Sunday, May 2, 2010

I am fetish. Hear me ROAR!

It started some time during the late eighties early nineties, with Madonna singing some dude made her feel like a virgin. And it just sort escalated from there. (It might have started way earlier thou, I am only 22, so anything really old I won't have discovered yet.)
Alice Copper made a video with half naked women prancing around in a room full of chains hanging from the ceiling. That was considered risqué. It's was considered downright indecent.

And then comes the middle and late nineties. The innocent little pop-princesses started growing up. Discovering the world, and themselves, and, well, sex.
It gave us Britney videos like this:

(I was gonna embed Slave 4 you here, but I couldn't find a video that would let me embed it. This one shows my point thou. Which was Britney singing about how she has grown up while prancing around with her underwear on the outside of her clothes.)

And the world-famous (and many places banned) Christina video:

I must admit this is about where I stopped listening to the radio, and just about then Crappy-Reality-Show-Channel (otherwise known as MTV) stopped showing music videos, so the further development was lost on me.
That is until lady GAGA entered the stage. Her style blatantly stolen from fetish models such as Miss Mosh. (Warning: I have waived the no porn rule in this case. That is a fetish porn site. It is NOT SAFE FOR WORK (or moms))
She put on latex and ballerina heels and made herself out to be the next big shocking thing.
Her lyrics have a double meaning and sexual innuendo up the wazoo.

(Chosen because it was the first of her videos I was exposed to.)

She kept escalating and eventually donned a wannabe-gimpmask and made Bad Romance.

It's rather stunning visually actually.

In between these two, Britney wanted to show she could be sexy too.
And fell flat on her face.

Her next try was way better:

Now, however, Christina has showed once and for all, she can outfetish just about any pop-princess.
I give you: Not Myself Tonight

It might not work in embedding, seeing as it's tagged as mature. If it doesn't you have to be over 18, and have a youtube account and go watch it here:

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