Sunday, December 27, 2009

The wonder of AI

So IKEA has designed an AI to help customers on their website. And it's the coolest thing EVER!
Her name is Anna (on the Norwegian one anyway, there's one for each country I think), and the most common question she gets asked is "are you single?", which apparently she is. I got a whole total if 3 questions out before she told me in a very business like manner that she did not feel comfortable discussing her private life while at work, and that we should talk about IKEA instead.^^,
From what I read online, apparently she is single, likes children, but she can't date as she can't in good conscience leave her station at the server to do so^^,
IKEA, you rock!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Crumb is back

My sister photographed my cat again.
She's a very talented photographer, and I love her. go check her out.

Go check out her Devaint Art account!!!

late summer by ~tiramcsr on deviantART

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Some comics just get life right on the nose

Why kitties are not allowed in the bathroom when I shower

This is an awesome webcomic BTW. And it's completed, so you don't have to wait for it to be updated, which face it, many webcomic artists aren't all that good at. (I love Devil's Panties also, Jennie Breeden updates every single day, with out fail. *sending hugles and happy energy in the direction of Jennie Breeden*)
I think I need to update my webcomic list. Some of them I don't read no more, but there's lots of new ones.

Anyyyyyyywho. That, right there (I assume by now you have clicked my link) is why I don't let my kitties into the bathroom when I shower. This one kitty I have, named Nøste (or Noeste for you in countries with 26 letters in their alphabets) loves the bathroom. It's her favorite room in the entire house.
It's just that she greatly fears the appliances which inhabits the bathroom. Like the washing machine. And, you guessed it, the dreaded instrument of ultimate doom, otherwise known as the shower. She will sneak will go through hell and fire to get into the bathroom and snuggle into whatever clothes she manages to claw out of the hamper, but the second the shower comes on she immediately goes into to a full fledged panic attack, screaming and clawing on the door until someone takes mercy on her and lets her out.XP
Ain't kitties cute? (and sometimes horrendously annoyingXD)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Almost home

So we are packing before checking out.
I have not blogged the last two days, even thou I have had bloggable experiences.

On Friday we had dinner at this awesome sushi place called Haiku right off Strøget. It was run by Japanese people, which is rare when it comes to sushi places. And we got "omakase" (this might be me remembering wrong thou, but it was called something like that), which was basically chef's choice. We got to decide what we generally wanted, and me being absolutely addicted to maki (rolls) I got a plate full of maki.
There were all sorts of maki, including California maki with real crab, and desert maki with mango and strawberries on it. Which sounds weird, I know, but whatever was in it was neutral enough it didn't taste weird, and so tender the slice literally melted in my mouth.
Definitely a place to visit if you are ever in Copenhagen.

And then yesterday was my exam. I think I passed, not with flying colours but a pass is a pass. And I think I passed. I met this guy, also Norwegian, who we ended hanging until he had to catch his flight. He was very nice^^,

Then we went and saw "500 days of Summer", which was a cute romantic indiewood comedy.
It dared be dark and depressive.

And then we went and saw some dancers. Which was spectacularly uninteresting. Sunday is not the day for such thingsXP

And then we missed the last train home. So we walked to the metro, and took it some of the way, because they had troubles on the line. Then we stood and waited for the replacement. There was this drunk (and probably high as well) man there who had apparently been in a fight where he beat the c**p out of everyone. He was bugging the woman who was there to keep things safe.
But she took it in very good humour, we even made faces at each other when he was telling his story to this other man. Complete with waiving of every limbXP

I am gonna post this when I got home, 'cos my 24 hours of internet just ran out. So this will be posted about 8-9 this evening.=D

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lost in Translation

So we wandering today. We went to find CBS, the place where my exam will be held on Sunday, and then we just went wandering. We went to a mall and to lots of little electronics shops, and then we found a charming little Vietnamese place called Viet-nam-nam ^^,
And there they had a anniversary menu, and me being terribly allergic to peanuts we tried to ask if there were peanuts in any of the dishes. Emphasis on tried. Now, my language science teacher made a big point of some people thing all Scandinavian languages being essentially the same language, just different variants, this being because people speaking one language can easily understand the other. This is however only true for native speakers. The staff in the Vietnamese restaurants being immigrants, well our waiter in the least could not make heads or tails of NorwegianXP
She tried her very best thou^^, I had remembered seeing an apothecary just down the road, so we decided to take a chance. A little later a waiter that spoke English went on duty, so we asked him when he came to clear the dishes for the first course, and he said they had many people who were allergic to peanuts there to eat, so they didn't nearly use peanuts at all. Not even peanut oil for frying.
But they were very nice indeed. The little lady who only spoke Danish but tried her best anyway was so charming that we tipped very handsomely^^, We are thinking about maybe having lunch there tomorrow maybe.

