Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mock exam, how I despise thee

I have a math mock exam today. In like, on hour I think. And I am not ready O.o
Last week I had a mega stupid exhausting flu. And I am still tired from it, plus my math book was laying prettily in my locker at school all week, so I did not get any studying done last week at all. I even had to go early from my Japanese class, which I had dragged myself to, to have at least done something other than sleeping all week.
Yesterday I came home from school and sat down to watch Bugsy Malone on Swedish TV, which is a movie I love, but that I have never been able to see the whole thing (birthday tip everyone: Bugsy Malone on DVD), it's a 20's gangster musical, with only kids in it. It's amazing, and I love it, and actually started seeing it from the start, and then I feel asleep. And I think I slept for 5 hours, which I haven't done in months. I woke up halfway through the second Simpsons episode, totally disoriented and feeling like crap, and bone tired still, so I wasn't able to study yesterday either. And then I go to bed at half to ten and sleeps the until half to 6 (when I was woken up by a SMS about camelsXD I have funny friends^^,), which means that in 24 hours I slept 13 hours O.o
And now I have to go have a math m ock exam, and I am not prepared, and I am a bit stressed out right now. Ranting helped thou. See ya'll l8r. Luff ya^^, *runs off to start preparing provisions* XD

(And to whom it might concern: I have counted possibly 6 of you possibly in on the big surprise birthday gift, and no one is giving me any clues. It's really frustrating you know. Fiancé only laughs at me and tells me I'm cute, S doesn't even know what his in on getting me, and I don't even know if I'm gonna bother asking Auntie Mean about it all. The evil woman will only laugh at me and tell me to be a good girl and wait till my birthday. I love you all, but you are killing me here. At the moment I torn between think it's a tablet and the completion of my Pokémon collection, these being the only two thing that needs 6+ people chipping in on it. Aaargh!!! Someone feed me clues, pretty please. It's two weeks until my brithday peeps. I am dying here.)
(crossed all possible limbs and hopes for PokémansXD)

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