Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The move has happened.

This blog has been moved. All new updates will now be at Tinkerbeth's World of Pink and Fluffy

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean

I hesitate to call it bad. It's Pirates of the Caribbean after all. The most epic and beloved Pirate franchise in years, maybe ever.
But I wouldn't exactly call it good either.

They have lost Elisabeth and Will and the gays, and the movies are better for it. They all outstayed their welcome by at least one movie.
The new female lead, 'cos you know, pirate movies has to have cleavage, is played by Penélope Cruz, and they could have spared themselves that. She is not a good actress. And I wonder: She is supposed to play a Spanish lady, but how come, the angrier she gets, the clearer and better her English becomes?
The only characters that are left from the previous movies are the Captain himself, Barbossa and Gibbs. Which in my opinion was an excellent casting decision. In my opinion they were the only truly enjoyable characters from the previous movies. Except, of course, Tia Dalma, who was a positively fascinating character. (Who the screwed up royally. She was way more fun when she wasn't a crab goddess.)
The new characters, like Blackbeard, was kinda bland mostly. Except from Angelica, who I really didn't believe for a second, and was just bad. Philip was weird, Syrena was odd, the Spaniards didn't not become an exciting twist. They were just really... I don't know. Not interesting at all.
Scrum was really cool, and the kid was cool, but to have a movie rest on the secondary supporting cast is really disappointing.
The character development fell into: sloppy and lazy, non-existing, or WTF? I am seriously supposed to believe that?
Barbossa was awesome though, and I really believed his motivations when he told them to us, and all the out of character stuff he had been doing up until that point suddenly became in character after all.
The Captain thou, I didn't believe his motivations even a little, and his actions in the end made me believe them even less. Even if he had an extreme Jack Sparrow moment at the end of the climax, he disappointed me royally in the one.
Oh, and Keith Richards has a cameo. Which was fun.^^,

The camerawork was awful. Dreadful. No doubt the cover the fact that the stuntmen weren't any good at sword fighting.
Do not watch it in 3D. Small details were cool in 3D, like ashes and other things flying on the wind, but the way the camera seem to be thrown from one cameraman to the next during action scenes made my dizzy. In a lot of places the 3D adaptation split, especially on scenes where things were going on at the edges of the screen.

The plot was really bad. It was an excuse for milking more money out of the PotC cow.
To give an example. Blackbeard is recruiting sailors by having his daughter, a former corruptee of Jack, play drag in Jack Sparrows clothes, making everyone believe they are signing up to be on his ship.
The motivation for doing it this way is never explained.
Maybe it is because they needed Jack to get to their destination (the Fountain of Youth), 'cos they don't know the way. Ehm... Wot?
He is abducted several times to make him tell people where it is.
But, twist of twists: There is a ritual. Which Sparrow didn't even know about?!
And then, when the ritual involves murder, then he don't want to? Ehm...? Again: what? He is a bad man. I am pretty sure he has killed in the past. More than once.

The writing was poor. Nothing more to say.

Well, it was entertaining anyway. And I have long since stopped expecting any much in the way of quality from Disney live action. The first one, as is often the case with firsts, was amazing, and nothing since as even come close. But that is the way it is. You don't go to see Johnny Depp movies to see high drama or Oscar performances, you go to have fun. It's not that he can't, I need only mention Chocolate or Edward Scissorhands. The thing about Depp is that he thoroughly enjoys playing quirky and completely mad, and he is really really good at it, and that is one of the reasons we love him so much. He is downright fun. Pure unadulterated glee permeates every single performance, and that's what makes him wonderful.
So what if female counterparts are poor actresses, and not even that pretty? We aren't there to see them.
Or if the writing is shotty, and the plot has holes you can sail a cruise ship through? We are there to be entertained, and as long as you don't think to hard about stuff, that is easily achieved.
So yah, while I hesitate to call it bad, and it certainly wasn't good, it kept me from being bored for 2 hours and about 16 minutes, and that was the whole point of it, wasn't it?

One more annoying thing thou:
I realize Marvel want to connect their movies into a universe, but Captain America was made in 1941, 12 years before Iron Mans first appearance in 1963. Stark enterprises could not have made Captain America!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Those days are past

Last year I was an angry angry little girl. I used to write angry angry poetry. Angry graphic poetry. The anger and the hurt isn't so much fun to look back at, but sometimes I go back and read the poetry that arose from that anger and hurt. It's kind of therapeutic. The past can't be changed, but I can learn, or the future will be just as bad.
While rereading poems about Innocence and Little Dahling and umbrellas I found a little gem that I wanted to share with you. It's about six months old and one of the last things I wrote. You see I just woke up one morning and didn't need to write anymore.

