Recently in Australia they banned some adult magazines.
They have this board you see, in Australia, who has these guidelines, and before you read any further, this rant might become graphic. It's about how some ridicules rules in these guidelines got some ridicules things banned.
Yeah, mom? This is not a rant for you. You're allowed to read it of course, but I take no responsibility for what I say beyond this point. Just a warning you see=D
First thing I want to talk about that they banned.
They banned all porn featuring female ejaculation, on the grounds that there is no proof that this happens, and that therefore the women must be peeing, and peeing is bad.
Why peeing is bad is a little beyond me, urine is sterile, and thou I would not enjoyed being peed on myself, I know some people do.
Aaaaanywho, how do we not have proof that female ejaculation exist? Maybe because a lot of religious people find the female orgasm "filthy" or "ungodly" or something, and therefore they have decided it doesn't exist. (Not a slight on religion in itself, just that some religious people take their convictions a little too far. Like say, into other people's personal life?)
Or maybe this is because these people have only watched the traditional male-gratification porn where only the man matters, and the woman is almost nothing more than a prop?
Or some other similar reason.
The fact is, anyone who's ever watched a few porn where the female is the focus, like a female porn star's own website for example, where she makes the videos, and it's about her pleasure, have very likely seen female ejaculation (or "squirting") more than once. It happens people, don't know what causes it, but I know for a fact that it's not pee.
But then of course, if you look at it that way, I am sure you can say that they just say "oh, but this has never happened to me. It must be fake". It does not happen to everybody, this does not make it fake.
Is it really so unthinkable for these people that a woman can so hard that they squirt? They must have very unrewarding sexual lives.
The next thing that they banned was a bunch of adult magazines called "Barely Legal". Which features women who have indeed just turned legal. But that is just the point, the magazine has documentation that all these girls are in fact legal, and they don't portray themselves to be underage (which does actually classify as child pornography).
The reason? Their boobs are too small.
WHAT THE FUCK!!! I have several friends, hot friends I might add, who had a-cup boobs. Or even small a-cups. These girls can then by this definition never go into the adult entertainment industry, because they happen to not be well endowed enough in the chest area.
We spend a lot of time talking about how chest size is not important, how guys will like you even thou you have small knockers, and then they go and do this and effectively do their best to tell us we are wrong. What's next, are you gonna slap guys with statutory rape charges because the 20 year old girl they slept with last weekend had braces?! (Yeah, girls with braces, that is child porn people.)
So not only does these girls have to feel that they don't live up to society's ideal that only well endowed girls are hot, they are also being told that the guys who like them are by definition pedophiles, because they like small boobs. WTF?!
In reality the message these people are sending is that if your chest is too small you are still a child. I bet in six months we are going to read some shocking story about how the rate of young girls getting boob jobs in Australia has gone up some sort of vast amount.
And on top of that, because of people's super short attention span, they are going to wonder why.
That is so messed up.
The actual guideline states:
"publications which contain offensive depictions or descriptions of persons who are or appear to be persons under the age of 18 (wether they are engaged in sexual activity or not) must be classified RC (Refused Classification).
What exactly does this mean anyway? If a girl that looks young, it's perfectly illegal for her to be a porn star?
The justification behind all this banning is that looking at porn with young looking girls is going to make people go out and molest children. Um, what?
Does this mean that if I watch a drama where somebody murders someone, this is going to make me want to kill? If that is the case, I am wired wrong I think.
I happened upon "Two Girls, One Cup" about a year back. It did not in any way shape or form make me wanna poo in a cup (that was as far as I got before getting so grossed out I turned it off). Or "One Guy, One Screwdriver". That did NOT make me want to shove a screwdriver up someones penis. Is there something wrong with me?
If I see a porn flick with girls with small boobs and a young looking face, that's supposed to make me wanna fuck 15 year old girls? It is much more likely to make me want to fuck that particular girl, if she's cute that is.
The thing here is: the fact that men that like to molest children might like this kind of porn, does not make all men who like to watch this kind of porn child molesters. You might as well say that since all men (or women for that matter. I am pretty sure that over a third of the people who molest children are women) who has at some point eaten, or gone to school, or been children themselves for that matter, everyone else who meets these classifications must also want to molest children. This means that you, reading this right now, must secretly want to molest children. O.o I'm wrong? Yeah, thought so. (If I am not, I really don't want to know.)
These friends I talked about, with the small boobs (which I can tell you from personal experience (gym showers and the like) are pretty, and have nothing juvenile bout them) have boyfriends. Are they even allowed to have sex? Or are these guys sleeping with children. Not only are they over sixteen, which are the legal age of having sex in Norway, they also over eighteen, which means they are of age, they are even over 20 which means they can buy hard liqueurs.
They could legally have sold their bodies if they wanted (before they made prostitution illegal that is), but should their boyfriends have one single topless photo of them this would make their boyfriends in possession of child porn.
NO! Guys, you are not sex offenders damn it! You are healthy boys with gorgeous ADULT girlfriends!
This rule is RIDICULES!!!
And while we are at it.
In the states you can, if you are under the age of eighteen and sends a topless photo of yourself to your boyfriend, get slapped with a "spreading child pornography" charge, and be put on the sex offenders list. How messed up is that?
