This was a bad movie. Don't go see this movie. It was bad.
It was 92 minutes of stupid people acting stupid. And I can't stand stupid people in real life. On the big screen I really, really, really can't stand stupid people.
Stupid people on the big screen makes me want to go homicidal with whatever is messier than a chainsaw.
I did not like this movie, can you tell?
The only redeeming factor of this movie was that the last 10 minutes or so was really sweet. Not über happy lollipops with syrup coating kind of sweet, but very awww kind of sweet=D
All in all I am very glad I did not pay to go see it at the very least. Being a volunteer I have gotten free tickets to all the movies I have wanted to see. And this is the first really bad movie I have seen through the whole festival. 9 was meh, but it wasn't horrible. This one was.
So if you like stupid movies about stupid people acting stupid, go right ahead. If you don't, turn around and run really fast in the opposite direction.
Tinkerbell's blog for all things pink and fluffy. And some things that aren't...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Whip It, and Fantastic Mr. Fox
So I saw Whip It and Fantastic Mr. Fox yesterday^^,
Whip it was the movie about 17 year old Bliss who discovers a passion for Roller Derby.
It had such excelent actors as Ellen Page (from Juno), Drew Barrymore and Juliette Lewis.
Ellen Page made yet another fabulous performance.
It was a very fun, feelgood type of movie.
I like corporate independent movies actually. They are very similar to regular independent movies, but they have a bigger budget, so they are able to do more things with them. Which can have very good results indeed^^,
I also saw Fantastic Mr. Fox, which is an animated movie based on the Roald Dahl book by the same name^^,
It was directed (by e-mail, from France) by Wes Anderson, and he insisted that everything, all the animation and such, be done without computers. Which the animators weren't too happy about. But the result was brilliant.
If you watched Fireman Sam when you were little (or had children that did), then you probably remember the pretty flames they had. They were like that in this movie.
And all the dolls were covered with real fur, which is hard to work with, but it looked amazing=D
The story wasn't any great genius, I had the disctinct feeling the movie would never end. They could have made shorter that 87 minutes. But it was very cute. And I could lose myself in the animation, so it wasn't that bad.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired as well. I had been working for 6 hours, which I am still not used to, and I had already seen one movie that day.
All in all it was pretty good^^, And I good childrens movie I think. Even thou it was slightly violent at times.
Whip it was the movie about 17 year old Bliss who discovers a passion for Roller Derby.
It had such excelent actors as Ellen Page (from Juno), Drew Barrymore and Juliette Lewis.
Ellen Page made yet another fabulous performance.
It was a very fun, feelgood type of movie.
I like corporate independent movies actually. They are very similar to regular independent movies, but they have a bigger budget, so they are able to do more things with them. Which can have very good results indeed^^,
I also saw Fantastic Mr. Fox, which is an animated movie based on the Roald Dahl book by the same name^^,
It was directed (by e-mail, from France) by Wes Anderson, and he insisted that everything, all the animation and such, be done without computers. Which the animators weren't too happy about. But the result was brilliant.
If you watched Fireman Sam when you were little (or had children that did), then you probably remember the pretty flames they had. They were like that in this movie.
And all the dolls were covered with real fur, which is hard to work with, but it looked amazing=D
The story wasn't any great genius, I had the disctinct feeling the movie would never end. They could have made shorter that 87 minutes. But it was very cute. And I could lose myself in the animation, so it wasn't that bad.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired as well. I had been working for 6 hours, which I am still not used to, and I had already seen one movie that day.
All in all it was pretty good^^, And I good childrens movie I think. Even thou it was slightly violent at times.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Life of Brian
So I saw Life of Brian yesterday^^, For the first time=D
Terry Jones was there, and he got interviewed for half an hour before the movie. Which was kind of cool, and kind of boring. But he was funny most of the time, so it was okey^^,
In Norway life of Brian was actually banned for blasphemy, and they showed us the old tape from the eigthies fromwhen the ban was lifted, and it had this public message before the movie started that stated things like:
"It was not Monty Python's intention that Brian be similar to Jesus, and Monty Python did not mean to be blasphemous, and crusifiction was a common method of punishment during the Roman empire, and rebels like Brian would have been crusified."