So for your enjoyment:


she spun too slowly
to see the debris
raining off her wings
clinging to close
to the past
she had left behind
the buried won't rise
to see new days
life was best forgotten
in the days that passed
she learned to smile anew
shedding glitter
from her fingertips
she was blinding
when she wiped the war paint off
who knew
there was porcelain
hidden beneath the covers
of a murky past

casting off the world
the old grime crumbling off
with a fire from within

she flew into new tomorrows
glittering from the dust
of new days
screaming terror
from the lost days
as she shed no tears

is always to come
yesterday will never return

shining brightly
up towards you
don't tread to close
you will be burnt

Stupid WordPress

So stupid WordPress won't work on my stupid WebHotell. 'Cos stupid WordPress wants to use stupid too new PHP. Bah!

So the fantastic new website will be further delayed. BahXP

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Nerdygirls are hotter

It's infinitely satisfying to run across something as obscure as a Turing test and actually know what it is.
I felt a moment of almost overwhelming nerdiness at that moment, and that was immensely gratifying.=D
(Yeah, I am still reading Mogworld^^,)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Packing up

Update on the blog-move. Prolly gonna write mostly about that 'till it's upXP

So I am still waiting to be able to upload to the webhotel that's gonna host me.
I am gonna make the background and colours all nice and pretty. Gotta have banners, so I am gonna start making them soon too.
It's exam season, so that's gonna slow me down.
I am in the process of writing some nice posts to go on the new blog, practising the whole translating deal, how to do it fast and good.
I am brushing up on the German, hoping to get steady enough to have that as a launch language too.

If I get things all nice and set up in time, I am hoping to have it all up in a months time.
Wish me luck dollies^^,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Just a heads up

I will move this blog soon.
You see, I have a dream (corny as it soundsXP).
And my dream is to offer my blog in all the languages I know, thereby making my blog a tool for others when they learn other languages, reading the blog in their goal-language and then re-reading in a language in that they already know when to see how well they picked it up.
My biggest passion of all is languages and the learning of languages. And I want to teach and help others learn.

So I went and took the big leap and ordered myself the new domain. I will post a link when it's open.
Rest assured the blog will stay essentially the same, with what I consider a few improvements:

I will have actual sections for stuff, one for books and cartoons and manga, one for games, one for movies, one for... girly stuff, like soaps and makeup and stuff, a general area for my random stuff like my life and travels and stuff.
The goal will be a minimum of 3 posts a week, which will all go in the "new posts" area. But we all know how it is with these good intentions XP it's a good goal anyway^^,

The starter languages will be English and Norwegian, and hopefully German, if I can brush up again fast enough.

Maybe I will fall flat on my face, but I wholeheartedly believe dreams are important, and this is mine. And I aint givin'n up 'fore I get started=D


There's something infinitely poetic about a book in which the first-person main character dies on page 12.

But then he rises as a zombie. I'm reading this book only during daylight hours, but I can't stop.

The author of Mogworld is named Yahtzee Croshaw and does this for a living:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thank God I'm pretty...?XP

 Decided on a whim to do my hair an makeup this morning. So this is me with corkscrew curls and a full face of makeup. Doesn't look like I'm wearing any? Well, that's kind of the point isn't it?
I am in actuality wearing concealer, foundation, a  darker foundation for sculpting, blush, eyeshadow (including tightlining my lashes), mascara, eyebrow colour, and full lipstick (linpiner, lipstick and gloss).
Takes a lot of makeup to become perfectXP
And the reason half my hair is pinned back is that I screwed up some of my screwsXP

This is the nail polish picture I promised you guys. Kind of a blurry picture. I need to buy myself a camera.
It's a kind of seafoam-blu/green- ish sort of colour as  base coat, topped with a black crackle polish, topped with a yellow one^^,