I mean, just because you sent a naughty picture of yourself to the boy you love, you will be on a list for the rest of your life, which is accessible for EVERYONE online, with your full name and current address. You will have to live a certain distance from schools playgrounds and kindergartens for the rest of your life. Some kindergartens may forbid you to take your child there yourself, and you have to get someone else to do it.
I realize that some people are very short sighted, narrow minded, and inside the box over the big pond, but COME ON!
If some fourteen year old girl does something stupid, apparently she deserves to have her entire life ruined?
You know what. Sometimes I love Norway. Norway is not perfect in any way, but we do have such things as affordable health care for everyone, a system to help people who are bad at life to get better, a system to help disabled (both mentally and physically) people to leave full and rich lives, and a system to make sure that sort of thing does not happen!
Norway is fucking awesome! Go Norway!
Yeah, this post was written a little at a time, with me, through boyfriend, acquiring new information, and then going up and adding or editing.
The thing is, that what's gonna be banned (i.e. what's gonna be found offensive) is completely up to the reviewer. And that is simply too vague.
Where does the line go for too small boobs, aa-cup, a-cup, a small b-cup? Or too big eyes. Big eyes make you look young.
What is offensive? Does kissing, or holding hands count? This is offensive to some people. Or do you have to show breast. How much breast? Cleavage? Nipple?
Where does the lines go?
There is no rules about this, no guidelines, it's all at the reviewers discretion, and that means that one reviewer might allow something really risque, and the next reviewer draw the line at, lets say, a but-crack showing above a panty line?
It's stupid, and wrong!
(this post may be cleaned up and rewritten later on)
Tinkerbell's blog for all things pink and fluffy. And some things that aren't...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Dinosaurs were red!!!
Anyone a little up to date about dinosaurs know that quite a few dinosaurs had feathers, and now they have discovered that one type of these feathered dinosaurs where red!
How awesome is that?!
Go see the Moosehead Stew strip that provided me with this astounding piece of information=D
I am trying my best to read the scripts of stupid Descartes, so I am not going to go look up a more in-depth article right now. That is what you have Google for.
*loving red feathery dinosaurs*
They better have red feathered dinosaurs in the new Jurasic Park movie, or I am gonna be soooo sad=D=D
(no tween speak in the post! woooo!)
Never mind.
Go read the article here
I just love internet. You can find ANYTHING on here=D
How awesome is that?!
Go see the Moosehead Stew strip that provided me with this astounding piece of information=D
I am trying my best to read the scripts of stupid Descartes, so I am not going to go look up a more in-depth article right now. That is what you have Google for.
*loving red feathery dinosaurs*
They better have red feathered dinosaurs in the new Jurasic Park movie, or I am gonna be soooo sad=D=D
(no tween speak in the post! woooo!)
Never mind.
Go read the article here
I just love internet. You can find ANYTHING on here=D
I hate philosophy
Descartes is so booooooring.
He just goes on and on about how the things he earlier held to be truths most likely are not true at all. And then he suddenly starts going on about "oh em gee, I don't even have proof that I am awake right now, I might be asleep", and I am like double-u tee eff, and oh em gee, these stupid philosophers make me speak tween! Gah!!!11one
I can't wait to get to Heisenberg and actually read about something interesting. Nuclear physics is at least fun!
God, I need a fix of Pokémon, or Firefly, or Angel or something fun! Maybe I should dig up One More With Feeling and see that? I have Repo on a DVD somewhere I think....
Zydrate Anatomy would do me good just about now. *stalks off to see Zydrate Anatomy on youtube*
He just goes on and on about how the things he earlier held to be truths most likely are not true at all. And then he suddenly starts going on about "oh em gee, I don't even have proof that I am awake right now, I might be asleep", and I am like double-u tee eff, and oh em gee, these stupid philosophers make me speak tween! Gah!!!11one
I can't wait to get to Heisenberg and actually read about something interesting. Nuclear physics is at least fun!
God, I need a fix of Pokémon, or Firefly, or Angel or something fun! Maybe I should dig up One More With Feeling and see that? I have Repo on a DVD somewhere I think....
Zydrate Anatomy would do me good just about now. *stalks off to see Zydrate Anatomy on youtube*
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I neeeeeeeeeeeeed Mal
So yeah, fourth post today. Yah...
I just can't seem to get anything done today. I made a whole batch of rice to make maki, and it's just sitting on the counter. I finally hung up the clean clothes to dry, they have only been sitting in the washing machine for friggin' four days.
I'm just tired and uninspired I guess.
On top of that I have an overpowering need to watch Firefly, but the DVD set I gave boyfriend a while back is still in it's protective plastic, and it's not my business unwrapping his stuff for him.
The lightbulb in the living room lamp went dark a couple of hours ago, and I just haven't had the energy to get that fixed either.
Bah.... Someone one get me something positive to focus on please?
I just can't seem to get anything done today. I made a whole batch of rice to make maki, and it's just sitting on the counter. I finally hung up the clean clothes to dry, they have only been sitting in the washing machine for friggin' four days.
I'm just tired and uninspired I guess.
On top of that I have an overpowering need to watch Firefly, but the DVD set I gave boyfriend a while back is still in it's protective plastic, and it's not my business unwrapping his stuff for him.
The lightbulb in the living room lamp went dark a couple of hours ago, and I just haven't had the energy to get that fixed either.
Bah.... Someone one get me something positive to focus on please?
Obsessive Compulsive much?