It was simply hilarious. If it is possible to get a hold of a DVD version, with that message as extramaterial, I want that^^,
Terry talked about how the movie was banned was such good publicity for Monty Python, and he told us, that out of the 4 movies that has been banned in Ireland, he had made 3 of them. Which was kind of funny^^,
After the movie, there was a book signing of his book "the Barbarians". I could't afford to buy one (they cost 350 krownes, which is almost 65 USD), but S had two, and I took a picture of them together^^, And when he was signing S's book, S went "we have weird names here in Norway", and I went "I don't, my name is Elisabeth, that is universal", and then Terry Jones laughed, which was cool^^,
He was really very nice^^,
I'm gonna have to see "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" now. I have seen "the Meaning of Life" a couple of times when I was a kid. My dad had a VHS of it stuffed at the back of the VHS's (not a fan of Monty Python) and I used to watch it from time to time^^,
Fun times=D=D
Terry Jones was there, and he got interviewed for half an hour before the movie. Which was kind of cool, and kind of boring. But he was funny most of the time, so it was okey^^,
In Norway life of Brian was actually banned for blasphemy, and they showed us the old tape from the eigthies fromwhen the ban was lifted, and it had this public message before the movie started that stated things like:
"It was not Monty Python's intention that Brian be similar to Jesus, and Monty Python did not mean to be blasphemous, and crusifiction was a common method of punishment during the Roman empire, and rebels like Brian would have been crusified."
It was simply hilarious. If it is possible to get a hold of a DVD version, with that message as extramaterial, I want that^^,
Terry talked about how the movie was banned was such good publicity for Monty Python, and he told us, that out of the 4 movies that has been banned in Ireland, he had made 3 of them. Which was kind of funny^^,
After the movie, there was a book signing of his book "the Barbarians". I could't afford to buy one (they cost 350 krownes, which is almost 65 USD), but S had two, and I took a picture of them together^^, And when he was signing S's book, S went "we have weird names here in Norway", and I went "I don't, my name is Elisabeth, that is universal", and then Terry Jones laughed, which was cool^^,
He was really very nice^^,
I'm gonna have to see "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" now. I have seen "the Meaning of Life" a couple of times when I was a kid. My dad had a VHS of it stuffed at the back of the VHS's (not a fan of Monty Python) and I used to watch it from time to time^^,
Fun times=D=D
Monday, November 23, 2009
So I saw 9 today. A futuristic, post apocalyptic animated movie about puppets.
The plot is that the world has been destroyed because the humans made intelligent machines that turned on humanity and they ended up destroying each other.
It was a very good movie when I saw it, but the more I think about it, the more meh it feels.
Actually the plot and everything just seemed like a bunch of executives sat around a table talking about their favourite parts of their favourite movies, and then just copy-pasted them together into one movie.
Visually it was very nicely done. Not astounding, nor very impressing really, but nice. The puppets weren't very emoting, and things looked very deliberately textured. It looked kind of fake actually. And the puppets either moved too smoothly or not smoothly enough, there's was no golden middle.
All in all it was an okey movie. It was entertaining. Unfortunately it's likely it will get an Oscar nomination. I don't think it deserves that.
Also the ending struck me as very weird. Like some executive (again with the executivesXP) had decided that he wanted it to end that way. Because it didn't seem to correspond to the information given to us earlier in the movie.
Trailer time:
The plot is that the world has been destroyed because the humans made intelligent machines that turned on humanity and they ended up destroying each other.
It was a very good movie when I saw it, but the more I think about it, the more meh it feels.
Actually the plot and everything just seemed like a bunch of executives sat around a table talking about their favourite parts of their favourite movies, and then just copy-pasted them together into one movie.
Visually it was very nicely done. Not astounding, nor very impressing really, but nice. The puppets weren't very emoting, and things looked very deliberately textured. It looked kind of fake actually. And the puppets either moved too smoothly or not smoothly enough, there's was no golden middle.
All in all it was an okey movie. It was entertaining. Unfortunately it's likely it will get an Oscar nomination. I don't think it deserves that.
Also the ending struck me as very weird. Like some executive (again with the executivesXP) had decided that he wanted it to end that way. Because it didn't seem to correspond to the information given to us earlier in the movie.
Trailer time:
Mary and Max, and Ip Man
No clickable title today, since I saw two movies. There will be clickables in the reviews thou.
