Thursday, October 30, 2008

Winter wonder slush (rant)

Now, I really dislike winter. In my opinion winter can appear magically on December 1st, and stay cold, white and clean for a month, and then disappear equally magically on January 2nd. But winter does not like me, so it appears magically on a random day in September/October/November/December/January, making everything nice and white and christmassy. And then the very next day it collapses in on it self and becomes slush. Wet, cold, miserable, and in the evening very slippery and icy. In southern parts of Norway, where I currently reside, winter rarely stays either. It rears it ugly head for a few days or weeks, only to disappear again. Only to show up and disappear again. And again. A good way into December/January it stays thou, and stays and stays and stays. (Shorter and shorter each year thou. That's global warming for ya...XP)
And it's cold. And I hate being cold. I really, really hate being cold. I'd much rather be too warm than be any kind of cold. I don't particularly enjoy being too warm either, but it's much, much better be too warm than cold. Oh... Warm baths and sauna. I think I will go take a warm shower now.
rant end

Word of the day:
寒い - samui - cold (e.g. weather)

New glasses

So my dad bought me new glasses=D Beautiful pale pink creation. We went to pick them up, and they were just as uncomfortable to wear as new glasses always are, the edges of my vision being all funny. And usually this evens out in a out in a few hours, but after wearing them for two days I am still getting seasick. Yesterday I took them off and in the first 30 minutes the nausea that I had credited to my cold receded and I was able to eat. Fiancé says he thinks it's because of the strength difference in the glasses (about 0,75), and that that is screwing up my focus, and he might very well be right. It's in the middle part of my vision (as in, the part were my eyes overlap the most, about right over my nose) that is misbehaving the most. It's okey when I keep my head perfectly still, but when I move it things in the middle behave weirdly in a way I can't really explain...
So tomorrow I am taking my lovely pale pink glasses, that make me look all grown up and sophisticated, back for new lenses. And I have to live with out looking my best for another week, maybe two. But at least I won't want to throw up every time I turn my head.

Word of the day:
眼鏡 - megane/gankyou - spectacles, glasses (double reading this time, because as far as I can see this kanji has two readings that has the exact same meaning. I am guessing one is the feminine and one is masculine reading (as in, girls use one of them, and boys use the other...))

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Just as unamusing as all the cons in Norway I have been to use to be. It was as usual all about the cosplayers, and seeing as I don't really cosplay it was all that much to do. I bumped into a friend from Japanese class and we mostly sped around taking pictures of the cosplayers, most of which didn't seem to realize that dressing up in costumes make people want to snap pictures of you, and ended up either looking confused or bored or something else equally unbecoming. I got to take pictures of the Joker thou, which I thought was awesome, seeing as he isn't an anime character, or at all Japanese^^, He gave me his business card even, a playing card with a Joker face printed out and glued to it^^,
And what's with free hugs girls who gets confused when you wanna hug them? And why is there always so many catgirls (read: girl's with cats ears in their hair, and paws if the want to be elaborate) at these things. Next year I am so totally wearing this. If I can get a hold of the t-shirt that is.
For the first hour I was there it was hot and impossible to breath, but managed to fix the ventilation at some point, so it became breathable after that.
They had of course a Pokémon area, with tons of preteen boys battling it out with their Pokémon cards, but people with DSs were virtually nonexistent, which was a bit sad, since I would have loved to trade and battle.
They had a few cool stands, including a Swedish store called New Nippon which actually had a pretty awesome selection of Japanese music and magazines. Fiancé bought me inspi' NANA CDs for Christmas, one with Anna Tsuchiya inspi' NANA Black stones, and the other OLIVIA inspi' Reira Trapnest. I was adorable until he gave in and let me listen to the Anna Tsuchiya one. And it was full of all sorts of goodies^^,

All in all it was a bit boring, but perfectly fine. I wished there had been more stands or something selling drinks, because I quickly became dehydrated and in time developed a throbbing headache which resulted in me having to go home lie down in a very quiet, very dark room for a few hours while waiting for it to pass. It was however better than last year, and suspect the next one will be better than this one, and so on, until it becomes a great con. It is only the third one ever after all.