Yes, I am totally aware that this is my second post in an hour. I am kind of procrastinating you see. I should pack Pichu down and get going. I have to go to this office to get some papers, and then finish my application for me to have a computer for my exams, and then go to school and try to get some friggin' readin' done.
My main means of procrastination, or main diversions if you will, is Project Wonderful. I have started advertising for my poetry blog "Deranged Poetry", and I keep obsessively checking every five minutes to see if I have gotten any more hits, or if I need to raise my bids etc.
I am so totally advertising over at Devil's Panties. Costs an arm and a leg, but it's so totally worth going over there and seeing a few lines of my actual poetry on Jennie Breeden's actual site.
I was thinking of buying ad space over at Something Positive, but that would not only cost an arm and a leg, but both my kidneys and half my liver as well, so I can't afford that at the moment.
I actually get some rub-of traffic at this blog as well, people coming in through my profile. Whic is awesome.
My goal is to get a minimum of ten page-views a day, so that I can start to finance my advertising with ads on my own site.
The dream of course is getting published=D That would be awesome.=D
One word of warning thou, before you all ramble over to Deranged Poetry to look at my poetry: It's not nice. It's aggressive, and desperate, and is mostly written when I have been depressed, angry or both.
It is not recommended for my mom to put it like that.
It's Emo poetry for less than Emo people. Or to put it like this: It's poetry for when you feel crappy, written when I felt crappy.
The me of this blog and the me of that one are two entirely different people.
You have been warned. I take no responsibility if you wander off and get hurt or scared.
That said, if you'd like to take a look:
Deranged Poetry
(The mature warning is not for porn, it's for explicit and gory violence. Told you, it's not nice)
My main means of procrastination, or main diversions if you will, is Project Wonderful. I have started advertising for my poetry blog "Deranged Poetry", and I keep obsessively checking every five minutes to see if I have gotten any more hits, or if I need to raise my bids etc.
I am so totally advertising over at Devil's Panties. Costs an arm and a leg, but it's so totally worth going over there and seeing a few lines of my actual poetry on Jennie Breeden's actual site.
I was thinking of buying ad space over at Something Positive, but that would not only cost an arm and a leg, but both my kidneys and half my liver as well, so I can't afford that at the moment.
I actually get some rub-of traffic at this blog as well, people coming in through my profile. Whic is awesome.
My goal is to get a minimum of ten page-views a day, so that I can start to finance my advertising with ads on my own site.
The dream of course is getting published=D That would be awesome.=D
One word of warning thou, before you all ramble over to Deranged Poetry to look at my poetry: It's not nice. It's aggressive, and desperate, and is mostly written when I have been depressed, angry or both.
It is not recommended for my mom to put it like that.
It's Emo poetry for less than Emo people. Or to put it like this: It's poetry for when you feel crappy, written when I felt crappy.
The me of this blog and the me of that one are two entirely different people.
You have been warned. I take no responsibility if you wander off and get hurt or scared.
That said, if you'd like to take a look:
Deranged Poetry
(The mature warning is not for porn, it's for explicit and gory violence. Told you, it's not nice)
I LOVE No Doubt! I can't believe I forgot
Yeah, Spotify rules!
I was logging on earlier, and I always take a swift look at the "recommended for you" box at the front page, usually it's nothing interesting, but once in a blue moon something cool comes up. Last time it was Benjamin Biolay, which is a french artist in the style of Emilie Simon and Manu Chau.
Today it was Gwen Steffani, which led me to No Doubt and such songs as Ex-Girlfriend, Hella Good and Rock Steady. I had totally forgotten, but I LOVE No Doubt! They are the totally best of the 90's. Never mind BubbleGum Dance, thou it rocks my panties, No Doubt is the absolute BEST of the 90's and early 2000's=D
And you know the hands down coolest thing about Spotify? That they have complete discographies. Sad for me, a song of their first album from 92, is effing awesome=D
Oh Em Gee! I LOVE Spotify!
I was logging on earlier, and I always take a swift look at the "recommended for you" box at the front page, usually it's nothing interesting, but once in a blue moon something cool comes up. Last time it was Benjamin Biolay, which is a french artist in the style of Emilie Simon and Manu Chau.
Today it was Gwen Steffani, which led me to No Doubt and such songs as Ex-Girlfriend, Hella Good and Rock Steady. I had totally forgotten, but I LOVE No Doubt! They are the totally best of the 90's. Never mind BubbleGum Dance, thou it rocks my panties, No Doubt is the absolute BEST of the 90's and early 2000's=D
And you know the hands down coolest thing about Spotify? That they have complete discographies. Sad for me, a song of their first album from 92, is effing awesome=D
Oh Em Gee! I LOVE Spotify!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
No sir, I do not own a television
So, I got as visit from the TV license guy just now.
In Norway we have this system with public TV, which everyone gets for free. Just that it isn't free, you have to pay a TV license if you own a TV. Many people try very hard to get around this, and to be quite frank I did for the three years I lived on my own, because this fee is in addition to cable fee that my landlord payed for me to have cable in the first place, and 2000+ NOK a year was simply more than I could afford.
Anywho the guy was very nice, I told him, truthfully mind you, that we don't own a TV. And he was all, "oh, okey. Well that's okey, sorry to bother you."
People like this are very comfortable to deal with.
