Saturday, June 6, 2009

A little post to sum it up

There's two weeks left of high school. One test left, and one possible oral exam, but other than that I am done. Done with high school. Never looking back^^, (Unless ofcourse I really did flunk my German exam and havce to re-do it. We'll see.)

In other news:
For all of you who has added me on FaceBook (I'm starting to build up quite a list of friends): I am not able to log on. But the FaceBook team is on it, and hopefully it will be remedied soon.

Tomorrow I am getting me a Shaymin for my Pokémon Perl (yeah, it's in German). Expect me to be bouncy for a few days.

I am addicted to Charmed, and have seen almost all eight seasons in the past couple of months. Only one to go^^,

I have gotten to book three of the Twilight series, and if anyone who reads this blog belongs to or know much about the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: can you please explain to me the concept of imprinting? It confuses me. Does it not work both ways? Is the little girl supposed to love the ware-wolf because he loves her, or has she imprinted on him too and will love him because the have imprinted? And if it does not work woth ways: What will happen to the ware-wolf if she doesn't love him back?
This concept of imprinting totally confuses me. You see the only thing I can think of that is remotely similar is the recognition in Elfquest, and that happens so that they can bear children. (To elfs recognize eachother, and then they can have babies. They don't always succumb thou, Leetah resisted for the longest timeXD) Most of them end up as life mates, but not all. It is sort of a love at first sight, just that it can take years to occur.
Andwho, I would be very grateful to anyone who could explain it to me. Thank you^^,

And did I tell you I am getting a Shaymin tomorrow? (Sorry, sometimes these posts takes me hours to write, 'cos I go around checking stuff online, and then I forget what I wrote, and it's one in the morning, and I am to tired to check what I have written. Oh, it already is tomorrow. That means I will get it today^^, Sweet^^,)

Hmm.... I'm all out.
Night kiddies^^, Luff you.
Oh and I wrote a poem about love: Link to the poem. Clickie here. I would love some feedback.

Oh! Peanuts! I hate them. They are awful. They have nearly murdered me twice the last month! Death to the homicidal nuts!!!
Peanuts are officially banned around me. I nearly chocked to death on monday. If I catch you eating a peanut anywhere near me you are no longer my friend (it's late. I'm allowed some dramaXP).
And I can't eat my favorite ice cream at Deli De Luca longer either, because the stupid bakamono store people decided they needed topping stands, including peanuts, over the ice cream stands, so now there will be peanut dust on all the icecream, and I will die if I try to eat it=( And I can't go to the theater anymore either. Stupid nuts!!
So honk if you hate peanuts ne?

Sleepytiem now. Spellcheck never. Luff ya'll <3

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