Monday, April 11, 2011


Yeah, it's been almost a month since I updated last. Since that time I have come of clubbing age. I can now get into nightclubs in Norway even if I am carded. Wooooo... I guess.
I spent my birthday in Stockholm, shopping mostly. For nailpolish and makeup and books.
Oh, and before I forget: A, thank you so much for the Mudkip cap, I sent you a mail and a message on youtube, but you haven't answered. Have you changed you mail address? I haven't, so please send me a mail. Pretty please? If you haven't got my mail address, maybe leave a comment on here? It will come to me as mail, and then I will have your address due to it being the return address (if you have that enabled). Just please let me know nothing is wrong and that it really was you who sent me that cap, so that I won't have to throw it out.
I am gonna post pictures of all my new stuff that I got in Stockholm some day, hopefully soon. But it's dark now, and my apartment is a mess (as usual).
I got lots of nail polishes, which I will do pictures of when I try them out. I have my nails in a sort sea blue-green colour right now, with black graffiti nail polish on top and then yellow on top of that again. I am gonna post a picture tomorrow if they are still aliveXP My nail polish always chips really easily, it has chipped a little already, so we will just see how it looks tomorrow when it's light enough to photograph.
I bought a leather jacket also, and before anyone starts to go all about leather being murder: I believe that when you first kill an animal, you should use all of it. Even it's skin. And cows are being killed so that I can eat them, therefore it's not immoral of me to wear cow skin as clothing. I don't wear mink thou, 'cos I don't eat mink. I think that I can wear whatever I eat. So: I do not wear rabbit fur, but I do like sheepskin. I don't wear mink, but I do wear leather, that comes from cows.
And I do not condemn the practice of natural hair brushes. To make animal hear brushes they shave the animal. And upset and mistreated animals produce bad fur, which in turn gives poor brush quality. I have actually heard of vegans who only use synthetic makeup brushes, which I guess is important for them, but I don't really see the point. Seeing as the animals hjave to be happy to produce good brushes. And if you think this is a weird statement: who do you see if a dog/cat/other pet is happy? They have glossy pretty fur. So thereXP

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ms. Autumn =/= Miyavi

I am sorry, I know Emilie Autumn and Miyavi appeal to a lot of the same demographic, now shying away from the "emo" label and calling themselves scene-kids, but they are not related.
I can't really see the connection to Rasputina either (to ms. Autumn that is). (It's actually closer to Imogen Heap Maybe? Maybe not? Hmmmm)
I realize that these bands are of a class by themselves, way off the side of any genre I can think of, but appealing to scene-kids and lolitas are a bad excuse for telling impressionable youth who doesn't know better that they are related.
That would be like relating Beetles to Nick Cave just because they both make morbid sh*t. Or Miranda Lambert to God Module due to they both being awesome.

That being said: Wooooo For Miyavi on Spotify!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Do me more

I have rediscovered Amuro Namie. She came bubbling out of the youtube cesspool as a related video to Double.
She has recently released a new single in collaboration with After School, a Korean girl super group. (there are those Koreans againXP)
Ms. Amuro however is Japanese, and is helping After School get a kick start to their Japanese carrier.
Here you go:

(I wonder why they always flip the videos....O.o)

I think that Namie has a much cleaner sound than BoA, and thou I heart BoA with a passion these days it's nice with a break from all the autotuningXP

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I hate birthdays....=/

A month from today I will be turning 23. Man,  am getting oldXP
Or, not really. But I am getter older and even that can be kind of upsetting sometimes. I have been accustomed to being a child. To do childish things and wear childish clothes.
I gave away all of my goth wear a couple of weeks back. That was hard. Saying goodbye to a part of myslf that I really liked. But it was time I guess.
I gave away all my miniskirts and pink clothes too. Things that made me lokk 16. I was done being 16 seven years ago. That however felt really nice. That was a kind of childish I haven't been really comfortable with since I was 18.
I am gonna spoil myself clothes-wise for me birthday. Find out what my new style will be.
So far I know I like jeans, red sweaters, and shirts. Also I like halternecks, but I don't know if that's in style this summer. We'll see^^,
One good thing thou. I will be old enough to go to nightclubsXP

Saturday, March 5, 2011

So yoo herd I liek Mudkips?

Se my hat! See my hat!
I got a late x-mas present from A^^, Isn't it awesome=D=D

Plants vs. Zombies

So I have a zombie-phonia. An extreme and annoying fear of dead, rotting things that move around.
And you can tell me they don't exist 'till you're blue in face, I am still terrified of them.
But I have discovered this neat little game called Plants vs.Zombies, where they are drawn sort of childishly, and I get to to shoot them dead with plants.
It's helping a little. I spend most of the game trying to ignore them, and after a few hours I am so terrified I can't stop playingXP
But little by little it's getting better.
I made Boyfriend do the foggy night-time levels where you can't see them coming thou.XP

Friday, March 4, 2011

To do (or I should do)

