Yes! Evol I tells ya!!!
Warning! Here be spoilers!!!
So I am watching Angel, right? And the relationship between Doyle and Cordelia is just to sweet and awkward for words, seeing as Doyle is a half demon and he thinks Cordelia loathes men like him, even thou she secretly lusts for him and so on.
And then comes the episode where she finally finds out, and they have a cute little reunion scene, where she tells him it doesn't matter either way "and would you ask me out for dinner already?"
And then there is this super evil half breed killing light thingy, and Doyle figures he needs to be a hero so he kisses Cordelia, and they're all smoochy and stuff, and then he jumps up on the thingamabob to unplug, and of course gets him self killed saving everyone else! What's the deal with Joss Whedon always killing all the cool characters?
I mean Cordelia is kind of cool, but she is girl so we can't kill her, and if she dies I guess Doyle stops being so interesting. And Angel is the holier than thou, broody guy, who just happens to be the main character so we can't kill him either. That only leaves Doyle I guess, but why for Pete's does anyone have to die at all?!
If you should kill anyone, why can't Angel die again? Then we can get a few cool episodes where they try to bring his holiness back, and we could have some Willow action. But noooo, he has to kill the only cool guy in the series.
Yes, I know all the fanatics will probably flame me for saying this, but Angel is an effing boring character, and I am mostly just watching the stupid show because the finacé is making me. It wouldn't even by halfway as interesting without Cordelia, who is the life of the entire show.
I will probably suffer through the rest of the series just so that I can watch Lorne and Drusilla later on.
And one more thing. Why does Joss keep recycling his characters? I mean, I get that he is sad to see them go from Buffy, and some of them are cool, but still. I mean Westley was cool in Buffy and all that, but he is not that cool that he needs to be in a 101 episodes of Angel. Not by my standards anyway. I don't know, he probably evolves (I hope) into and interesting guy.
And then of course there are the characters he just can't bring himself to killing. Like Faith. He apparently has unfinished business with Faith. Well we will just have to see what that evolves into. (She just waked up from the coma.)
Yeah, and I know there is this clause about when a Slayer dies one now one is "activated", but what if she is incapable to slay. Like for instance if she lies in a coma for 8 months, shouldn't a new one get activated? Or is evil to be allowed to reign until she wakes up?
But what do I know. I'm just your stupid audience!
And one more thing? What's the deal with killing Shepherd Book? Or Wash for that matter? Yeah I realize that were probably meant to die in the series as well, but why?
You could just as well kill Inara! Or Kaylee for that matter! But quite honestly if he killed Kaylee (or Willow for that matter) I would never have watched ANYTHING he made past or present EVER again!!!
But I think I will end this rant now, because I can feel myself rambling.
And in case you haven't noticed I get passionate about these kinds of thingsXP I can rant for hours on end. That is part of what makes me adorable I have been toldXP
Nightynight kiddiesXP
Tinkerbell's blog for all things pink and fluffy. And some things that aren't...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Phear my awesome powers of procrastination
Facebook is just too addictive. I have discovered a whole lot of games, the type that needs to be checked on every hour. And when you play about 15 of those games, and they take about 5 min each every hour, you can imagine I can't get any studying done.
I did study for almost three hours yesterday thou, so I'm not shirking completely, but it's less than it should have been.
I'm taking philosophy as a "private student", which basically means no classes for me. I just have to study hard by myself and then I will take an exam this Christmas. And that is hard. I am really rather interested in philosophy, but I started of with Menon, and it's just about the most boring thing I have ever read. It's slowly inching itself toward interesting, but it's slow going. I'd much rather read "Princess Bride".
Which by the way is an awesome book. It's all full of funny phrasings and good jokes. I will do a more complete review once I have finished it. Which would be around Friday I would guess.
And I have this whole chapter in phonology to read by tomorrow. I better get started I think=D
I did study for almost three hours yesterday thou, so I'm not shirking completely, but it's less than it should have been.