So I saw Mary and Max today.
It's an animated movie about a little girl in Australia who picks a name at random from a New Your phonebook, and writes that man a letter, and the man who receives the letter.
Visually it's gorgeous, the little details they have put into their models (it's stop motion. You know, like Nightmare Before Christmas and Wallace and Gromit) is simply amazing. The movie is in two colour schemes, New York is grey, and Australia is sephia, and then you have certain bright colours, like red lipstick, and a red pompom, and that makes the story that much more real.
They use a lot of time describing things, like colours and smells, and that also contributes to make the movie feel real, because that's the sort of thing people notice in the back of their heads, and that is very much a part of life.
The humour in this movie is very dark (as you can see in the trailer), and at some points it is very sad, but it is very sweet.
I will show you the trailer now:
And then I saw Ip Man (it's not i-p like in ip address, it's a chinese name, it is Ip Man, not I-p Man), which is very loosely based on the life of Yip Man, a very renounced martial arts master, who have trained among others Bruce Lee.
This is a martial arts movie, which means that if the fight scenes annoy you, you won't enjoy it, seeing as about 75% of the movie was fight scenes. Also, in classic martial arts movie style it just ended, there was the last great big climaxy battle between the two masters and then it ended. Just like that. You got a nice little picture montage of what happened after, but I was left with the distinct feeling that it ended in the middle of the best part.
The battle scenes were awesome, and mostly realistic, which was a nice change from the wire-fu movies we have been getting to Norway the last few years. ( I say mostly, because there were some quite unrealistic throwing of people across rooms with a punch in the chest and things like thatXP
All in all I liked it^^,
Now for the trailer and a little clip of Ip Man beating 10 Japanese black belts to give you an impression of the fight scenes^^,
So I saw Mary and Max today.
It's an animated movie about a little girl in Australia who picks a name at random from a New Your phonebook, and writes that man a letter, and the man who receives the letter.
Visually it's gorgeous, the little details they have put into their models (it's stop motion. You know, like Nightmare Before Christmas and Wallace and Gromit) is simply amazing. The movie is in two colour schemes, New York is grey, and Australia is sephia, and then you have certain bright colours, like red lipstick, and a red pompom, and that makes the story that much more real.
They use a lot of time describing things, like colours and smells, and that also contributes to make the movie feel real, because that's the sort of thing people notice in the back of their heads, and that is very much a part of life.
The humour in this movie is very dark (as you can see in the trailer), and at some points it is very sad, but it is very sweet.
I will show you the trailer now:
And then I saw Ip Man (it's not i-p like in ip address, it's a chinese name, it is Ip Man, not I-p Man), which is very loosely based on the life of Yip Man, a very renounced martial arts master, who have trained among others Bruce Lee.
This is a martial arts movie, which means that if the fight scenes annoy you, you won't enjoy it, seeing as about 75% of the movie was fight scenes. Also, in classic martial arts movie style it just ended, there was the last great big climaxy battle between the two masters and then it ended. Just like that. You got a nice little picture montage of what happened after, but I was left with the distinct feeling that it ended in the middle of the best part.
The battle scenes were awesome, and mostly realistic, which was a nice change from the wire-fu movies we have been getting to Norway the last few years. ( I say mostly, because there were some quite unrealistic throwing of people across rooms with a punch in the chest and things like thatXP
All in all I liked it^^,
Now for the trailer and a little clip of Ip Man beating 10 Japanese black belts to give you an impression of the fight scenes^^,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Bitch Slap. TandA. And Explosions=D
Clickable title
So I saw Bitch Slap yesterday.
And to put it like this, when they introduce the girls, the last part of them you get to see are their faces. It's that kind of movie.XD
It's about three girls who are searching for some diamonds out in the desert. Most of the movies consists of flashbacks, which are filmed on green screen.'
There's not really plot, but the point of this movie isn't the plot anyway, it's about hot girls getting dirty and wet in the desertXP
No, really. What this movie consists of is hot girls, who are either fighting of f***ing, explosions, and big ass guns (it's seriously anime sizedXD).
It's not a movie for when you wanna see something serious, or with heavy dialogue, it's a movie for when you wanna lay back watch some seriously hot and over the top.
