Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have the coolest birth date ever

So. During the Japanese class we started discussing what we were going to do during Easter break, and me being born on April 8th, and this being on Ash Wednesday this year, I told them I was celebrating my birthday. And the Japanese teacher thought this was so cool, which I didn't understand squat of, she asked me about three times if it was for real, and kept saying "sugoi" (cool) and the whole class was very confused. And then she told us that in the Japanese Buddhism tradition 8th of April is Buddha's birthday!
How cool is that? I am born on the same day as Buddha! すごいですね XD

Word of the day:
大仏 - daibutsu - large statue of Buddha

Mock exam, how I despise thee

I have a math mock exam today. In like, on hour I think. And I am not ready O.o
Last week I had a mega stupid exhausting flu. And I am still tired from it, plus my math book was laying prettily in my locker at school all week, so I did not get any studying done last week at all. I even had to go early from my Japanese class, which I had dragged myself to, to have at least done something other than sleeping all week.
Yesterday I came home from school and sat down to watch Bugsy Malone on Swedish TV, which is a movie I love, but that I have never been able to see the whole thing (birthday tip everyone: Bugsy Malone on DVD), it's a 20's gangster musical, with only kids in it. It's amazing, and I love it, and actually started seeing it from the start, and then I feel asleep. And I think I slept for 5 hours, which I haven't done in months. I woke up halfway through the second Simpsons episode, totally disoriented and feeling like crap, and bone tired still, so I wasn't able to study yesterday either. And then I go to bed at half to ten and sleeps the until half to 6 (when I was woken up by a SMS about camelsXD I have funny friends^^,), which means that in 24 hours I slept 13 hours O.o
And now I have to go have a math m ock exam, and I am not prepared, and I am a bit stressed out right now. Ranting helped thou. See ya'll l8r. Luff ya^^, *runs off to start preparing provisions* XD

(And to whom it might concern: I have counted possibly 6 of you possibly in on the big surprise birthday gift, and no one is giving me any clues. It's really frustrating you know. Fiancé only laughs at me and tells me I'm cute, S doesn't even know what his in on getting me, and I don't even know if I'm gonna bother asking Auntie Mean about it all. The evil woman will only laugh at me and tell me to be a good girl and wait till my birthday. I love you all, but you are killing me here. At the moment I torn between think it's a tablet and the completion of my Pokémon collection, these being the only two thing that needs 6+ people chipping in on it. Aaargh!!! Someone feed me clues, pretty please. It's two weeks until my brithday peeps. I am dying here.)
(crossed all possible limbs and hopes for PokémansXD)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, I just got home from Watchmen. Two words: Awe Some^^,
It was a FilmNoir-splatter-action-doomsday-movie. The Rorschach voice over was just too cool, and Doctor Manhattan was amazingly emotive in his flatness.
Okey: how 'bout a trailer peeps?

The splatter effects were fantastic. I love gore, and this had plenty. But not icky, pointless gore, more like to illustrate points, and where it was natural. Exploding people leave bones and softer bits sticking out of the walls and ceiling, they just do. And they did. If you break a mans leg by a fly-kick, sometimes bits of bone will be sticking out the other side. That's just the way it is. It wasn't pointless, but it was certainly wasn't for queasy peopleXP

As with most movies, some actors was way better than others.
Doctor Manhattan was by far the character that touched me the most. He was so alive, despite the fact that he way detached to the point of almost being devoid of emotions. He goes through most of the film with a flat face, but to me who spend a lot of time watching the eyes (mirror of the soul, seriously) saw tons of emotion. Doctor Manhattan is a sad man. When Laurie leaves him he couldn't have conveyed the feeling of despair better had he started screaming. His head at an angle and his eyebrows pulled ever so slightly together, he could just as well have had tears streaming down his face. And on Mars, the way his eyes kept shifting, he could simply not have done it any better in any way.
Laurie, on the other hand, was dead. She her eyes were flat and emotionless, and she did not use her voice to convey emotion in the ways she could and should have. I think that her lack of emotion became so much more apparent when Doctor Manhattan had so much of it, even thou he hadn't. She was the one character in the movie with most opportunities to overact, and she did only take one of them. And she could very well have taken many more. The one she did take, she did so poorly, she really hadn't needed to bother.
Rorschach was awesome. His mask was cool, and the character was cool, and the actor did a great job.

There were lots of cool little details. Like the smiley on Mars (there really is a smiley on Mars BTW: Just take a look).
There were some things that I didn't catch thou, because they were poorly laid out. I thought Rorschach and Laurie were siblings, kinda, until fiancé told me that those were really two different scenes shot at the same angle. There are these two different scenes, with different actors and all, but they are shot at the almost exact same angle, and the two women sorta look alike, and the sets used are almost identical, so of course I get confused. They are not, however the same women, so Rorschach and Laurie are not siblings. (It did seem weird at the moment as well.)

All in all, it was awesome. Well worth the load of money I paid to go see it^^,

I'll see if I can get around to posting some Berlin pictures soon^^,

Word of the day:
ロールシャッハテスト - rōrushahhatesuto - Rorschach test

Friday, March 6, 2009

Grey Berlin

So I got home from Berlin on Wednesday. And I must say, it's a gray, dull city.
Now I have been to some really cool places during the last couple of years, like London, Rome, Barcelona and so on, and came out of all those places with a much better impression than of Berlin.
I hear great things about the Berlin nightlife, and a few of my classmates spent every night out, but after walking between 15 and 18 thousand steps a day, I was in no shape to party...=j
In most of the cities I've been to they have exiting buildings and things to see as you walk down the street, Berlin didn't. We did spend most of our time in the east thou, so that might have been a contributing factor to the overwhelming sense of conformity. All of the buildings looked almost the same. Tall slabs of cement with windows most of the time. Sometimes painted in bright garish colours. And do to walking so much, I never got much out of the few museums we visited, 'cos I was so tired all the time.
I did some shopping thou, bought 5 books. Die unendliche Geschichte (The neverending story), the Tintenherz triology (Inkheart), and a book I have never heard of called Faunblut (Faun's blood).
I have started a tad on the first, and I get it quite easily. Possibly because I have read it a bunch times in Norwegian. Faunblut however, was a tad advanced for me, but I am hoping it will be easier by the time I am finished with the first 4^^,
I also bought two cute tops, and new sailor shoes. Pink plaid^^,
All in all it was a okey trip, but I doubt I will be going back=j

Word of the day:
詰らない - tsumaranai - dull, uninteresting, boring, insignificant, trifling

The Science of Watchmen

Watchmen premiers today. I am going to see it tomorrow. I have a smiley-blooddrop button and everything=D=D

Here's a little buildup:
Science of watchmen. Be nerdy with me won't ya=D=D