I'm taking philosophy as a "private student", which basically means no classes for me. I just have to study hard by myself and then I will take an exam this Christmas. And that is hard. I am really rather interested in philosophy, but I started of with Menon, and it's just about the most boring thing I have ever read. It's slowly inching itself toward interesting, but it's slow going. I'd much rather read "Princess Bride".
Which by the way is an awesome book. It's all full of funny phrasings and good jokes. I will do a more complete review once I have finished it. Which would be around Friday I would guess.
And I have this whole chapter in phonology to read by tomorrow. I better get started I think=D
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I am such a good girl>.<
So I went to my first lecture today. Angst is such a sucky thing, which is why I kind of started going a little late. But on the plus side, this was the first day of lectures for this particular subject, so I haven't missed anything.
I almost didn't go thou, I had not read the lesson plan thoroughly enough, so I showed up an hour early. And I was convinced I had the wrong day and that it was yesterday or something, but I called mom and she told me the reason why there was no-one there, so I went a got myself some coffee and waited until they started.
And I have come to the conclusion that archive theory is a whole lot of fun^^,
I have no idea why, and the funny thing was that it was actually kind of boring for the first two periods.It did not get any interesting until they started talking about the proper way to write a qualifying paper. (Yeah I have to qualify to take the exam.) And then there was archive law which was also fun. (Go figure)
I think the actual reason why the first two periods were boring was mostly that the teacher had next to no volume to his voice, so it was difficult to hear him. That, plus he droned. His voice was like white noise, the exact same volume (low) all the time, and no enthusiasm at all. And that is just the thing, when the teacher sounds bored, I get bored, and it gets impossible to pay attention. Plus the history of archiving is (or seems to be, what I can remember) boring.
I got two periods of archiving tomorrow as well, or I have three, but I have exfac (basically a subject designed to prepare you for the line of study which you have chosen, so language theory in my case) at the same time as one of the archiving classes, so I chose exfac.
I'm guessing nothing of this is way to interesting, so I am gonna stop nowXP
But, hey, it's my blog, so I will write about whatever I pleaseXP
I'll probably geek out tomorrow about language theory. Which I have been reading about to make up for my lost classes, and it's really interesting. We are apparently doing phonetics, and I have been spending all my commuting time trying out which sounds corresponds to what in the phonetic alphabet and where my tongue goes when I pronounce said sounds. And I have probably been driving all my fellow commuters insane, what with the tiny little noises I must have been making.XP
Anywho that would be for tomorrowXP
I need to study (read: watch more BuffyXP)
Night my dahlings=D
I almost didn't go thou, I had not read the lesson plan thoroughly enough, so I showed up an hour early. And I was convinced I had the wrong day and that it was yesterday or something, but I called mom and she told me the reason why there was no-one there, so I went a got myself some coffee and waited until they started.
And I have come to the conclusion that archive theory is a whole lot of fun^^,
I have no idea why, and the funny thing was that it was actually kind of boring for the first two periods.It did not get any interesting until they started talking about the proper way to write a qualifying paper. (Yeah I have to qualify to take the exam.) And then there was archive law which was also fun. (Go figure)
I think the actual reason why the first two periods were boring was mostly that the teacher had next to no volume to his voice, so it was difficult to hear him. That, plus he droned. His voice was like white noise, the exact same volume (low) all the time, and no enthusiasm at all. And that is just the thing, when the teacher sounds bored, I get bored, and it gets impossible to pay attention. Plus the history of archiving is (or seems to be, what I can remember) boring.
I got two periods of archiving tomorrow as well, or I have three, but I have exfac (basically a subject designed to prepare you for the line of study which you have chosen, so language theory in my case) at the same time as one of the archiving classes, so I chose exfac.