And if you live in Oslo and go see it tonight (saturday 21st of november) or tomorrow (sunday 22nd november) you can think happily about the fact that for once you have seen an American movie before in premiers in the States (which will happen in 8th of January).XP It has been showed at Toronto, but that's in Canada, so that doesn't countXD
I was going to upload you the ending credits from youtube, but they weren't there, which is natural, seeing as it has only been showed at movie festivals (except for in Finland where is has premièred for real). It was awesome you see. It was layed out as youtube teen-strip movies (you know, the ones where hot girls take of their clothes down to their undies on camera, but doesn't show their faces), but we figured it was probably the actresses from the movie dancingXD It was hot anywho^~,
Only bummer about this movie, was that I had had a long crappy day, and the three main actresses came to cast glory on the show, which was cool and all. But instead of putting a panel after the movie, they got interview for effings 30 minutes before the movie. Which would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact the journalist that interviewed them was almost incompetent. He fumbled with the microphone, had really standard boring questions (many of which the girls could not answer, seeing as that would spoil us, because they did the interview before the movie) and did not take their hints at all that they thought it took too long time.
Overall I loved the movie.
And you need to go see it. Oh! And there was this Japanese character Kinki, who talked most of the time in Japanese. I could understand most of what she said=D Yay me=D=D
Did you see Lucy Lawless? You, Xena? Yeah, she's in this movie too=D
So I saw Bitch Slap yesterday.
And to put it like this, when they introduce the girls, the last part of them you get to see are their faces. It's that kind of movie.XD
It's about three girls who are searching for some diamonds out in the desert. Most of the movies consists of flashbacks, which are filmed on green screen.'
There's not really plot, but the point of this movie isn't the plot anyway, it's about hot girls getting dirty and wet in the desertXP
No, really. What this movie consists of is hot girls, who are either fighting of f***ing, explosions, and big ass guns (it's seriously anime sizedXD).
It's not a movie for when you wanna see something serious, or with heavy dialogue, it's a movie for when you wanna lay back watch some seriously hot and over the top.
And if you live in Oslo and go see it tonight (saturday 21st of november) or tomorrow (sunday 22nd november) you can think happily about the fact that for once you have seen an American movie before in premiers in the States (which will happen in 8th of January).XP It has been showed at Toronto, but that's in Canada, so that doesn't countXD
I was going to upload you the ending credits from youtube, but they weren't there, which is natural, seeing as it has only been showed at movie festivals (except for in Finland where is has premièred for real). It was awesome you see. It was layed out as youtube teen-strip movies (you know, the ones where hot girls take of their clothes down to their undies on camera, but doesn't show their faces), but we figured it was probably the actresses from the movie dancingXD It was hot anywho^~,
Only bummer about this movie, was that I had had a long crappy day, and the three main actresses came to cast glory on the show, which was cool and all. But instead of putting a panel after the movie, they got interview for effings 30 minutes before the movie. Which would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact the journalist that interviewed them was almost incompetent. He fumbled with the microphone, had really standard boring questions (many of which the girls could not answer, seeing as that would spoil us, because they did the interview before the movie) and did not take their hints at all that they thought it took too long time.
Overall I loved the movie.
And you need to go see it. Oh! And there was this Japanese character Kinki, who talked most of the time in Japanese. I could understand most of what she said=D Yay me=D=D
This trailer is not safe for work!!!!
Did you see Lucy Lawless? You, Xena? Yeah, she's in this movie too=D
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Precious: Based on the novel push by Sapphire
Clickable title folks^^,
So I saw Precious today. And it was amazing. Absolutely breathtaking. And it was horrible. The thing that happened to the main character was absolutely horrible.
It's about a sixteen year old girl. Pregnant by her father with her second child. Her mother verbally and physically abuses her. She can't read, but somehow she gets almost straight As (probably pity grades). Every single thing in her life conspires to utterly destroy her.
And still, every time life smashed a plate in her head, or pushed her over on the street or generally just sucked, she got up.
To be brutally honest, some scenes in this movie was horrible to watch I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave, but seeing as I would have to go past the entire row to so I stayed put. I'm glad I did.
