So I gave up on my shoes today, they get soaking wet from just walking three feet away from a puddle. So I gave up and bought new shoes today.
Aren't they purdy?^^, It became a bit expensive, but I really, really needed new shoes and these will last me through at least most of the winter^^, And I have some shoes left from last year. What I needed the most were waterproof shoes that weren't boiling hot, and the rightmost shoes are just fine for that^^, They aren't superhigh either so I can walk in them without killing my legs, I have a pair of highheeled boots that are waterproof, but I have to wear them with woolsocks so they are really hot, and they're really high so they make my calves hurt.
The left ones are just too cute, ne? I just had to have them^^,
Word of the day:
靴 - kutsu - shoe
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