I'm guessing nothing of this is way to interesting, so I am gonna stop nowXP
But, hey, it's my blog, so I will write about whatever I pleaseXP
I'll probably geek out tomorrow about language theory. Which I have been reading about to make up for my lost classes, and it's really interesting. We are apparently doing phonetics, and I have been spending all my commuting time trying out which sounds corresponds to what in the phonetic alphabet and where my tongue goes when I pronounce said sounds. And I have probably been driving all my fellow commuters insane, what with the tiny little noises I must have been making.XP
Anywho that would be for tomorrowXP
I need to study (read: watch more BuffyXP)
Night my dahlings=D
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ponyo on the cliff by the sea
I went to see Ponyo on the cliff by the sea yesterday.
It was seriously the most adorable movie ever. It's an adaptation of the "little mermaid", the real version by HC Andersen, not the sappy Disney version. And yet it was it's all new story, with a lige of it's own.
What happens is that this little boy Sosuke finds a little fish by the sea, trapped in a jar. And he takes her home and names her Ponyo. But Ponyo gets "eaten" by the sea, and taken back to her father, and there comes the moral rolling in, about the humans and how they destroy the sea and the nature.
But Ponyo loves Sosuke, and wants to become human and stay with him.
This is the first movie Studio Ghibli have made for years without the use of computer animation. It's actually made the old fashion way with animation cells, and as a result the animation style was very simplistic. And absolutely stunning! They had these pastel backgrounds that were absolutely gorgeous.
One thing that Studio Ghibli is very good at is portraying young children, both visually, with all the little movements like little children do, and their mentality. They have many such young characters, like Mei from Tonari no Totori, and they are always excellently portrayed.
Ponyo was the kind of movie that made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside, and I stayed that way for quite some time. It was sweet without being sappy, and portrayed simple love between children without being naive. I loved it, and I am thinking of seing it again, when they show it in the movies for real and they will have it with the original Japanese voices. Norwegian dubs are very good, but the Norwegian names were a bit distractingXP
It was seriously the most adorable movie ever. It's an adaptation of the "little mermaid", the real version by HC Andersen, not the sappy Disney version. And yet it was it's all new story, with a lige of it's own.
What happens is that this little boy Sosuke finds a little fish by the sea, trapped in a jar. And he takes her home and names her Ponyo. But Ponyo gets "eaten" by the sea, and taken back to her father, and there comes the moral rolling in, about the humans and how they destroy the sea and the nature.
But Ponyo loves Sosuke, and wants to become human and stay with him.
This is the first movie Studio Ghibli have made for years without the use of computer animation. It's actually made the old fashion way with animation cells, and as a result the animation style was very simplistic. And absolutely stunning! They had these pastel backgrounds that were absolutely gorgeous.
One thing that Studio Ghibli is very good at is portraying young children, both visually, with all the little movements like little children do, and their mentality. They have many such young characters, like Mei from Tonari no Totori, and they are always excellently portrayed.
Ponyo was the kind of movie that made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside, and I stayed that way for quite some time. It was sweet without being sappy, and portrayed simple love between children without being naive. I loved it, and I am thinking of seing it again, when they show it in the movies for real and they will have it with the original Japanese voices. Norwegian dubs are very good, but the Norwegian names were a bit distractingXP
Friday, August 21, 2009
Stupid everything
Stupid pollen. Stupid head cold. Stupid weather that can't decide if it wants to be hot or cold. Stupid everything!
So I have a cold. And it's a cold, I don't run a fever, so it's not the swine flu. But I have a cough, and then because of the stupid pollen, I have got an itchy, runny nose. And I felt so crappy this morning that I had to miss school today, and we were supposed to learn about phonetics and I have read the chapter and it's really interesting, and the the world sucks big time right now.
But I have my language science book and Buffy, so I'll be fine.
*going to bed with her book*
So I have a cold. And it's a cold, I don't run a fever, so it's not the swine flu. But I have a cough, and then because of the stupid pollen, I have got an itchy, runny nose. And I felt so crappy this morning that I had to miss school today, and we were supposed to learn about phonetics and I have read the chapter and it's really interesting, and the the world sucks big time right now.
But I have my language science book and Buffy, so I'll be fine.