I do understand why they take a license fee, because producing quality TV is expensive and it has to payed for somehow. NRK (which is what it's called, think BBC in GB) do make good television. And they make good radio, and an awesome weather report website, and all of this costs money. I think they get some money from the government, but without commercials (which is one of their greatest selling points for me) the money has to come from somewhere.
When I get a TV again, and is able to afford it, I will happily pay the TV license, because I think it's worth it!
In Norway we have this system with public TV, which everyone gets for free. Just that it isn't free, you have to pay a TV license if you own a TV. Many people try very hard to get around this, and to be quite frank I did for the three years I lived on my own, because this fee is in addition to cable fee that my landlord payed for me to have cable in the first place, and 2000+ NOK a year was simply more than I could afford.
Anywho the guy was very nice, I told him, truthfully mind you, that we don't own a TV. And he was all, "oh, okey. Well that's okey, sorry to bother you."
People like this are very comfortable to deal with.
I do understand why they take a license fee, because producing quality TV is expensive and it has to payed for somehow. NRK (which is what it's called, think BBC in GB) do make good television. And they make good radio, and an awesome weather report website, and all of this costs money. I think they get some money from the government, but without commercials (which is one of their greatest selling points for me) the money has to come from somewhere.
When I get a TV again, and is able to afford it, I will happily pay the TV license, because I think it's worth it!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Calling RSS-feeds
Yeah, I know this is the second post in about two hours, but I got tired of sexist philosophers, so played around with the new features in Windows 7 (which is the OS that Pichu (which is the name of the new laptop, and also a tiny electrical mouse Pokémon) runs).
And I discovered how the RSS feeds gadget works. Now I am very bad at being able to actually follow all the blogs that I follow, so figuring this out was sort of a mayor breakthrough for me. Now I can easily keep tabs on all the latest blogposts of all my friends.
And then I came to thinking, there is a possibility that I missed some of you. So I am gonna need anyone who feels I need their feed to comment on this post with your blog address.
And just so I don't get spammed, here's a list of people I don't need an URL from:
Team Gacha, I went to the forum and got all of your URLs about half an hour ago. (I also need to be better at following the forum, so I have added it to my bookmark barXD)
Anyone who is in the sidebar of this blog under the "blogs I follow" headline, you have all been added.
MinSin, I have ferreted out your URL already. I have even commented on one of your posts. (oh myXP)
People that I really need an URL from is people I used to have lots of contact with, but that I for some reason or another has lost contact with, fully or partly. I really want to know how you are and what you are up to. I know some of you read my blog, and I would like to know how you are as well=D
Other than that just the people who follow this blog really, I would like to know who you are, and what you do with your life=D
So please comment with and URL that has an RSS feed, so that I can add you to my feed.
And even if it does not have an RSS feed I would like your URL. There are things known as bookmarks, and I would like to know, or reconnect with you all=D
And I discovered how the RSS feeds gadget works. Now I am very bad at being able to actually follow all the blogs that I follow, so figuring this out was sort of a mayor breakthrough for me. Now I can easily keep tabs on all the latest blogposts of all my friends.
And then I came to thinking, there is a possibility that I missed some of you. So I am gonna need anyone who feels I need their feed to comment on this post with your blog address.
And just so I don't get spammed, here's a list of people I don't need an URL from:
Team Gacha, I went to the forum and got all of your URLs about half an hour ago. (I also need to be better at following the forum, so I have added it to my bookmark barXD)
Anyone who is in the sidebar of this blog under the "blogs I follow" headline, you have all been added.
MinSin, I have ferreted out your URL already. I have even commented on one of your posts. (oh myXP)
People that I really need an URL from is people I used to have lots of contact with, but that I for some reason or another has lost contact with, fully or partly. I really want to know how you are and what you are up to. I know some of you read my blog, and I would like to know how you are as well=D
Other than that just the people who follow this blog really, I would like to know who you are, and what you do with your life=D
So please comment with and URL that has an RSS feed, so that I can add you to my feed.
And even if it does not have an RSS feed I would like your URL. There are things known as bookmarks, and I would like to know, or reconnect with you all=D
The old greeks were sexists
Okey, I realize that in old Greece and Rome and all these places sexist and racist theories were the general norm of things (like antisemitism was really normal before WW2), but it's still kind of upsetting to read Socrates talk about how to keep the race clean (that is nearly an exact quote), and Aristotle talk about how women and genetically inferior to men, which makes us unfit to hold high positions.
I realize that all of these notions are in theory antiquated, but in reality they aren't. In reality you still have racism, and Social Darwinism, and people who seriously believe that some people are unfit to have children and should be neutered.
I think one of the reasons these thoughts upset me this much is that if the practices of neutering inferior people, or killing inferior children still held sway to day I would either be neutered or dead.
It is no secret that I was an odd and, lets say troubled, child, and the fact of the matter is that if I had been living in a society where killing of children that did not live up to the ideal where the norm, I would not be allowed to grow up. Never mind that I am fairly intelligent, I am off, and that would have been my death sentence.
Had I been allowed to grow up thou, I would have been neutered, because I do struggle with mental issues, and this was for literally thousands of years seen as hereditary (with some mental illnesses this is actually correct thou), and it would have been held without a doubt that I would transfer my madness into my offspring, and this is bad for society, so I would be neutered.
It's kind of frightening to think about these things actually. That had I lived in ancient Greece I might very well have been forced to live in some enclave, and not been allowed to even go out in the world and meet regular people. (Not 100% clear to me if this was the case in ancient Greece or if I have a wrong idea formed on the things I read in my philosophy book.)