I should really do some reading, but it's way to easy to be distracted.
Friends on facebook, Simon's Cat, Plants vs.Zombies, Questionable Content are all excellent distractions.
It's hard to concentrate. I put on classical music, which usually help, but it's too boring, so I listen to Aha! by Imogen Heap on repeat, which is too interresting.
I think it's just all the things that have to be done I get distracted by. I should clean my room, I should organize my book shelf, I should wash my clothes, I should clean my bathroom. Bah!
In the end I just end up playing games. I think it's the lack of sugar. And the excessive amounts of coffee.
I eat apples to calm my need for sugar, and to keep hydrated. No more saft for me. I should drink water.
I need to pluck my eyebrows. Maybe I should dye my hair? And then look down and my great big green philosophy book lie there, mocking me.
Bah! I think I am gonnna go buy some soup.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rory on the Obama campaign trail

You know the funniest, sharpest, quickest show on TV?
Full of jokes and references to obscure pop culture. Which gets better and better each time I watch it, 'cos I get more of the references each single time.
They also predicted Obama for president. The whole show ended in 07 with Rory going off to follow Barak Obama on his campaign trail. This before he even decided to go for president.
I just heart Gilmore Girls so much <3<3

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cool Schoolthings I have bought

I am a little late with this post, as school have been in session for a while, but I bought some cool stuff, as I always do at the start of the school year. Sorry about the pictures being crooked, I hate blogger's picture upload feature, I have to flip all pictures every which way on my computer before they turn up right, and honestly I am too lazy today.

These first  pictures are my book of spells day planner. It came wrapped in a article about Albus Dumbledore. Isn't it neat?
It has a page per day, and it's all tidy and a nice size=D

These are my notebooks. They were way different size than I thoughXP
But I'll find some use for them^^,
They came in a plastic sleeve with a "Plans for Global Domination" paper plate for stiffness.
Cute, neh?^^,

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Going on a saving spree

So I might have a shopping addiction. I don't like to buy stuff, or clothes. And it's not the satisfaction of spending money, I hate being broke, which is what happens when you spend too much money, as we all know. It's more that I like owning a lot of books. It's not the buying that does it for me, it's the owning. The owning of ways to spend my time. Of books and movies and music and games. It's at the point where I'd rather spend 800kr on books than spend 300 on a new pair of jeans. On top of that I keep giving my clothes away or actually tossing them, due them not fitting, being ruined or simply belonging to another life.
I also spend a lot of money on nice smelling soaps, bath fizzers, shampoo bars, and other nice smelling beauty stuff. I have become almost addicted to smelling good and pampering boyfriend and myself, and it just costs too much.
This cannot continue.
And then the boyfriend decided that he is taking me shopping in Stockholm for my birthday. And for that I need money.
So until my birthday I am going on a saving spree^^,
This means that I am not gonna buy books, movies or games. I am gonna use up all of my soaps and such before buying more, but I have to be allowed to clean myselfXP
But lets be honest, I have books. I have movies. And I have games. I have not seen, read or played about half of it. No, untrue, I have not read most of it, and have seen nearly all of it, but I just keep watching my favourite movies over and over anyway, and I have played all of my DS games, except one, which I haven't taken the plastic off, but I have decided to make it a birthday gift, so I think I am excused at that game. I have not however finished any of the finishiable games. Not one. Pokémon games can't be finished, but I haven't even taken on the Elite Four in about half of them.

So I think that I will not buy anything but food and cleaning supplies until my birthday. I will play games I already own, watch the movies in my bookshelf, and read my own books. That I have a few of.
I will give or throw away anything that I ended up not liking.
And when my birthday comes up I will hopefully have a neat little pile of money that I can buy clothes with, so that I can throw out my frayed jeans, faded sweaters and dated... well everything. Last year I bought two party dresses, 'cos I needed two party dresses, and some underwear, and that was it. It's too little.
I need a less dated look. So I am gonna stop shopping so that I can shop^^, Maybe even pay to get my hair cut, and get it cut right, and in a way that actually suits me, for the first time in... over 5 years I think. At least. Maybe more. The last time I can remember paying to go to the hairdresser was when I got black streaks when I was 15. I am so over being a model for random people and not even having straight bangs afterwards.

