Thursday, July 30, 2009

Poor kitty

I'm taking fiancé's kitty to the vet to get his teeth fixed today. And we have just put him in the cage and are waiting for my dad to come pick us up. His name is Bamse, (translated: teddy bear), and he is a wonderful, cuddly, and a bit slow kitty. And right now he is hysteric, tossing around inside the cage and screaming, and it hurts me so much, because he is so scared and he will be scared of us for a long time. I just want to let him out, but he has gotten an infection in his gums, and we have to take him, or he might die, 'cos he nearly doesn't eat. And it will be much better for him afterwards, but right now, my heart bleeds for him.
Okey, deep breath. It will soon be over

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Peanuts

I never realized that W (the former duo of Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji) did coversongs, but doesn't these songs sound familiar to you too...?

And I suddenly realized why this W song always sounded like the eighties on speed to me, 'cos this is the original, from the eighties O.o

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Gutenberg Project

Title-link peeps^^,

I discovered, or rather fiancé showed me, a little project which calls itself the Gutenberg Project. And what this project does is releasing books that has gone out of copyright. And they've got so much cool books, I've downloaded over 300 books over the last couple of days. They have everything from the all the books from the OZ series, to turn of the century needlepoint books. How awesome is that? It's mostly in English, but some German and Dutch and French, and I found one in Chinese=D
You can download all the books in HTML, but you should really have a reader, and MobiPocket is free. It's easy to use, and you can have pictures in it, and it sorts everything you import into it for you. And you can buy books of the website too, they have a Classic Literature compilation with over 3000 (or so they say) works for the small price of $20, which is cheap, but of course not as cheap as downloading them for free from the Gutenberg ProjectXD

I'm gonna go read Wuthering Heights now=D=D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I found, I found

Haunted Island by ~TomPreston on deviantART

I found this really cool comic artist on DA. Or rather, he got a DD and I went to look at his site, and he had tons of cool stuff.
The poor man keeps getting DDs for the wrong stuff thou, for his fan art and the work he doesn't think is the best himself. So I'm doing a feature blog to feature the art I like=D
The above strip is from a pirate comic he does, and I want one bad. I can't really figure out his site, so I'm not sure if he does it online, but you can buy it on Amazon. And I really want it. The Adventures of Alex Ze Pirate
And then he does this series:

Welcome to the Jungle by ~TomPreston on deviantART
Which seems so funny. I want that on too: Formera Volume 1 Formera Volume Two
I would not be displease if you bought them for meXP

He also does great fan-art=D

Easter Bunnies by ~TomPreston on deviantART
Aren't they cute.

You should all totally click on images and go to his DeviantArt account=D=D You're in for a treat if you do=D=D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The return of Ai Kago

Now, I don't usually give an horse's **** about the personal life of any star, or the inner workings of any group, causing me rather often to miss the release date of new albums and causing me to miss Kaizers Orchestra's new album entirely (it was only available for a week. Stupid band)
Anywho, I suddenly got an impulse to read the Wikipedia entry of Miss Ai Kago, who is formerly one half of the J-pop group W, and I discovered that she has released a solo single under a month ago.

I actually really liked it. She was cute and all when she was in W, but eventually you grow tired of candyfloss, and I love her new grown up look and sound.
She looks like she has gotten through her troubles very well, and even thou it has been rough going for her she seems to be doing well now and that is so nice=D=D (she was kicked out of Hello! project for smoking and being involved with an older man, which I find weird, seeing as the age of sexual consent in Japan is somewhere between 13 and 18 depending on where you reside, I think is was the fact that he was older then her, even thou she was 18, and the legal, at the time)
I also discovered that she has written book, which I will have to buy when I am in Japan=D

I think it's nice that she has gotten her career up and running again, because she actually has talent, and not all the Hello! project girls do.

I do however understand fully her need to rebel, she has been a star, under close watch and curfew since she was admitted into Hello! project at the age of twelwe. She has never had freedom over her life, and the Japanese media is insane, picking on every little thing and digging through pasts over a low threshold. I would go perfectly insane.
You think the Disney girls has it hard? If pictures like the ones of Miley Cyrus would be leaked, not only would their career be destroyed entirely, their entire lives would be ruined and they would be totally shunned. So I understand her. Poor girl...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Con artist coming my way^^,

I am so exited right now. I got a membership for FuzzAcademy from Tante Slem for my birthday, and then the site went down for reworking and decided to give us Premium member refunds.
Which I used to buy Con Artists. This wonderful volume collects all the comic strips ever made featuring the Pirate, even some not found online.
If you are now wondering who the Pirate is you need to read Jennie Breeden's webcomic "Devil's Panties". (It's not satanic porn. Promise^^,) It's one of the most awesome webcomics there is, and the amazing Jen updates every single day, sometimes even with two strips. You should read the "what not to say in the bedroom"-strips, pure genius^^,
Anywho, the Pirate is the most awesome character in this comic full of awesome^^, Oh! and Jesus. In the very earliest strips she has conversations with Jesus, and he is so awesome=D

In a couple of weeks it will land nicely in my mailbox, and I will get to read all the strips. *jumps up and down in exitement*

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gah! Stupid TV channel executives

I have written this rant before, and if you're not interested I suggest you don't read on through. It's the famous "Why on earth did they cancel this awesome tv-show?!"-rant.

The show of the hour is Dark Angel. Otherwise known as the series where Jessica Alba (known from such movies as Sin City and the Fantastic Four series) got her first real break.

The stupid FOX channel cancelled this awesome series to make room for Firefly. Which would have been okey, except that they did not even run Firefly for one season! So they cancel one totally awesome series on a freakin' cliffhanger, just to film 13 episodes of another totally awesome series, and not even showing them in the correct order or showing all of them!
Only differnce with this series is I knew it would end on a cliffhanger when I started watching it. And it got a series of books to tell the rest of the story, so now I just got to get a hold of them.

But I mean, come on! Why on earth do they have to keep doing this? Take Moonlight for example (yeah, I am always gonna rant on Moonlight!), one of the awesomest vampire series to ever be made, and it did really well, and had a great following. Only that the following consisted of the wrong people. We were not the target audience of the stupid channel! I am sooooo sorry CBS, that I am the wrong age or sex or race or whatever! Gah!

I am tired of being the TV channels effing product! Because you all realize this right? We are not their costumer, we are their product. In effect the stupid TV networks sell us as consumers to their advertisers using their TV-shows as bait, which they cancel if they attract the wrong product.
I want to be your audience, not your product! I want you to make your content to suit the people who watch you, and to base the continuation of your TV-vseries on whether or not it attracts a lot of people, not if it attracts the right people to suit tour advertisers. I am your consumer! Make your content to suit us damnit!

This is why I love books. Books are written as long as they sell, or as long as there are a story to tell, not as long as they are read by the right people.

Gah! Stupid TV networks!

/rant over
Thank you for reading=j