I am very lucky indeed to live in a time (and in a country, very lucky to live in Norway, cold and drab as it might be) where it's considered my right to receive help, so that I can function in society, and so that I can actually go to school and learn about how lucky I am to live in said time and country.
In fact there are still countries today where I would be locked out of sight, and would be allowed to sink so deep into my illness that I would not be able to emerge at all, and that is a scary, scary thought.
As a conclusion to this ramble I would like to thank my family, my boyfriend and my friends, who are here for me, and who believe that I have not only the right, but the ability to be a functioning member of society. You all rock=D=D
I realize that all of these notions are in theory antiquated, but in reality they aren't. In reality you still have racism, and Social Darwinism, and people who seriously believe that some people are unfit to have children and should be neutered.
I think one of the reasons these thoughts upset me this much is that if the practices of neutering inferior people, or killing inferior children still held sway to day I would either be neutered or dead.
It is no secret that I was an odd and, lets say troubled, child, and the fact of the matter is that if I had been living in a society where killing of children that did not live up to the ideal where the norm, I would not be allowed to grow up. Never mind that I am fairly intelligent, I am off, and that would have been my death sentence.
Had I been allowed to grow up thou, I would have been neutered, because I do struggle with mental issues, and this was for literally thousands of years seen as hereditary (with some mental illnesses this is actually correct thou), and it would have been held without a doubt that I would transfer my madness into my offspring, and this is bad for society, so I would be neutered.
It's kind of frightening to think about these things actually. That had I lived in ancient Greece I might very well have been forced to live in some enclave, and not been allowed to even go out in the world and meet regular people. (Not 100% clear to me if this was the case in ancient Greece or if I have a wrong idea formed on the things I read in my philosophy book.)
I am very lucky indeed to live in a time (and in a country, very lucky to live in Norway, cold and drab as it might be) where it's considered my right to receive help, so that I can function in society, and so that I can actually go to school and learn about how lucky I am to live in said time and country.
In fact there are still countries today where I would be locked out of sight, and would be allowed to sink so deep into my illness that I would not be able to emerge at all, and that is a scary, scary thought.
As a conclusion to this ramble I would like to thank my family, my boyfriend and my friends, who are here for me, and who believe that I have not only the right, but the ability to be a functioning member of society. You all rock=D=D
Monday, January 25, 2010
Look see, it's me=D
I was transferring all my files from the old laptop to the new laptop. And look what I found=D
It's a picture of me knee deep in A's fish pond (I am very careful not to step on any fish =D) this summer=D
This dress was very good for pond wading, as it's short enough as to not get it's edges wet=D
She has common minnows in the pond, who eat the mosquitoes, so that the mosquitoes don't eat usXP
Anywho, just thought I'd share=D
I got the new laptop today. Will tell you what I think of her when I have had time to establish an opinion=D
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tomorrow is too far away
So I get my Acer Aspire Timeline 4810tg tomorrow between 8 and 12 in the morning. It's a really long time to wait.
But I'm spending tomorrow setting it up. Downloading and installing programs, tweaking said programs to work the way I want them to. Sticking stickers all over it. Testing if it really has 8 hours of battery life. That sort of thing=D
In the mean while I am distracting myself by reading about Aristotle. Which is boring to be quite honest, but necessary. I have a lecture on him this Tuesday, and I lear much better if I come prepared. That and playing facebook games. XP I have finished aalmost 20% of all my dishes on Restaurant City. Which is nice=D'
More Aristotle now=D
But I'm spending tomorrow setting it up. Downloading and installing programs, tweaking said programs to work the way I want them to. Sticking stickers all over it. Testing if it really has 8 hours of battery life. That sort of thing=D
In the mean while I am distracting myself by reading about Aristotle. Which is boring to be quite honest, but necessary. I have a lecture on him this Tuesday, and I lear much better if I come prepared. That and playing facebook games. XP I have finished aalmost 20% of all my dishes on Restaurant City. Which is nice=D'
More Aristotle now=D
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Concering my love of first lectures
I am a very excitable sort of person. All who really know me know this, and school is certainly no exception. I usually completely fall in love with all my classes during the first few lectures, and then after a while my feelings cool somewhat. Making me complain, and lecturing on about the boringness of said class. I usually pass everything thou. I have flunked twice on an exam in my entire life (more than most I am guessing), one because of a too great workload (four exams in two weeks simply proved to much for me), and one because I simply am very bad a at German.
Today I had my first Language Acquisition lecture. We are going to learn about how children first acquire language skills, about language development, and about acquiring second-language skills.
And it's so interesting I can hardly contain my excitement.
I have some suspicions that I will keep on loving this subject thou, because it's basically about the things that I found most interesting in the Language Science class I took last semester.
Language hugely interest me, and always have. I remember in Elementary School, when we started learning English, I had at one point the huge (it seemed to me at the time) epiphany that English and Norwegian words are built the same way. (Like maybe is combined from may and be and can be elongated to "that may be so", and such. You can do the exact same with kanskje, which is the same word in Norwegian.) This comes of course from the fact that these two languages are related, and have developed from the same language, but I learned this later.
