Saturday, May 23, 2009

One down, one to go

So I did my math exam yesterday. I don't think I did too brilliantly, but I think I passed, which is good enough for me. I hate exams. I'm really bad at them, but my school is great, and they give me all the halp they possibly can, so I think I did okey^^,

Then me and Auntie Mean went shopping today and she bought me Pokémon Platinum to celebrate, which was realeased in Norway yesterday^^, I'm so psyched. But I'll have to ration my playing. I have German exams in a week and a halfXP

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I have exams and stuff, so I won't really be able to write for a while. Really doubt there's many who read my ramblings, but I don't have time to rambleXP

I'll let you know how it goes. Take care my pretties^^, I'll be back in a months time^^,