*going to bed with her book*
Thursday, August 20, 2009
First week of school. AlmostXP
So school started this week. I didn't get into Japanse, but I am taking some classes to tide me over until I can try again next yearXP Namely the ones I'll have to take next year anyway.
I am taking a philosophy class, and one study technique class, and for kicks I am taking an archiving class, like how to preserve book and records and suchXD
I went to buy school supplies yesterday. I bought a new back pack, baby pink with Hello Kitty on itXD Yeah, I know I'm 21, but I love pink and I love Hello Kitty, and it just as well that any potential new friends I might make learn who I am straight away.XD
I also bought a fake leather filofax. It's all nice and black and smooth and purdy=D=D And I can buy whatever dayplaner to go in I want, and that is plus=D I have bought a pack of to-do lists to go in it, 'cos I like to make lists of what needs to be done, so that I don't forget anything.
I also spent half a fortune on a new winter coat. Lolita style=D=D It's black with little white trimmings and white lace. All purdy. I love it=D
I'm going to buy my school books today. I must say I do not look forward to looking at the price tags. School books are expensive...O.o
Winter is coming. I'm already having my first cold. But I don't have a fever, so at least it's a cold and not the swine fluXP
But with it comes cold and dark and snow. None of which I like.
Also the motocycle season is almost over=( I don't have one myself, but my dad does, and uses it to drive me to the train after I have been visiting my parents. It's such a treat^^, I have a suspicion that one of the reason he has been driving me to the train so much lately is that he loves riding his bike so much thouXP But it's really fun, and he is such a steady driver, but I must admit that round abouts is a bit scary, what with the leaning over and such.XD
He drove me to the bus yesterday thou, and a bumblebee flew down the front of my jacket, that was a little freaky. It did not bite or burn or whatever they do thou. I think it was early-fall-groggy, like most insects get. Mostly it was just soft and fluffy, like a little ball of cotton=D
I'm gonna finish eating my breakfast now, and then do some tidying, before I meet L to buy books^^,
I am taking a philosophy class, and one study technique class, and for kicks I am taking an archiving class, like how to preserve book and records and suchXD
I went to buy school supplies yesterday. I bought a new back pack, baby pink with Hello Kitty on itXD Yeah, I know I'm 21, but I love pink and I love Hello Kitty, and it just as well that any potential new friends I might make learn who I am straight away.XD
I also bought a fake leather filofax. It's all nice and black and smooth and purdy=D=D And I can buy whatever dayplaner to go in I want, and that is plus=D I have bought a pack of to-do lists to go in it, 'cos I like to make lists of what needs to be done, so that I don't forget anything.
I also spent half a fortune on a new winter coat. Lolita style=D=D It's black with little white trimmings and white lace. All purdy. I love it=D
I'm going to buy my school books today. I must say I do not look forward to looking at the price tags. School books are expensive...O.o
Winter is coming. I'm already having my first cold. But I don't have a fever, so at least it's a cold and not the swine fluXP
But with it comes cold and dark and snow. None of which I like.
Also the motocycle season is almost over=( I don't have one myself, but my dad does, and uses it to drive me to the train after I have been visiting my parents. It's such a treat^^, I have a suspicion that one of the reason he has been driving me to the train so much lately is that he loves riding his bike so much thouXP But it's really fun, and he is such a steady driver, but I must admit that round abouts is a bit scary, what with the leaning over and such.XD
He drove me to the bus yesterday thou, and a bumblebee flew down the front of my jacket, that was a little freaky. It did not bite or burn or whatever they do thou. I think it was early-fall-groggy, like most insects get. Mostly it was just soft and fluffy, like a little ball of cotton=D
I'm gonna finish eating my breakfast now, and then do some tidying, before I meet L to buy books^^,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
DR. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Does anyone remember the big tv- and movie-writes strike? (can't remember the time right now)
Does anyone know who Joss Whedon is?
Anyone? No? He's the writer of such amazing shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. And when the strike was going he had nothing to do. So what does one of the most awesome men alive do? He writes a musical!!!