As for the project of buying a laptop. Boyfriend and I went looking at laptops yesterday, and I figured, why pay 15k for a laptop when I can pay half that for something just as good? So no MacBook for meXP
Right now we are considering an Acer with an absolutely astounding battery life. It claims to be able to deliver up to 8 hours of solid working time, which was one of the things that attracted me to the MacBook in the first place. 3 hours of working time on a laptop simply will not do, I need to have a laptop that can actually last me an entire school day, not just three hours. Especially since I have not found anywhere I can recharge my laptop.
This little Acer deal is also super light, and will hopefully be able to actually fit comfortably in my backpack, something which my 15,6" Dell laptop can not.
Boyfriend is helping me confirm that this is indeed the laptop for me, and if it is I will run down-town later and buy my new baby.
I need to think up a name for her thou. In my house hold all the computers have names, so that we are easily able to differentiate between them, my Dell is called PlayGround (because that is what it was originally meant to be), the tablet is called Frøet(Froeet) (which means frog in Danish and can be used to refer to small things in Norwegian (the reference to frogs in keeping with the amphibian theme we use for naming laptops in said house holdXP)).
I have not decided yet, might not chose an amphibian name at all, maybe I will call her something else. And before you ask, all my electronic appliances are female, mostly because I firmly believe that most males are not as fussy as my electronics, and therefore they are female. Females generally need much more care than males. Should I ever acquire a stationary computer there is of course the possibility that it will be male, depending on how often it breaks down or over heats and such matters. (Plus, I like things to be pink, and while men certainly can wear pink, I usually find pink to be much more appealing on womenXP)
I am gonna go lose myself in my textbooks now=D I just love new textbooks. All that new knowledge just waiting for me to absorb it=D
Today I had my first Language Acquisition lecture. We are going to learn about how children first acquire language skills, about language development, and about acquiring second-language skills.
And it's so interesting I can hardly contain my excitement.
I have some suspicions that I will keep on loving this subject thou, because it's basically about the things that I found most interesting in the Language Science class I took last semester.
Language hugely interest me, and always have. I remember in Elementary School, when we started learning English, I had at one point the huge (it seemed to me at the time) epiphany that English and Norwegian words are built the same way. (Like maybe is combined from may and be and can be elongated to "that may be so", and such. You can do the exact same with kanskje, which is the same word in Norwegian.) This comes of course from the fact that these two languages are related, and have developed from the same language, but I learned this later.
As for the project of buying a laptop. Boyfriend and I went looking at laptops yesterday, and I figured, why pay 15k for a laptop when I can pay half that for something just as good? So no MacBook for meXP
Right now we are considering an Acer with an absolutely astounding battery life. It claims to be able to deliver up to 8 hours of solid working time, which was one of the things that attracted me to the MacBook in the first place. 3 hours of working time on a laptop simply will not do, I need to have a laptop that can actually last me an entire school day, not just three hours. Especially since I have not found anywhere I can recharge my laptop.
This little Acer deal is also super light, and will hopefully be able to actually fit comfortably in my backpack, something which my 15,6" Dell laptop can not.
Boyfriend is helping me confirm that this is indeed the laptop for me, and if it is I will run down-town later and buy my new baby.
I need to think up a name for her thou. In my house hold all the computers have names, so that we are easily able to differentiate between them, my Dell is called PlayGround (because that is what it was originally meant to be), the tablet is called Frøet(Froeet) (which means frog in Danish and can be used to refer to small things in Norwegian (the reference to frogs in keeping with the amphibian theme we use for naming laptops in said house holdXP)).
I have not decided yet, might not chose an amphibian name at all, maybe I will call her something else. And before you ask, all my electronic appliances are female, mostly because I firmly believe that most males are not as fussy as my electronics, and therefore they are female. Females generally need much more care than males. Should I ever acquire a stationary computer there is of course the possibility that it will be male, depending on how often it breaks down or over heats and such matters. (Plus, I like things to be pink, and while men certainly can wear pink, I usually find pink to be much more appealing on womenXP)
I am gonna go lose myself in my textbooks now=D I just love new textbooks. All that new knowledge just waiting for me to absorb it=D
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Need new laptop, must make hard decision
So, I need a new laptop for school. Because my Dell has become stationary and my Tablet is broken, and wasn't really good for school use in the first place.
Problem is, I have no idea what to get.
The MacBook Pro 13" looks awesome, and has the great plus of an aluminium case, which makes it hard for me to break. But boyfriend is really very opposed (I don't really get why thou, his main argument is the price, but really I think it's mostly because he wants one too, and is a little jealous XP).
Then there is this Dell one I have been looking at, which actually amounts to more money than the MacBook.
And then boyfriend wants me to check Lenovo, which I suppose I should. But in the end it's all too technical for me, I don't really understand any of it.
What I get is, I want at least 4GB of RAM, and at least 250GB Hard Drive, I want an integrated webcam, no larger than a 14" screen (because I need to fit the damn thing in my backpack, or I have to spend even more money buying on of those too, and I really like my backpack. It's pink with Hello Kitty on it), it needs to be able to run 3D games, like Sims 3, and it of course needs to have WiFi, and as long battery life a possible, an absolute minimum of 4 hours, so that it will last me an entire school day.
And now I have to go out and find a model with all this at a price I am willing to pay, and then I have to go read reviews. And it's confusing, and boring, and I'm almost at a point where I will go into a computer shop and buy the fist damn thing I see.
Problem is, I have no idea what to get.
