Monday, April 11, 2011


Yeah, it's been almost a month since I updated last. Since that time I have come of clubbing age. I can now get into nightclubs in Norway even if I am carded. Wooooo... I guess.
I spent my birthday in Stockholm, shopping mostly. For nailpolish and makeup and books.
Oh, and before I forget: A, thank you so much for the Mudkip cap, I sent you a mail and a message on youtube, but you haven't answered. Have you changed you mail address? I haven't, so please send me a mail. Pretty please? If you haven't got my mail address, maybe leave a comment on here? It will come to me as mail, and then I will have your address due to it being the return address (if you have that enabled). Just please let me know nothing is wrong and that it really was you who sent me that cap, so that I won't have to throw it out.
I am gonna post pictures of all my new stuff that I got in Stockholm some day, hopefully soon. But it's dark now, and my apartment is a mess (as usual).
I got lots of nail polishes, which I will do pictures of when I try them out. I have my nails in a sort sea blue-green colour right now, with black graffiti nail polish on top and then yellow on top of that again. I am gonna post a picture tomorrow if they are still aliveXP My nail polish always chips really easily, it has chipped a little already, so we will just see how it looks tomorrow when it's light enough to photograph.
I bought a leather jacket also, and before anyone starts to go all about leather being murder: I believe that when you first kill an animal, you should use all of it. Even it's skin. And cows are being killed so that I can eat them, therefore it's not immoral of me to wear cow skin as clothing. I don't wear mink thou, 'cos I don't eat mink. I think that I can wear whatever I eat. So: I do not wear rabbit fur, but I do like sheepskin. I don't wear mink, but I do wear leather, that comes from cows.
And I do not condemn the practice of natural hair brushes. To make animal hear brushes they shave the animal. And upset and mistreated animals produce bad fur, which in turn gives poor brush quality. I have actually heard of vegans who only use synthetic makeup brushes, which I guess is important for them, but I don't really see the point. Seeing as the animals hjave to be happy to produce good brushes. And if you think this is a weird statement: who do you see if a dog/cat/other pet is happy? They have glossy pretty fur. So thereXP

1 comment:

Brenna said...

I wholly agree with you that if you've killed an animal you better use all of it!
(That's why I don't feel bad about feeding my cat meat. The ingredients actually say "Contains min. 4% [whatever meat it says on the package], so the rest is just gound up bones and sinew or whatever is left when you're done taking what's good enonugh for humans :p)

Yey for nailpolishes :) Double-yey for coming pics! :D