Then as a second desert we went and got Ben and Jerry's ice cream from a Ben and Jerry's stand at the mall we were at earlier. Take that stupid Norway! They have Ben and Jerry's STANDS here. In Norway we get overpriced little boxes, and only about 5 flavours to choose from. Here I got three scoops from at least 25 to choose from for 36 DKK. That is 40 NOK, which is cheaper than three scoops of anything almost anywhere in Norway.
I want this in Oslo *making adorable puppydog eyes at whoever can make this happen*
Not so interested in Starbucks thou. They do not have tasty coffee. They have overpriced, weirdly sized (I mean come on, a long coffee is bigger than a grande coffee?!) coffee, where the only good thing is the weird stuff they put on top. And whipped cream on the mocca? Who drinks that? If I wanted whipped cream I'd have ordered hot chocolate. It's coffee for christ sake.

Aaaaaanywho. After that we went to Magasinet and looked at ugly overpriced designer clothing. No, I will not wear frilly, flowered, layered gauze worth 500DKK+ just because some self-righteous designer got out his/her overpriced crayons and designed it. It's still ugly even if it was drew by friggin' Karl Lagerfeld or Coco Chanel or what ever.

And then we went up Strøget, where everything was closed. And then we went to the Tivoli.
Which was full. But we went on the Flying Trunk ride, which is a narrated tour through H.C. Andersen's stories.
I love that ride. I went on it the first time I was at Tivoli in Copenhagen, when I was about ten. And it's just magical. It's super mechanic and the carts jolt around a lot and all the figures just stand about waving their arms, but every time I take it I am ten years old and the world is new and shiny, and there's all these wonderful stories that he wrote that I have not read yet, and that is waiting for me at the library back home.
Now of course I have all his stories in a nice big book with lots of purdy illustrations and it's in a box in the basement of my parents home, but I am gonna read them all one day.
I guess the reason I like the ride is because it kind of says to me: "Look, the world is still shiny and new if you wipe of the grime, and there will always be new stories you have not read yet."

Now I am gonna go to bed and read my Undead and Unwed book. And tomorrow we will go shopping, and maybe go see some dancers tomorrow nightXP
And then on Sunday I will have my exam^^, I think I will at least pass=D
Good night all my beautiful dahlings. Remember I love you^^,

Warning? May contain nuts

So it's about three hours since I had breakfast. I've been asleep for the last three hours. 'Cos that's what happens when I eat nuts.
What happened was, I was gonna have a danish for desert, and there were little shavings of what looked like almonds on it. Well, it can't have been almonds, 'cos I was less than halfway through it before my mouth started itching like crazy and I had to run to our room to stuff my face with antihistamins. And then I brushed and rinsed my entire mouth. And then I went down and had some more bread with cheese (both of which were delicious), and when boyfriend was finished eating we went up to our room, and I went to sleep.
Because that's what happens when I eat nuts. (Unless they are peanuts, then I choke to deathXP)
I think it was hazelnuts. I am not eating danish tomorrow.
Going out to go to museums now=D Byebye my dahlings

Thursday, December 3, 2009


So there's the JLPT test this Sunday, and the closest to Oslo it's held is in Copenhagen. So that is where I am today.
We arrived in Copenhagen 40 minutes early at 14:45, and got our luggage (which we had to walk through the entire airport to get toXP) and went down to the train station to catch a train. And people start asking us for help and directions straight away. We must look like we know our way around or something. It was actually a bit weird.
And then we found our hotel. And then we bought chicken and fries and bread and toppings which we put in the minibar so they wouldn't get ruined. We bought meat toppings and brie^^, And croissants and cookies^^, And then we ate chicken and fries in our room^^, Now I am taking my homework to bed and studying for my exam^^,