Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Time Travelers Wife

Finishing a book is always kind of bittersweet. It feels good to have read a book, to be done, to be able to read something else, but you have to leave this world and these people behind. People that you have come to love, and that always makes me feel sad. But I seldom feel as sad as I did last night when I finished the Time Travelers Wife. It was a wonderful book. I don't really have the words for it. I almost never laugh out loud when reading, but this book made me laugh, and I never ever cry, but with this book I came extremely close. I loved this book, and I will read it many times in years to come, and I will make all my friends read it.

I have this kind of personal genre that I call neon sugar prose. I read the expression the first time on the back of a Francesca Lia Block book many years ago, and it stuck. For me it has come to mean literature and movies and music that leaves me with a special feeling, which I can't really describe. Happy and sad and melancholy all at once. The new additions to this personal genre are very few and very far between. But if I ever found a book that fitted, this is it, and if I never find a book again, this one book was worth it. And I don't have any more words for it, so I am going to stop here with a wish that you all go read it and love it as much as I did.

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