I'm leaving tomorrow. I have everything packed and ready. I hope. Have I mentioned I hate traveling? What if I forgot something? Well, I have my passport, my healthcard, my medicines, and money (cash, ATM card, and Mastercard, I should be covered). Everything else can be bought. Travelnerves are horrible... But I am looking forward to the concert, and once we are in the air, I will be okey. My friends will pick me up at 7 AM tomorrow, so I have to be up bright and early. I will be going to bed early today, so that I can get up that early.
My aloe vera has bloomed. I have always been impressed by my mom being able to make her aloe veras bloom, and now I have managed it myself. By neglecting it, by the look of it. It stands on the windowsill and I kinda forget it's there, I don't think I have watered it for a month. I took it down to get a good picture of it, and Tullerusk decided it was in need of some eating. I snapped this gorgeous picture of her:

Word of the day:
gaiyuu - foreign travel
1 comment:
Gorgeous photo :-)
Have a safe travel Tink!
As long as you have your money, your cards, your tickets and your meds, you will be fine.
Hugs ((()))
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