Word of the day:
年会 - nenkai - conference, annual convention

Monday, October 20, 2008

Everything you want

I was flipping through the channels and tripped over this movie about this girl and her imaginary boyfriend.
I don't normally like romantic American movies, I think they are sappy, but this one was just beautiful. It was cute and sad and happy. Not quite neonsugarprose, but almost.
I think I need to buy it on DVD and see it over and over=j

Word of the day:
ロマンチック - romanchikku - romantic

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Max Payne

So we (me and fiance) went to see Max Payne last night.
I thought it was great, even thou I saw very early who the bad guy was. Fiance thought the movie should have had more shooting scenes, but with the story the way it was I really don't see where they should have put it. As with 99% of movies based on books and movies I think this one was made mainly for the people who haven't played the game, and so I think I got more out of it than fiance who have played it.
I think Mila Kunis did a great job, but I think they did a bad job at explaining her character. I understood that she was an assassin, but the way she always traveled in pack with 3-4 black clad fierce looking men, should could might as well have been a mafia princess, and also, the behavior of her sister Natasha builds up under this theory.
I think Mark Wahlberg at times was a little stiff, but he made a plausible performance, taking into account what happened too his character.
One thing I liked was the colours of the movie, most of the movie had a bit of a film noir feeling, it was always snowing, or sometimes raining, and the colours were made to resemble black and white, with a few exceptions, like Natasha's scarlet silk dress. But the flashback scenes where golden, a bit like in Sweeney Todd, and I think it made a very lovely effect.
The ending was very anticlimactic, you had this building tension nearing the end and it all fizzled out into nothing. Which was very unrewarding.
I am very much looking forward to the sequel, which I and fiance, and the three other guys sitting behind us were the only ones to get a little teaser of=D

Word of the day:
アクションドラマ - akushondorama - action drama

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First delivery

So I got the first shipment of Tupperware today^^,
So much fun^^, All these nice new stuff that I get to give out to people^^,
I had of course ordered too much stuff, but fortunately my wonderful mom was willing to take them of my hands at a reduced price, so it all turned out fine^^,
My cousin was here to pic up her stuff a while ago, and it was so much fun to be able to give her all the wonderful Tupperware^^,
Have I mentioned I love my new job?^^,

Word of the day:'
楽しい - tanoshii - enjoyable, fun

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heavy Metal in Bagdad

You all need to see this movie. Even if you don't like heavy metal, because it is an important commentary on the war in Iraq.
This documentary follows the Iraqi heavy metal band Acrassicauda (black scorpion). They are the first ever Iraqi heavy metal band (or so they say), and they face a lot of things to be able to play in an environment that sees them as troublemakers of sorts. The documentary tells of a broken country and how nothing seems to help.
At one point they showed a clip from a concert from back when Saddam Hussein was still dictator and they had to sing this song praising him. And then they tell how for a year after he was gone it became a little better, but after about a year it all went downhill.
This one quote tore at my heart, at the end the band wanted to see some of the old footage, and it got kind of emotional, and one of the bandmembers said: "This is what the world turns it back upon, when they see this on TV they turn it off. We have to live this" (or something like that, don't remember it word for word unfortunately). I felt for them, and I wish I could make it better. The bombing and the war need to stop. And you all need to see this movie, even if you don't like heavy metal.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I bought a book I won't read

Sometimes there's books I just have to have, but that I know that I won't read. Like the book I bought yesterday, a three in one with Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I hate being scared. I have spent a great part of my life being scared of things that aren't real, and quite frankly I do not like it at all. But it looked nice, and even thou I hate being scared, I do want to read these books at some point. They are classics after all, and I have a thing for classics, mostly children's classics, but I have read and enjoyed Kafka's the Process, Death of a Salesman, and Catcher in the Rye. I have plans to read all that Shakespeare (or maybe Kevin Bacon depending on who you are talking with) have ever written. I have a big monster of a book containing all that Edgar Allen Poe ever wrote, but there comes the fear of being frightened again, but I have read the Raven multiple times, I used to know large parts of it by heart.
And all of the OZ books, I really want to read them all, and from what I have been told the later ones really wasn't children's books at all.
I think I will save my newly bought three in one scary classics for lazy summer days. I will not read it before I go to bed. At least I will try not to=j

