don't really know why this bothers me, I myself do not have any native genes to my knowledge, but I find this kind of over generalization offensive anyway.
It's like say that, "just because you have been here longer than us, we are the superior race" or something.
I realize that this has been the generally accepted view throughout history, that natives where primitive and should be supressed. There were special Sami schools in Norway as well as anywhere else, where they were supposed to learn to be Norwegian. They were refused the right to practice their own religion, only Christianity was allowed. They were not allowed to speak their own language, wear their own clothes, or in any way learn about or practice their own culture. These schools were often far away from their homes and families, and were just about indoctrination camps.
And then we sit on our high chairs and call them primitive. I find this offensive.
But then again the Jante Law, and we-are-better-you-just-because have always seemed wrong to me. Maybe because it has been applied to me one time too many.
I realize that it's just a word and all that, but it gives me an iffy feeling anyway. Words have power. Meh
Monday, February 1, 2010
The subject is called Language Acquisition? Time to break out the big words people!
Yeah, so Language Acquisition? Love the subject! Hate the textbooks.
I realize that it's academic books, and that they like to use academic words, but they are long and hard and make me feel stupid=(
I finally got my Constructing a Language by Tomasello
in the mail on Friday.
And I have to back read three chapters, and read an entire new chapter for tomorrow (yeah, good luck with thatXP).
And I have read a bit over 10 pages of the 40 page chapter I should read for tomorrow, and I don't understand nearly any of it at all. It's all long words and complicated sentences. It's a really interesting subject, and the lecturer we have had so far is really good at making me understand all this hard stuff. I don't really get an idea of what's expected of me until we get our presentation assignments thou. (We have one compulsory assignment). But I am guessing I'll be fine.
I realize that it's academic books, and that they like to use academic words, but they are long and hard and make me feel stupid=(
I finally got my Constructing a Language by Tomasello
And I have to back read three chapters, and read an entire new chapter for tomorrow (yeah, good luck with thatXP).
And I have read a bit over 10 pages of the 40 page chapter I should read for tomorrow, and I don't understand nearly any of it at all. It's all long words and complicated sentences. It's a really interesting subject, and the lecturer we have had so far is really good at making me understand all this hard stuff. I don't really get an idea of what's expected of me until we get our presentation assignments thou. (We have one compulsory assignment). But I am guessing I'll be fine.
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