Monday, June 23, 2008

Gothic & Lolita Bible

I bought my first Gothic & Lolita Bible today^^, In English. I have been drooling all over the Japanese one for ages, but the second ever number of the American one has a cover made by Queen of Dorks, which is an amazing artist that I have been watching on DA for the longest time. So, naturally, I had to have it. I preordered it at Outland, which is my local (or half local) comic/manga/book store, where I buy all my manga and most of my books. It came yesterday and I picked it up today.
Ain't it purdy? Up in the left corner you can see my lolita wrist warmers. Pale pink with white lace like edgings. It's too warm to wear them now thou.

I haven't gotten around to read it yet thou. Thought I would read it on the train to Oslo tomorrow. Have been looking through it thou, and it's all pink and purdy inside. I love the fashion reports. Even if it's almost like paying for a high-class advertisement magazine >_<
I spent the weekend with the Man, and went to pick up my cat Tullerusk from my parents, where she lives on the weekends while I'm with the Man, today. She was not happy when we closed the door to the outside. But when we came home she just crawled up in a chair and went straight to sleep. The quilt is just too good to lie on.^^,

Word of the day #2:
kizoku - noble, aristocrat

1 comment:

Hanne said...

Hugs to you and the furball (((( ))))
The great outdoors is overrated today, with the heavy showers, and the furball did not look all that good soaking wet hehehe