Monday, January 12, 2009

Kurt blir grusom

I went to see "Kurt blir grusom" (Kurt becomes gruesome) yesterday, the second ever Norwegian animation movie. As opposed to "Free Jimmy" this one is a children's movie. It's based on Erlend Loe's books about Kurt, which I now have to read. D, who I saw it with, has read the books and says they're much better, and seeing how fun the movie was I have to read the books.
The style of the animation resembled children's drawings, which suited the movie perfectly, and Kurt had this twirly mustache, which was bent all out of shape whenever he was angry^^,
It's about Kurt who is a forklift driver, and who is very good at his job, but then a doctor who thinks he is the most important being alive moves in next door. And Kurt's family falls in love with his bling, which makes Kurt feel small, so he pretends to be a doctor, and it just adds on from there.
Of course it has a clearly visible morale, being a childrens movie and all, which is that money can't make you happy, as a matter of fact it can make you quite gruesome.
It was a fun movie, funny for me at different times than for the kids of course, like most children's movies.
It had lots of fun, caricatured characters, like the giant breasted primeminister, who cares for nothing but her important profession and the fact that she is "nice and popular". The endlessly annoying doctor, who cares for nothing but his own importance. The blatantly gay, black, french sailor>.< The spiritual kinder garden teacher. And the blackmetal daughter who can't hear anything over her music, and the wannabe posh son who wants his father to be like the doctor.^^,
It wasn't really grown up enough the grown up audience, but it's a movie that a parent can enjoy taking his/her child to. It had grown up humor as well as funny gags for the children^^,

Word of the day:
悽絶 - seizetsu - extremely weird, gruesome, lurid, ghastly

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