What this movie really was about is that you need to keep fighting. Every time life effs you over, every time someone else effs you over, every time you eff your self over, you need to get up and keep fighting. No one can make your life better, other than yourself. If you sit around waiting for someone else to fix things, nothing will get fixed. Sometimes you will need help and that is okey, but in the end, you need to fix your own life.
To be honest, this is the single most inspiring movie of the year, if not the most inspiring movie I have ever seen. I loved it.
And by god, Gabourey Sidibe deserves the Oscar for Female Lead this year. I know they release all Oscar movies around this time of year, but I sincerely doubt that there will be even one performance even close to hers this year at all.
And while we are talking about Gabourey, the Film Festival director (I forgot to mention that, didn't I, this was the opening film for Oslo International Film Festival) said something sad in his speech before the movie; she had to stop reading blog entries about the movie, because all they ever said about it was that they could not believe how ugly she was.
Honestly, how is that constructive at all? Why write something like that? It's not even true. Granted, she is no Halley Berry, but when she smiled she was gorgeous.
When you play a 16 year old girl who has been raped and abused your whole life, you are supposed to go around looking grumpy, and angry, and that makes no girl pretty. But there were these dream sequences where she was dreaming about what she wanted from life. being an actress, a model, a singer and so on, and she looked happy, and in those scenes she was absolutely beautiful. Click on the title and look the pictures and see for your self.
I simply can't understand why people feel that they need write these things.
There was this one guy who said that the movie would be perfectly okey with "regular looking people", and I think he was seriously missing the point of the thing. If someone like, say, Halle Berry played Precious it would not be the same movie. It would be something else entirely.
I hope Gabourey gets at least one great price for this, she needs an Oscar for this. She was that good.
And you all need to go see it when it hits the movie theatres. It was hard to watch at times, but it was totally worth it. As I said, it's the most inspiring movie of the year, and you all need to go see it=D
So I saw Precious today. And it was amazing. Absolutely breathtaking. And it was horrible. The thing that happened to the main character was absolutely horrible.
It's about a sixteen year old girl. Pregnant by her father with her second child. Her mother verbally and physically abuses her. She can't read, but somehow she gets almost straight As (probably pity grades). Every single thing in her life conspires to utterly destroy her.
And still, every time life smashed a plate in her head, or pushed her over on the street or generally just sucked, she got up.
To be brutally honest, some scenes in this movie was horrible to watch I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave, but seeing as I would have to go past the entire row to so I stayed put. I'm glad I did.
What this movie really was about is that you need to keep fighting. Every time life effs you over, every time someone else effs you over, every time you eff your self over, you need to get up and keep fighting. No one can make your life better, other than yourself. If you sit around waiting for someone else to fix things, nothing will get fixed. Sometimes you will need help and that is okey, but in the end, you need to fix your own life.
To be honest, this is the single most inspiring movie of the year, if not the most inspiring movie I have ever seen. I loved it.
And by god, Gabourey Sidibe deserves the Oscar for Female Lead this year. I know they release all Oscar movies around this time of year, but I sincerely doubt that there will be even one performance even close to hers this year at all.
And while we are talking about Gabourey, the Film Festival director (I forgot to mention that, didn't I, this was the opening film for Oslo International Film Festival) said something sad in his speech before the movie; she had to stop reading blog entries about the movie, because all they ever said about it was that they could not believe how ugly she was.
Honestly, how is that constructive at all? Why write something like that? It's not even true. Granted, she is no Halley Berry, but when she smiled she was gorgeous.
When you play a 16 year old girl who has been raped and abused your whole life, you are supposed to go around looking grumpy, and angry, and that makes no girl pretty. But there were these dream sequences where she was dreaming about what she wanted from life. being an actress, a model, a singer and so on, and she looked happy, and in those scenes she was absolutely beautiful. Click on the title and look the pictures and see for your self.
I simply can't understand why people feel that they need write these things.
There was this one guy who said that the movie would be perfectly okey with "regular looking people", and I think he was seriously missing the point of the thing. If someone like, say, Halle Berry played Precious it would not be the same movie. It would be something else entirely.
I hope Gabourey gets at least one great price for this, she needs an Oscar for this. She was that good.
And you all need to go see it when it hits the movie theatres. It was hard to watch at times, but it was totally worth it. As I said, it's the most inspiring movie of the year, and you all need to go see it=D
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