Word of the day:
古典 - koten - old book, classics, classic

Hana and Alice

I am half way through Hana and Alice. They are showing it on nrk2, which is a state owned, commercial free channel here in Norway. I was kind of amazed, I was on my way to bed and just did a last flip through the channels, and there it was. I haven't seen all that much Shunji Iwai movies, but I lovelovelove Love Letter. And thus far I adore Hana and Alice. It's pretty, and sad, and happy. And genuinely neonsugarprose.
I wish for this on DVD for Christmas. I think I have developed a love affair with Shuji Iwai movies.

Word of the day:
はな - hana - flower (middle of the night, so no kanji tonight)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Proco Rosso

I went to see Porco Rosso today. I have been kind of reluctant to see it because all the people looked ugly on the cover, but fiancé convinced me today, and it was so sweet=D Most the people were ugly, but after a while it stopped annoying me. Yes, I am a little shallow when it comes to animated things, if I don't like the way it looks I most often don't like the movie either, but in Porco Rosso the backgrounds were the usual beautiful Studio Ghibli creation, so that made the ugly people bearable.
But the story was beautiful. Sad and pretty, but I there were questions things that weren't answered, but I guess I'll live.
I really recommend it, to all and anyone.

5 out of 6

Word of the day:
豚 - buta - pig

Friday, October 10, 2008


Ooooh... New feature=D Clicking the title of this blog entry takes you to the movie's imdb site.

Soooo... It's a movie festival going on^^, I have no money so, I have been ignoring it. As best as I can anyway. I know there are heaps of great movies that I would have loved to see, so best not to read about it at all.
But I did go and see Vexille today. There is something special about seeing a movie that you know nothing about. Well I knew that it was made by the same people that made Appleseed, which I saw a few years ago.
Anywho, Vexille (or ベクシル: 2007 日本鎖国, which translates to "Vexille: 2077 Japanese isolation), is an animation with plays a bit like a mathematician of computer programmers wet dream. The animation on the water was gorgeously animated, as opposed to the animation on the hair, which was just weird... When they do all the math on the water, and take all that time to make it look amazing they must have had someone on the team with a least a small knowledge of basic physics, but still they manage to have chunky hair that reacts to the slightest breeze, but not at all to gravity. In one scene Maria, who was the only character with long hair, which she wore in a ponytail, sits leaning forward, which in real life would make her ponytail drape down her neck. But not in Vexilleverse, no no, in Vexilleverse they the use so much hair gel that the ponytails stand horizontally behind their heads when they bow them. Jupp jupp jupp...XP
Getting sidetracked here. The story had something as rare as Japan against the world, with Japan being the bad guy. This is overly simplyfied ofcourse, seing as going deeper into it would give away the whole ending.
On the whole the story was interesting, but not really captivating. It was a clear social comment hidden it, but I can't really tell you about it without spoiling you. Bah! This is a bit frustrating, I can't really talk about anything but the visual, because I just feel like I am spoiling you all...=j
But the visuals, I can talk about that=D
All of the things that need math and reality simulating was amazing (except the hair of course). There were these monsters, called Jags, that were made of metal shrapnel, which kept twisting, and sometimes they crashed into each other making these gorgeous shrapnel fountains. They were amazingly done, and probably took a team of mathematician a years to calculate. The people left something to be desired thou. They were stiff and expressionless. This one scene at the end, they did the classic movie trick of showing the mouth of someone speaking in slow motion with music but no voice, but the whole point of that is kind of lost when it is impossible to read their lips. Some of the people, for no apparent reason, had a bend in their knees, the type you see on long time drug addicts. I think they prioritized badly with the budget, because I think readable facial expressions is more important than amazing water, or ultra realistic smoke. If the people all look like puppets being controlled by an extremely untalented puppeteer, even if the main characters moved moderately realistically, the ultra realistic water doesn't do much for me.