This is the trailer for it, and yeah I know I'm a year late in reporting this awesome piece of awesome, but if you haven't seen it yet just go on youtube and type Dr. Horrible in the search box. It's 6 videos, under an hour long put together, and chuck full of awesome. (really need to find another adjective...XP)
How did I just now find out about this you ask? Well I was having one of my semi-regular "Once More with Feeling" hypes, and fiancé told me about this Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and I have spent the last hour gawking over Nathan Fillion's hawtness *fangirl squeel*
And just in case you are not in the know, "Once More with Feeling" is one of the two episodes from Buffy which got an Emmy. (The other one being "Hush" which is one of the creepiest things ever being shown on TV.) And it's a musical episode, and it has dancing and singing, and kissing and sing and dancing. *fangirl squeel*
And if you have not seen it you just let me know and I will plot you down in front of my projector screen and show it to you. Complete with the mandatory singing along by your's truly. This is not valid if you are my one reader residing in Singapore^^, (I've got this statistics feature from my adbox, and it told me I have a reader in Singapore. How awesome is that? And if you come to Norway sometime this does apply to you as wellXD)
Does anyone know who Joss Whedon is?
Anyone? No? He's the writer of such amazing shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. And when the strike was going he had nothing to do. So what does one of the most awesome men alive do? He writes a musical!!!
This is the trailer for it, and yeah I know I'm a year late in reporting this awesome piece of awesome, but if you haven't seen it yet just go on youtube and type Dr. Horrible in the search box. It's 6 videos, under an hour long put together, and chuck full of awesome. (really need to find another adjective...XP)
How did I just now find out about this you ask? Well I was having one of my semi-regular "Once More with Feeling" hypes, and fiancé told me about this Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and I have spent the last hour gawking over Nathan Fillion's hawtness *fangirl squeel*
And just in case you are not in the know, "Once More with Feeling" is one of the two episodes from Buffy which got an Emmy. (The other one being "Hush" which is one of the creepiest things ever being shown on TV.) And it's a musical episode, and it has dancing and singing, and kissing and sing and dancing. *fangirl squeel*
And if you have not seen it you just let me know and I will plot you down in front of my projector screen and show it to you. Complete with the mandatory singing along by your's truly. This is not valid if you are my one reader residing in Singapore^^, (I've got this statistics feature from my adbox, and it told me I have a reader in Singapore. How awesome is that? And if you come to Norway sometime this does apply to you as wellXD)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Okey, I'm gonna be mean now. Sorry
I am soooo happy that my parents understand how to use a computer, and that I don't have to teach them!!!! If you read this mom and/or dad: Thank you for not needing me to teach you how to use your computer.
My mother in law lives almost 4 hours away by car, smack in the middle of no-where, and she has just started to learn how to use a computer. And the only one to help her understand how is me and fiancé, which we do over the phone.
There has been maybe a month since I had her on the phone yelling because the hunk of junk did not work, and there was nothing on the screen, and she had plugged everything in right, and why wasn't it working? It took me freakin' 15 minutes to get her to understand that she needed an electricity cord for the screen, and the reason the "box" was blinking and nothing showed up on the screen was because the screen had no power. *facepalm*
I just now spent just about as much time trying to explain the concept of a scroll bar. And she is kind of stubborn and need to be force fed information. *headdesk*
And the most frustrating thing about the whole ordeal is that she is by no means an unintelligent woman, she just has a hard time understanding computers. And the frustration is doubled by the fact that we don't have all the facts, because she doesn't know, and sometimes don't understand when we try to explain, how or where to get them. And trying to explain something as visual as computers over the phone is hard.
My hat of to all of you people in technical support. I seriously salute you. You do an amazing job! I could not have done what you do.
And thanks again to my parents, who already know computers and don't need me to teach you. Just one more among the gazillion reasons I love you!XD
My mother in law lives almost 4 hours away by car, smack in the middle of no-where, and she has just started to learn how to use a computer. And the only one to help her understand how is me and fiancé, which we do over the phone.
