Friday, February 12, 2010

Why do they insist on ruining their country?

Okey, I generally make a rule of not commenting about politics in this blog. Rather not stick my head in a beehive so to speak. But watch this:

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So, they do have a working universal health care system in the USA? Apparently they do.
They do have a place in the US where they want to take care of all their citizens and make sure they have a happy healthy life without having to ruin themselves to get it.
You saw that woman talking about how poor they were for not knowing the benefits of a privately run health care system. Well, a couple of days ago Anthem Blue Cross upped their Premiums by 39%. That is of course on top of their upping last year of 68%.
Just take a look:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Why, Americans, are you so insistent that your country need to be run in to a financial ruin? The Second Great Depression isn't far away if you keep this up.
And to be quite honest I would not give a s***, were it not that you insist on dragging the entire rest of the world down with you. If you were ruin just your own, already poor excuse of a country, it would not matter to ANYONE, you are allowed to ruin you own damn country. Just stop ruining everything for everyone else!
You need to stop. You need to take a long good look at what works, and what obviously doesn't. I know that the stupid American stereotype that gets projected to us Europeans doesn't portray a real picture. I know most of you are intelligent, thinking people. Then please think. Please. For your own sake and for the sake of an entire world.
If you really do want to be a superpower, you need to take the responsibility that comes with that title. Please

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