Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5 o'clock in the morning, guess who's early and bright

Yeah, so usually I wake up at the crack of dawn. (That is, of course, when I don't sleep until noon XP)
So it's 6:11 AM. I didn't actually wake on my own thou. I had forgotten that my cellphone insists on setting your alarm clock to ring every day, instead of being content with just once XP
So of course it rang at 5:05 this morning X3

I have spent the morning constructively thou, taking pictures.

So here are some things I have bought.

A lot of Hello Kitty stash. Or rather an activities bag for bored little girls, and a tin of Chupa Chups with Hello Kitty on it^^,

Hello Kitty perfume. Boyfriend tells me I have bought a children's perfume, which might by right. (I have a dim recollection that it was in the children's part of the store.) He also said that I only bought it 'cos it's got Hello Kitty on it, but that isn't true, I bought it 'cos it smells of vanilla. The fact that the only reason I smelt it in the first place was because of the Hello Kitty stamp on the bottle is another matter all together XP

I bought earrings. I recently took out the silver rings that I have had in ears for God knows how long. A looooong time. And I have spent the last week or so trying to find some new ones. I finally did^^,

And that was all she bought. But she had yoghurt for a night-time meal. (As in something light to eat before bed so one does not wake up hungry in the middle of the night. Is there a word for that in English? Supper doesn't seem right for this.)
I don't know if you can see it, but it's pineapple flavoured.
What is the significance of this you ask? I am as of recently lactoses intolerant, and thus can't eat yoghurt. I never really was a big one for milk based products before (except for fine cheeses XP And whipped cream in cocoa of course), but when you can't have it, you just end up craving it.
And here in Finland they have a really wide (and cheap) selection of lactoses free and reduced food stuffs. So I have decided to eat yoghurt until I am sick of it so that I stop craving it.

I have started cross stitching again. Right now I am stitching a collection of Kokeshi dolls for the Gacha's. This is mine, as purple is my Gacha-colour^^,

This is what a real, live Kokeshi doll looks like.
They are a special kind of painted Japanese wooden dolls, which farmer's children had to play with. Now they are very popular all over Japan (and all of the Japanofile world XP)

On an ending note, this is the bed I woke up in.
The air mattress that I was supposed to sleep on had a hole in it, and was leaking air. They tried to tape it, with little to no success. We are buying something new today thou.
But to compensate of the increasing flatness of the mattress we first took an mattress cover and folded that double, and then we folded the mattress it self double, and then we put a beanie sack by the side of it, in case I were to roll off (it's the huge white and brownish thing. It's kind of old).
I slept surprisingly comfortable.^^, And I woke up completely rested^^, Even thou it was 5 in the morningXP

1 comment:

Brenna said...

Nooooo, my ugly bean sack bag thing has gone public all over the world! Now I HAVE to make a new cover for it xD