There has been maybe a month since I had her on the phone yelling because the hunk of junk did not work, and there was nothing on the screen, and she had plugged everything in right, and why wasn't it working? It took me freakin' 15 minutes to get her to understand that she needed an electricity cord for the screen, and the reason the "box" was blinking and nothing showed up on the screen was because the screen had no power. *facepalm*
I just now spent just about as much time trying to explain the concept of a scroll bar. And she is kind of stubborn and need to be force fed information. *headdesk*
And the most frustrating thing about the whole ordeal is that she is by no means an unintelligent woman, she just has a hard time understanding computers. And the frustration is doubled by the fact that we don't have all the facts, because she doesn't know, and sometimes don't understand when we try to explain, how or where to get them. And trying to explain something as visual as computers over the phone is hard.
My hat of to all of you people in technical support. I seriously salute you. You do an amazing job! I could not have done what you do.
And thanks again to my parents, who already know computers and don't need me to teach you. Just one more among the gazillion reasons I love you!XD
I've bought book that I can readO.o
I have bought Japanese books for reading practise. Japanese Graded Readers: Level 1
to be exact. Not the exact one you get to when you click that link but the same series and level.
And the most awesome thing about it? I understand about 90% of what I have read so far=D=D
It's children's books, but I have read an awful lot of children's books in Japanese where I understand nothing. I buy the occasional über-cheap manga magazine at my local Japan-shop, but in those I understand maybe one speech box once in a blue moon.
I have only started to read one of them, and it's about a little girl in a big house who is all alone, and her parents talk only to eachother. And then one day the little girl and her mother moves into a tiny apartment, and then there is something about a boy.
If you would like to read some of these books, you can of course buy them through my nifty referral link *insert more shameless advertising here*, or you can read my Japanese Lessons, where I plan to post at least some of it as reading practise for all my students^^,
Oh! And if anyone can draw, I have been thinking about doing a tiny one strip manga as reading practice, but I can't draw. Please help me?
And the most awesome thing about it? I understand about 90% of what I have read so far=D=D
It's children's books, but I have read an awful lot of children's books in Japanese where I understand nothing. I buy the occasional über-cheap manga magazine at my local Japan-shop, but in those I understand maybe one speech box once in a blue moon.
I have only started to read one of them, and it's about a little girl in a big house who is all alone, and her parents talk only to eachother. And then one day the little girl and her mother moves into a tiny apartment, and then there is something about a boy.
If you would like to read some of these books, you can of course buy them through my nifty referral link *insert more shameless advertising here*, or you can read my Japanese Lessons, where I plan to post at least some of it as reading practise for all my students^^,
Oh! And if anyone can draw, I have been thinking about doing a tiny one strip manga as reading practice, but I can't draw. Please help me?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My cat will be toothless
Remember I told you about my kitty was with vet last week, to check his teeth? Well he has to pull them all, so my Bamse will be toothlessXP
He apparently has a disease called FORL, which literally eats the teeth, and to which pulling them is the only treatment. It's gonna cost us craploads of money, but he can have a long happy life without them, and I need him alive, because I love him to bits, and I can't bear to put him down, which was the only option to pulling all his teeth.
So, we are gonna save all we can, and pay to have him treated. We had the first leg of the treatment today, and right now he is groggy and a bit frightened. The first thing he did when I let him out of the travelcage, him ran right under the bed to hide. We have managed to fish him out, and right now he is lying on him cuddly spot resting.
Now, usually I advocate not trying to cling on to your pets if they are hurting, but the vet guaranteed me that he will have a happy life without teeth. Fiancé have kept life in cats to long for my liking before, and it hurt me to watch them suffer. But I was guaranteed that we be happy, and when he stops being happy I will cry, but I will put him down.