So yeah, I am going to be sugar free. and well dresses soon^^, It's gonna be a whole new me=D

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Public announcement directed at men

I have been raised good. It means that I am a nice person. I pride myself on not being a mean bitch until I need to. I means that I will smile and listened until I you are done talking and actually answer you nicely.
None of these things means that you have a shot in hell to get laid by me.
I am just being polite.
Men everywhere thinks that nice girls are interested just because we are not rude if we don't have to. A lot of these men make me have to.
No matter where I meet you, I do not want you. On line, at school, at the library, at parties, no matter where, I do not want you.
Can you hear how I am talking non-stop about my amazing boyfriend? That is because I have an amazing boyfriend, that I love and do NOT want to trade out with you!
Nice girls =/= easy lay!
I am NOT going home with you, tonight or any night.
I am nice 'cos I am nice, and a little naive, so when you are nice, I think you are being nice, end of business. I don't automatically think that you have romantic interests, I think you maybe wanna be friends or you are being polite.
Argh! Stupid men! I need to start being a bitch straight away, so that I won't have to be a bitch later on when I have actually discovered you are a nice guy, that I could be friends with. FRIENDS with, No More.
Stupid men. I am so over stupid men.Bah

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am gonna stop eating candy.
Sugar rots your everything.
Sure, you need carbs. I can eat pasta instead. Just as tasty.
I think I am addicted to sugar, so I am gonna stop feeding my addiction. See if I won't be better off for it.
My mom has done it successfully, so why can't I?
It's expensive, and really bad for you. I am gonna slim my flat stomach (as if I need it, right?XP) and fatten my slim wallet.
So, who's with me?

There's a few exceptions to the rule:
I get to drink cocktails and alcoholic sodas. I am gonna be better, not boring.
I get to eat cake at special occasions, like when I visiting my grandma or other people who like to serve cake with the coffee. Or birthdays. I do not however get to ravage the chocolate bowl XP

It's gonna be hell for a while, but then it will be better. I can drink coffee and eat apples. If my mom can, so can I! (Even if she has a much stronger willpower than I doXP)

Monday, February 21, 2011


Life changes. Love changes. Soon the place will change. I have changed. A lot. So I think my blog should reflect that.
What do you think?

Go clubbing in Korea with me?

Anyone wanna buy me BoA for my birthday?

Bonus points for aggressive clappingXP

Changed my mind want Bom instead. (I actually bothered to find out her name, that's hoe cute she isXP)

And Suzy please^^,

Just because we can go clubbing in Japan too:

I think I heart perfume a littleXP

I had almost forgotten hoe much I love Ringo Shiina. Couldn't find Bou Jackson Fujin, so it is what it is.

And last, for nostalgia's sake. The first Japanese song I really hearted:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturdaynight dinner

Niiiice glass of red wine.
Making entrecôte for dinner. With oven baked shalotts and potatoes on the side.
Pokémon on the DS. Complete with shiny legendary dogs and brand new Celebi.
Boyfriend bringing home cake from downtown^^,
Whoever said I don't know how to cook are too wrong^^, Poor people, who doesn't get to taste my delicious entrecôte stuffed with garlic with a nice redwine reduction drizzled over^^,
Bah on you peopleXD

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stupid cold

I have a cold. A stupid cold that makes me sneeze and cough and makes my nose run and my head heavy.
It's no point in going to school with such a stupid cold, 'cos I can't think, and I will probably just infect everyone, and that's just bad form.

I love my optician shop. I broke my glasses the day before yesterday, but one of the nice girls at my optician shop fixed them free of charge. I have the typa e of frames that only have metal on the top half, and a platic wire on the underside of the glasses and it was just the wire that snapped. I have had them for a couple of years, and it might be time for new ones.
I kinda want contacts. I like glasses, but apparently glasses on girls are bad, and I like being thought of as pretty^^,
That and my glasses are pink. I want midnight blue ones. I still like pink and I think that pale pink suits me in small doses, but I am evolving more in the direction of blues and reds. I think that people are always evolving and at the moment I am evolving away from pinks and into other things. I have other friends who like pinks thou, so I am able to give my pink clothes to them, so that I don't have to throw them away. I have a little too much pink in my skin I think, and wearing the baby pink sweaters and dresses that I used to often make me look a little washed out. I figured with my light hair and fair skin I should wear bolder, brighter colours. I really like red. I think I look good in them too.
I am thinking about perming my hair also. I have always wanted curls.
My hair has gotten a sort of golden/honey quality about it. I am using Lush's blonde shampoo, which sadly has been discontinued, and their Marilyn hair cure, and it has brought out the honey tones in my hair.
I am trying to learn how to curl my hair with a straightening iron, but it's sort of difficult.
I am getting better at doing my makeup also. It's amazing how much a tinted moisturizer can even out your skin. I am gonna pluck my eyebrows when I get better.

