Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have the coolest birth date ever

So. During the Japanese class we started discussing what we were going to do during Easter break, and me being born on April 8th, and this being on Ash Wednesday this year, I told them I was celebrating my birthday. And the Japanese teacher thought this was so cool, which I didn't understand squat of, she asked me about three times if it was for real, and kept saying "sugoi" (cool) and the whole class was very confused. And then she told us that in the Japanese Buddhism tradition 8th of April is Buddha's birthday!
How cool is that? I am born on the same day as Buddha! すごいですね XD

Word of the day:
大仏 - daibutsu - large statue of Buddha

1 comment:

Hanne said...

I tillegg er 8. april fødselsdagen til hun som laget den originale Dear Jane quilten i 1863 - Jane Stickle :-)
How cool is that ? hehehe