I was so happy when it turned out he has a disease, because I couldn't understand how it happened that all his teeth were rotting and his gums were sick. You see, one of the symptoms of tooth disease is bad breath, and he hasn't had that. He is always up in my face to get cuddles when I go to bed, so I would have noticed. We had noticed that he was getting a bit on the thin side, but only in the past month or so, which was when we starting thinking about taking him to the vet, but we gave him soft foods and he plumped right back up again. But then I read about tooth and gum disease, and I decided to ignore his struggles (he panics big time) and check, and his gums were all red, so we took him to the vet. But we didn't know just how bad it was until today. But he has a disease, so it isn't my fault. He has only gotten dry foods, to prevent rotting of the teeth, and he has gotten tidbits with a toothbrush effect, but apparently none of this has helped. I am seriously contemplating getting tooth care food for our cats, so that problems like this will be minimized in the future.
Anywho, he will be fine. And he will be happy. And I love him.=j
He apparently has a disease called FORL, which literally eats the teeth, and to which pulling them is the only treatment. It's gonna cost us craploads of money, but he can have a long happy life without them, and I need him alive, because I love him to bits, and I can't bear to put him down, which was the only option to pulling all his teeth.
So, we are gonna save all we can, and pay to have him treated. We had the first leg of the treatment today, and right now he is groggy and a bit frightened. The first thing he did when I let him out of the travelcage, him ran right under the bed to hide. We have managed to fish him out, and right now he is lying on him cuddly spot resting.
Now, usually I advocate not trying to cling on to your pets if they are hurting, but the vet guaranteed me that he will have a happy life without teeth. Fiancé have kept life in cats to long for my liking before, and it hurt me to watch them suffer. But I was guaranteed that we be happy, and when he stops being happy I will cry, but I will put him down.
I was so happy when it turned out he has a disease, because I couldn't understand how it happened that all his teeth were rotting and his gums were sick. You see, one of the symptoms of tooth disease is bad breath, and he hasn't had that. He is always up in my face to get cuddles when I go to bed, so I would have noticed. We had noticed that he was getting a bit on the thin side, but only in the past month or so, which was when we starting thinking about taking him to the vet, but we gave him soft foods and he plumped right back up again. But then I read about tooth and gum disease, and I decided to ignore his struggles (he panics big time) and check, and his gums were all red, so we took him to the vet. But we didn't know just how bad it was until today. But he has a disease, so it isn't my fault. He has only gotten dry foods, to prevent rotting of the teeth, and he has gotten tidbits with a toothbrush effect, but apparently none of this has helped. I am seriously contemplating getting tooth care food for our cats, so that problems like this will be minimized in the future.
Anywho, he will be fine. And he will be happy. And I love him.=j
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A coincidence? I think not!
I've been religiously telling all my friends to watch Kröd Mandoon. Which is sort of a Robin Hood type parody, and you all have to see it because it is hilarious.
Anywho, there is a pagan warrior girl in this series named Aneka. If any of my readers resided in the UK in 81 (and was above the age of ten) this probably strike you as funny. Well, I wasn't even born in 81, so I just realized this.
The beautiful pagan warrior girl is named after this one hit wonder:
A coincidence? I think not!
For referance, this is Aneka the warrior:
(And it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!! But you had to see it. Mark how the clothing keeps appearing and dissapearing. Can you say annoying?)
An no, it's not a (terribly) indecent series, but she is a pagan, and she is a little bit indecent, and it's all part of a ritual this thing.XD
Anywho, there is a pagan warrior girl in this series named Aneka. If any of my readers resided in the UK in 81 (and was above the age of ten) this probably strike you as funny. Well, I wasn't even born in 81, so I just realized this.
The beautiful pagan warrior girl is named after this one hit wonder:
A coincidence? I think not!
For referance, this is Aneka the warrior:
(And it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!! But you had to see it. Mark how the clothing keeps appearing and dissapearing. Can you say annoying?)
An no, it's not a (terribly) indecent series, but she is a pagan, and she is a little bit indecent, and it's all part of a ritual this thing.XD
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