But now I am gonna go read some.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Follow up post ZOMG O.o

I got a comment on my last post, or rather on the TV makes kids stupid part of it, and as a first on this blog, I think I am posting a follow up.
I totally agree on the part where Norwegians are good at English due to TV. I attribute my good English skills to watching a lot of TV as a child. But there are some contributing factors here: The first one being our age, and the second one being the age that we start to learn English.
I can see that I was very unclear about that in my last post, but these findings are mostly directed at children of 3 years and younger, so they are very young, and are still learning our mothertounge. When we start to better our English through TV we already know some English, which brings me to my second point. In Norway we start learning English in 1st grade. Or at least a lot of us do. I learned longhand instead, and therefore did not start to learn English before I was in 4th grade.
So: When we start to learn English from TV we are old enough to do so, and we already know English. You cannot simply pick up a language from watching TV, unless it was a language teaching programme. If we could how many teenagers would not be fluent in JapaneseXP
I wholly agree that our very high exposure to English through the media contributes hugely to our adeptness at English here in Norway, and the fact that they have deemed English a second language in Norway (as opposed to a foreign language) somewhat attests to this fact.
But then you have other people who don't learn as much as say you or I have. I know a man, exactly my age, who has watched as much English TV as I have, and who started learning English in 1st grade, four years before me, who cannot speak it at all. He almost flunked out of English in high school. So then we have to ask ourselves: This kid, who has had all the same things as us, and who doesn't have our skill, and you do not have to look far or hard to find others like him, what did his parents do differently?
I was speaking and writing poetry in English (very bad poetry thou) when I was 11. I did not grow up in his house so I don't know his amount of TV watching, or what he watched, but I know that he has had a similar upbringing as me and all that.
The fact that Norwegians are generally better than Germans or Finns does not mean that most of us are very good. We all grew up watching the same after school specials, and the same soaps, and the same sitcoms. We had the same TV available, but still a frighteningly large amount of Norwegian teenagers are very bad at English. And I believe that this proves that it has to be much more than TV that makes us good at English.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


You know how I like Britney and such when I am drunk?
Sleep deprived apparently works also.
I do realize it's 8 to 10 in the evening as this sentence is being written, but I don't sleep well these days. Weekends are better. Weekends bring companyXP

Aaaaaanywho. Britney is the shhh when I am sleepy or tipsy so I clicked a random mashup with her name on it. And she has just released a new song.

Ohohoh! Do NOT put your kids in front of the TV. Television makes kids stupid. In the Dream Garden might capture your kids like nufink else, but it's gonna hurt your kid in the long run.
The thing is: Kids can't learn language from TV, and there is a direct correlation between people's adeptness at the talking thing and their intelligence. You might sit there and think "but I learned (insert word/language here) from (programme)". But how old were you. Kids can learn some words from TV when they are older than 3, but no grammar. When we were kids here in Norway Cartoon Network was not dubbed to Norwegian, and I have heard so many people my age go on and on about how good they were at English from watching Cartoon Network. Funny thing thou, a large portion of these people are really bad at English. Really really bad. Horrible.
So: TV makes kids stupid. Don't make TV be your babysitter.

Oh! Luke puts Megaman Protein Powder in his shakes. How's that for your random referenceXP

I need to eat more green stuff. And I need to not drink so much coffeeXP

I went swimming today, so my poor tummy is feeling better. Actually the biggest help was shuffling snow. I hate shuffling snow.

I am gonna download Jul i Svingen and watch that soon. Christmas ain't over 'till Easter right? XP Makes me sad sometimes. They haven't even taken down the Christmas decorations in town yet. I guess that will be nice up north thou. I am so done with this drab city. Next year will be better=D

I am so annoyed at Nintendo right now. I have ordered Pokémon 5th gen from the states to get it early. BUT it's released March 4th in Norway and March 6th in the states! And then I have to wait for them to be shipped. There better damned well be some event only Pokémon in it for me!  XP
I am getting it half the price thou.

To cap the rambling off. If I am ever audition for Idol or something, I am singing this song:

5 points and a hug if you can place it

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tummy hurts

You know how I aways say that excerise machines look like torture exquipment?
They don't do maximum until the next day.
My abs hurt like hell.

But Boyfriend just warmed the homemade mac and cheese with cauliflower that I made yesterday and I have almost half a litre of coffee strong enough to murder cows with and I am cooking marshmallows over a candle.
Boyfriend takes good care of me.
I heart him^^, 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Disney World on Ice?

I went to Disney on Ice yesterday. And I saved myself a pretty penny, 'cos now I don't have to go to Disney World. Now, wasn't that convenient?
It was really cool and all that, but what's with all the promotion for Disney World? I mean, I wanted to see Disney characters acting awesome on ice skates.
Instead I got huge the usual Disney cast (as in the mice, the ducks and Goofy) emoting just about as well as the Teletubbies, Buzz Lightyear going to "infinity and a little bit further" (what's up with that? It's supposed to "to infinity and beyond") and the Incredibles.
I did get Maleficient (sorry if I spelled that wrong) thou.
The second half, when there was actually a story was awesome. But the entire first half of the show was a frggin Disney Land commercial! Why?!!!!
I never get to go when I was little, and maybe I had it built up too much in my mind, so I was bound to get let down, I don't know. It was really fun, and I got a Mickey Cup, and a Violetta powersphere to show for it, so all in all I am happy.