The MacBook Pro 13" looks awesome, and has the great plus of an aluminium case, which makes it hard for me to break. But boyfriend is really very opposed (I don't really get why thou, his main argument is the price, but really I think it's mostly because he wants one too, and is a little jealous XP).
Then there is this Dell one I have been looking at, which actually amounts to more money than the MacBook.
And then boyfriend wants me to check Lenovo, which I suppose I should. But in the end it's all too technical for me, I don't really understand any of it.
What I get is, I want at least 4GB of RAM, and at least 250GB Hard Drive, I want an integrated webcam, no larger than a 14" screen (because I need to fit the damn thing in my backpack, or I have to spend even more money buying on of those too, and I really like my backpack. It's pink with Hello Kitty on it), it needs to be able to run 3D games, like Sims 3, and it of course needs to have WiFi, and as long battery life a possible, an absolute minimum of 4 hours, so that it will last me an entire school day.
And now I have to go out and find a model with all this at a price I am willing to pay, and then I have to go read reviews. And it's confusing, and boring, and I'm almost at a point where I will go into a computer shop and buy the fist damn thing I see.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Nail art is harder than it looks
So I got this awesome nail polish for Christmas from L3, the youngest sister of L1, with this super thin brush meant for nail art. So I gave that a spin today.
And let me tell you, I never expected it to be easy, but it was haaaaaard.
As you can see, I wasn't super successful, but it turned out pretty nice for a first try, don't you think.
I only did the one hand thou, 'cos I can't draw with me left. Just doing my regular nail-polish on my right hand is hard enough. I need to practice. Maybe I should keep up this new beauty craze and go pluck my eyebrows?
Or maybe not. It hurts!XP
And let me tell you, I never expected it to be easy, but it was haaaaaard.

As you can see, I wasn't super successful, but it turned out pretty nice for a first try, don't you think.
I only did the one hand thou, 'cos I can't draw with me left. Just doing my regular nail-polish on my right hand is hard enough. I need to practice. Maybe I should keep up this new beauty craze and go pluck my eyebrows?
Or maybe not. It hurts!XP
Mini Iceage =(
I'm sorry about the article being in Norwegian, but here is the article that prompted this blog post.
I swear, if this is right, I'm moving south. They are predicting colder winters! We have had freakin' 30 below zero (Celsius) these past few weeks, and it's gonna get colder? The next 20-30 years it's gonna get colder?
Forget it. I oppose the cold. I'm moving to Spain!XP
I swear, if this is right, I'm moving south. They are predicting colder winters! We have had freakin' 30 below zero (Celsius) these past few weeks, and it's gonna get colder? The next 20-30 years it's gonna get colder?
Forget it. I oppose the cold. I'm moving to Spain!XP
Sunday, January 10, 2010
So I saw Avatar on Thursday. I'm a little slow about writing about it. SorryXP
And it was absolutely, amazingly GORGEOUS!
It was hands down the purdyiest movie evah!
It was mostly 3D animated, on this world were almost all the plants lit up when touched. It was to die for, it was so purdy.
There's a lot of people online crying up about it being un-American, and while I can see where they are coming from I think that they should just enjoy the movie and forget about who or what it might criticize. It's not important. So I will not comment on that particular aspect of it, it's irrelevant. So thereXP
One thing the movie did have thou, was an eco-message. The invading human forces on the strange planet of Pandora are there for Unobtainium, a highly valuable rock of some kind, and will stop at nothing to get it. Not even destroying the wonderful, light-up forest. At one point our hero tell the mother tree "there are no green there [on earth]. They killed their mother".
The plot of this movie is that this ex-marine, Jake Sully, is going to Pandora to be some sort of hit man I think. (I don't see how, seeing as he's lame from then waist down, but that's of no matter.) With his identical twin brother, who is going there to be an Avatar driver. Avatars are bred from a cross-mix of native DNA and their drivers DNA, and the drives meld their mind with them to control them.
Anywho, the brother is killed (I don't remember how), and seeing as how identical twins have identical DNA, Jake takes over his Avatar. And lo and behold, he can walk. The first scene in which he takes his Avatar for a run is so endearing, all that childish glee is just wonderful=D
The queen of the Avatar program (the head scientist), is not pleased at having to have a gun happy ex-marine along, but soon Jake develops a bond with a native girl named Neytiri, and then the whole tribe.
And then the inevitable conflict (without which movies and books as we know them today would not exist) arises. The largest Unobtainium deposits exist directly below Home-Tree, where the natives live. How ever will they solve this?
The graphics are gorgeous. The natives and avatars, who are both animated, by a sort of rotoscoping technique, are also very well made. As a general rule I don't like 3D people, they usually live way to far into Uncanny Valley for my taste, but they were so unlike real people, that this really weren't a problem.
They were actually very pretty, with little glowing blue spots in their faces and on their bodies. And all blue. Only annoying thing with their design where these long braids down their backs which they used to connect with things, which apparently grew out already braided, which was a little weird.
All in all it was a great movie, and you all have to see it. In 3D if possible=D
And it was absolutely, amazingly GORGEOUS!
It was hands down the purdyiest movie evah!
It was mostly 3D animated, on this world were almost all the plants lit up when touched. It was to die for, it was so purdy.