Overall I thought it was a good movie, and I would highly recommend it to computer programmers and demosceners. And to people who like science fiction, and to fans of the darker, slightly more realistic anime.

4 out of 6 from me.

Word of the day:
日本鎖国 - Nihon sakuko - Japanese isolation

Step one reached^^,

I got an extra order from one of the ladies who attended my Tupperparty, so I am now definitely over the step one mark (you know, the "key to success"-program I talked about in my last post). Which means I get Bake-to-Basic equipment. A measuring jug (you know, for measuring things when baking), and a baking bowl with sieve and two lids, one air tight and one with a whole in the middle for you mechanical mixing thingy (which probably have a name, but I just can't remember), so that you don't spill when mixing the food.
Have I mentioned I love Tupperware?=D=D

Word of the day:
商業目的 - shougyoumokuteki - business goal

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Demo overwith

So today I held my first Demo. First ever. And I sold in my Demobag. And possibly step one on "the key to success", which is a sale based step-program where I can earn stuff to put into my Demobag. I got ten weeks on this "key to success"-program, and the last step, step 4, lies at 18.000kr, roughly 2900$ or 1700£. Which is a lot of money, but when I got over 3800 today, on my first ever demo, without the handling fee, I do think it is very doable^^,
Anyone in the vicinity of Lillestrøm is interested in holding a Demo, I would be very happy to come demonstrate all my nifty stuff for you^^,
I think I am going to go drum me up some business on the various Norwegian sites I am on^^, I am going for the 4th step. Jupp I am^^,
I paid off my Demobag^^, Whooooohoooo!!!^^,

Word of the day:
目的 - mokuteki - purpose, goal, aim, objective, intention

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I went to see wanted with faincé tonight. I did not like it. Might have been something wrong with my expectations, seeing as I expected it to be a cool comic movie with at least a half decent plot.
I suspect I would have loved it had I expected a braindead, action movie whose plot I could care less about. Because that was what it was. The action scenes were amazing, well choreographed and entertaining. The plot was horrible. Apparently in the comic they were all supervillains, even the hero, in the movie they took their orders from a giant loom. The logic of this change eludes me.
I must admit that the lack of plotholes in such a halfassed plot impresses me, but even that can't get me to like this plot.
If you plan on seeing it, go see it for the killer gunmanship, do not expect anything but Angelina looking amazing while teaching James McAvoy how curve bullets, because that, plus exploding rats, where all that was interesting about the whole movie. It's an action movie. Think Transporter, with out all the pretty ladies (there was only one), or Shoot them up without all the carrots and gore.
I suspect that when I see it again while in an action frame of mind I will like it better, but tonight I don't. I just don't.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My first sale^^,

I made my first sale today^^, Tupperware ofcourse^^, I'm so proud. My good friend A decided she needed stuff, and so I sold her stuff.^^,
I bought manga to celebrate. Manga that I collect and that I could not afford the last ones of until she paid me^^, NANA 12 and Mamotte Shugogetten 2 to be exact^^,
NANA is my all time favorite manga, even if I hate it to pieces sometimes. Realistic manga are so stupid sometimes, because they act just as stupid as real people do. Maybe a tad stupider for the drama effect, but mostly realistic stupid. And because of that sometimes I hate them all. All the stupid manga people who go around doing the wrong people and saying the wrong things. But if they weren't stupid it would be boring ne? So maybe it's good that they are stupid.
Mamotte Shugogetten is a variation over the classic Oh! My goddess manga. Boy meets goddess/shugotten. Boy falls in love with goddess/shugogetten. All sorts of complications arises. Very predictable, but oh! so adorable^^, Shao is just too cute. Even Ruan is cute, in a really annoying, please-leave-the-heck-alone kind of wayXP

Word of the day:
売る - uru - to sell