I feel sorry for my kids thou, I am afraid that when I finally get some of my own, I am going to have used up all my spoiling on the kids I have around me nowXP

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Latios and Latias
And Arceus

All Pokémon Wi-Fi events last year.
The Arceus, God of all Pokémon (or something, not too clear on the mythology here), because of the Wi-Fi router laying on a shelf, not in use. The rest because I didn't know Boyfriend has WEP coding on his router.
*crying out in despair* And I really gave it my best shot getting the Jirachi at the end of summer too. But my router was broken, and my new place doesn't allow Wi-Fi anyway. And the only other place I found with a WEP coding had an ø in it's code. Can't read the letter? Neither can my DS.
Oh well. I have managed just fine without these Pokémon thus far. And I DID get the Pikachu coloured Pichu, so it wil be fine.
Plus, I will get the Shiny Legendary Dogs. And I didn't have to travel to Japan to get the either.
I am also buying a dongle thingy, so I will never ever miss an event again=D
I am gonna go play in Plaza now.
Oh, and if you wanna trade Pokémon with me over Wi-Fi drop me a note, and we can figure something out now=D=D

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pokémon and funny academics

So, I will in fact be playing the new Pokémon games in March=D

Fun thing about the book I told you about yesterday. It's funny. Humour in academic literature is so rare it's almost non-existent, so this is a wonderful book to just relax from the more stone-faced serious books.
I think, but I don't know yet, that I might recommend this book to a parent interested in learning herself the mechanics about her child's linguistic developments. But I am not sure yet

Friday, January 14, 2011

Schedule made

So I signed up for classes today. Most of the classes I wanted to take were full, so I ended up with philosophy and language acquisition.
I have tried both before, but do to my life sucking for most of that semester I wasn't able to pass them. So I am trying again.
There are new books for Language Acquisition, and the one we are covering first is way better than the one we used last year. It's a 1000 subject, meaning that's it's mostly an introductory course, and therefore the fact that this book is way more geared towards beginners of linguistic. Actually it's directed mostly at psychology students. Which makes it easy to understand for linguistic beginners.
The book is Child Language: Acquisition and Development by Matthew Saxton.
I am reading the very first chapter at the moment for my first class on Monday, and I already feel much more confident about passing the exam this time around. Both because I have already done the subject once, but also because the terms are being explained in way that is easily understandable for people who don't have a pre-existing knowledge of linguistics.

Pokémon 5th generation is being release in the US in the 6th of March. I will be getting it sometime after that=D=D
It's like looking forward to Christmas and my birthday at once, I am so excited=D=D I am trying not to read too much about it, but I am kinda failing at that.
And I have said this before, and I will say it again. $35 is cheap!!! Stop complaining. It will be at least $70 when it's released in Norway. Stop complaining!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

School start euforia

The absolute best part of the year is at the very start. When I get to buy the books, and the little study aids.
I would be absolutely hopeless during shopping week at American colleges. (For those not in the know, this is the week at the beginning of the semester where you can sample the classes to find out which you want to take.)
I am going shopping for books tomorrow. I wanna go today, but I can't until I know if I can take the subjects I want.
I have been doing some internet shopping for fun study things, like notebooks and pens and really magic markers and a really cool day planner.
I have been picking out my subjects. This will be a fun spring indeed=D=D
Expect a lot of school talk=D=D

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I got me #131 of 500

So I had some free books lying around. I mean of course that while I was cleaning my flat I found some of those little stampy cards that gives you every 8th book for free, and when I put them together I had enough for this huge, expensive book. 1st edition and signed. Norwegian knight book, based on a true story.

I also drooled on some other books I have to get.
I am number four (I think it was called), which is going to be made into to a movie, and I know next to nothing it, but I know just enough to know that I HAVE to read it!
Also there is Return to Jotunheimen (which is my Norwegian to English translation of a title I am not 100% sure of). It's a new Norwegian Viking type fantasy, and way to expensive for me to be going around and buy it just now. But I have it read it. Libraries are good for that sort of thing.^^,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Entertainment for 2011

This will just be a little list of non-schoolbooks that I am gonna read in 2011.