There's a lot of people online crying up about it being un-American, and while I can see where they are coming from I think that they should just enjoy the movie and forget about who or what it might criticize. It's not important. So I will not comment on that particular aspect of it, it's irrelevant. So thereXP
One thing the movie did have thou, was an eco-message. The invading human forces on the strange planet of Pandora are there for Unobtainium, a highly valuable rock of some kind, and will stop at nothing to get it. Not even destroying the wonderful, light-up forest. At one point our hero tell the mother tree "there are no green there [on earth]. They killed their mother".
The plot of this movie is that this ex-marine, Jake Sully, is going to Pandora to be some sort of hit man I think. (I don't see how, seeing as he's lame from then waist down, but that's of no matter.) With his identical twin brother, who is going there to be an Avatar driver. Avatars are bred from a cross-mix of native DNA and their drivers DNA, and the drives meld their mind with them to control them.
Anywho, the brother is killed (I don't remember how), and seeing as how identical twins have identical DNA, Jake takes over his Avatar. And lo and behold, he can walk. The first scene in which he takes his Avatar for a run is so endearing, all that childish glee is just wonderful=D
The queen of the Avatar program (the head scientist), is not pleased at having to have a gun happy ex-marine along, but soon Jake develops a bond with a native girl named Neytiri, and then the whole tribe.
And then the inevitable conflict (without which movies and books as we know them today would not exist) arises. The largest Unobtainium deposits exist directly below Home-Tree, where the natives live. How ever will they solve this?
The graphics are gorgeous. The natives and avatars, who are both animated, by a sort of rotoscoping technique, are also very well made. As a general rule I don't like 3D people, they usually live way to far into Uncanny Valley for my taste, but they were so unlike real people, that this really weren't a problem.
They were actually very pretty, with little glowing blue spots in their faces and on their bodies. And all blue. Only annoying thing with their design where these long braids down their backs which they used to connect with things, which apparently grew out already braided, which was a little weird.
All in all it was a great movie, and you all have to see it. In 3D if possible=D
Thursday, January 7, 2010
He's doing what now?
Du you remember that super charming lad that won Norway the European Eurovision contest?
You know, the one that have been torturing the entire nation of Norway with that awful Fairytale song?
You know what he's doing now? He's singing movie soundtracks. In Russian.
No I'm not kidding. Take a look:
You know, the one that have been torturing the entire nation of Norway with that awful Fairytale song?
You know what he's doing now? He's singing movie soundtracks. In Russian.
No I'm not kidding. Take a look:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wicked and Undead
Soooooo, I don't usually review books before I have finished them, but in the case of Wicked I will do and exception.
/shameless advertising for amazing bookXD
So I got this for Christmas from my little Girlies. I have been oogling it in my local fantasy bookstore for, years I guess, and they got it for me, and it has poison green edges on the pages and purdy pictures and it's awesome and I love it.
It's the story of Elphaba, otherwise known as the Wicked Witch of the West, originally dreamt up by Frank L. Baum for for his book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Books of Wonder)
. Which is hands down one of the best, if most surrealistic, children's books ever to be made.
This book (Wicked that is) deals with how the Wicked Witch of the West came to be so wicked. And so far (I'm about half way) she is actually very nice, and very, very idealistic.
The book itself is beautiful. It has the aforementioned green edgings on the pages, and beautiful illustrations before each part of the book.
Gregory Maguire has a very great narrating skill, making all the people seem alive, and managing to make the witch that has probably given generations of kids nightmares a human face, and human emotions=D
A truly magnificent tale, and I recommend it to all people.
The next book, or rather series, I want to tell you about is the Undead series by Mary Janice Davidson.
This wonderful series is about Betsy Taylor who one day wakes up. And is dead. And apparently the long foretold Queen of the Vampires.
And all the hilarious complications that ensue. It's a chickflick Vampire book. It has all the makings of a chickflick, cute men, family issues, a gigantic she collection.=D It's great, and it just keeps getting better. I have read the first 3 or 4 I think thus far, and I laugh myself silly.'
It's feel good litterature at it's best, only with hot Vampire lovin'=D
I wholeheartedly recommend this series=D
/shameless advertising for amazing bookXD
So I got this for Christmas from my little Girlies. I have been oogling it in my local fantasy bookstore for, years I guess, and they got it for me, and it has poison green edges on the pages and purdy pictures and it's awesome and I love it.
It's the story of Elphaba, otherwise known as the Wicked Witch of the West, originally dreamt up by Frank L. Baum for for his book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Books of Wonder)
This book (Wicked that is) deals with how the Wicked Witch of the West came to be so wicked. And so far (I'm about half way) she is actually very nice, and very, very idealistic.
The book itself is beautiful. It has the aforementioned green edgings on the pages, and beautiful illustrations before each part of the book.
Gregory Maguire has a very great narrating skill, making all the people seem alive, and managing to make the witch that has probably given generations of kids nightmares a human face, and human emotions=D
A truly magnificent tale, and I recommend it to all people.
The next book, or rather series, I want to tell you about is the Undead series by Mary Janice Davidson.
This wonderful series is about Betsy Taylor who one day wakes up. And is dead. And apparently the long foretold Queen of the Vampires.
And all the hilarious complications that ensue. It's a chickflick Vampire book. It has all the makings of a chickflick, cute men, family issues, a gigantic she collection.=D It's great, and it just keeps getting better. I have read the first 3 or 4 I think thus far, and I laugh myself silly.'
It's feel good litterature at it's best, only with hot Vampire lovin'=D
I wholeheartedly recommend this series=D
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