Friday, March 4, 2011

To do (or I should do)

I should really do some reading, but it's way to easy to be distracted.
Friends on facebook, Simon's Cat, Plants vs.Zombies, Questionable Content are all excellent distractions.
It's hard to concentrate. I put on classical music, which usually help, but it's too boring, so I listen to Aha! by Imogen Heap on repeat, which is too interresting.
I think it's just all the things that have to be done I get distracted by. I should clean my room, I should organize my book shelf, I should wash my clothes, I should clean my bathroom. Bah!
In the end I just end up playing games. I think it's the lack of sugar. And the excessive amounts of coffee.
I eat apples to calm my need for sugar, and to keep hydrated. No more saft for me. I should drink water.
I need to pluck my eyebrows. Maybe I should dye my hair? And then look down and my great big green philosophy book lie there, mocking me.
Bah! I think I am gonnna go buy some soup.

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