Sofie's world - Which is really a little of both, school and non-. I am really halfway re-reading as I have half of it before.

A wrinkle in time - Which is a series of children's books that I bought in a bout of January depression. I have read about 20 pages so far and one of the characters is names mrs. Whatsit, so it's looking good.

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal - To practice my Spanish. Maybe the rest of the series. Hopefully the rest of the series.

Der Herr der Ringe - My parents bought me the most beautiful box of LOTR in German. I am looking forward to that.

Die unendliche Geschichte - Finish it rather. To practice my German.

Any and all books from the Hallows, the Kitty Norville, and the Sookie Stackhouse series that I have not read yet.

Shogun - My boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday and I am reading a little at a time. The way that I read books, I read maybe a couple of chapters and then I red something else and then I read a couple more chapters. I am starting to like it, it has a very slow start, but it's getting very much better.

The Inkheart and/or Tintenherz triology - finish it rather. In either English or German. Or both.

And then maybe finish the crown of stars series.

And then I am gonna finish these games:

Pokémon White and/or Black
Rune Factory, maybe
Starcraft 2
Maybe one of the myriads of unfinished other Pokémon games I have.
Maybe my Kingdom hearts game.

I am gonna finish the wedding present, but I don't think that I will manage the gift for V. It's just too large.XP

So I have a lot to do^^,
And then I have to pass my subjects as well^^,
Happy new years^^,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Single dinner

Whoever said cooking dinner for one is awful?
For dinner today I had a little steak, mushrooms cooked in butter, penne pasta and a cremé fraiche sauce.
And whoever says I am bad/boring cook are all wrong.
I am having a wonderful evening with Gilmore Girls on DVD for the umphteenth time and chatting with my Man^^,
Life is wonderful^^,

On a more academic note: Guess the only book store I have been able to find Sofie's World? The timeless Norwegian classic about philosophy?
The local fantasy book store O.o
But I have it now. I am so passing philosophy this time aroundXD

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I need winter to be over

It's wet. I don't mind the cold so much these days, as there is nearly none, but I am so tired of the wet and the dark. I just want to be a bear and go to sleep until it is all over.
Stupid winter!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New year or something

So, yah. I know I promised Christmas posts. I need to stop doing that every year. I never manage to follow through. Might having something to do with me hating Christmas and all. Awful holiday. Detest it.
I am not a Christian, so celebrating the birth of a guy that in all likelihood was born in April anywho seems kind of.... pointless? Is that a nice way to say it?
All the glory to Christian people. You seem very lucky to me. Actually I am for personal religion. I like the idea of having some sort of god to talk to or turn to when life sucks. It would be nice. But I don't have that.
I go to Christmas mass thou. The priest that did my confirmation training is a wonderful person and an amazing priest, at it has gotten to be a nice tradition with me and my mom. And my sister sings also. It's really nice.
But in the end, with me technically believing that Jesus existed (with the amounts that have been written about him in different places the probability that he actually existed is bigger than the probability that Caesar did), but with me believing that the whole son of god thing can at best be called a gross exaggeration it is basically celebrating capitalism. It has become a whole holiday of buying shit for each other.
And over the last... whole of my life, there has been at least one person who has had a habit of judging the power of out love/friendship/whatever on either the gift I gave them or the reaction I had about their gift. I mean, come on! I that persons gift was not the most awesome thing I had ever owned I must not love them. Waahwaahwaah. God, I am so effing tired of that sort of people.
This year that was a lot easier. People like that have either been forcibly removed from my life or they have calmed down. Presents were pleasant this year.
But with the angst that has built up over the last... 7 years mostly, it was hard anyway.
And then after having been stressed and freaked out over the entire course of  November and December I was so tired by the end of it I wasn't able to enjoy it like I should. And being tired and depressed all the time, Christmas posts sort of weren't the first thing on my mind.

However! It was actually nice. I spent time with my family, and my friends. I devoted some days to the person who have always and will always be the closest to my heart, my little sister. We had a great time running all over town at bookstores, and eating pancakes, and just having some sister time.

I did the traditional Gacha New Years eve. Got ridiculously waisted and almost got shot by some stupid drunk 40 year olds and their non-existing fireworks-shooting skills XP
(And according to the texts I was sending the god told me to drink a lot of wineXP)

So all in all it was good. I am tired. And next year I am not doing the X-mas posts. Remind me of that if I promise you some okey?

Plans for the new year will be moving, getting into the new school, seeing more live concerts, and having an all around awesome time of it all. We are only young once, and I am gonna enjoy it to the fullest.
Happy New Year world